Proposals Quotes
Quotes tagged as "proposals"
Showing 1-25 of 25

“An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. From this day you must be a stranger to one of your parents. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.”
― Pride and Prejudice
― Pride and Prejudice

“So," he called to her back, "Just out of curiosity, you know, purely conversation and all, at what age will you be entertaining offers of marriage?"
"You think it'll be so easy?" she called back over her shoulder. "No way. There will be tasks. Like in a fairy tale."
"Sounds dangerous."
"Very, so think twice."
"No need," he said. "You're worth it.”
― Days of Blood & Starlight
"You think it'll be so easy?" she called back over her shoulder. "No way. There will be tasks. Like in a fairy tale."
"Sounds dangerous."
"Very, so think twice."
"No need," he said. "You're worth it.”
― Days of Blood & Starlight

“Say you’ll marry me when I come back or, before God, I won’t go. I’ll stay around here and play a guitar under your window every night and sing at the top of my voice and compromise you, so you’ll have to marry me to save your reputation.”
― Gone with the Wind
― Gone with the Wind

“The only person that should wear your ring is the one person that would never…
1. Ask you to remain silent and look the other way while they hurt another.
2. Jeopardize your future by taking risks that could potentially ruin your finances or reputation.
3. Teach your children that hurting others is okay because God loves them more. God didn’t ask you to keep your family together at the expense of doing evil to others.
4. Uses religious guilt to control you, while they are doing unreligious things.
5. Doesn't believe their actions have long lasting repercussions that could affect other people negatively.
6. Reminds you of your faults, but justifies their own.
7. Uses the kids to manipulate you into believing you are nothing. As if to suggest, you couldn’t leave the relationship and establish a better Christian marriage with someone that doesn’t do these things. Thus, making you believe God hates all the divorced people and will abandon you by not bringing someone better to your life, after you decide to leave. As if!
8. They humiliate you online and in their inner circle. They let their friends, family and world know your transgressions.
9. They tell you no marriage is perfect and you are not trying, yet they are the one that has stirred up more drama through their insecurities.
10. They say they are sorry, but they don’t show proof through restoring what they have done.
11. They don’t make you a better person because you are miserable. They have only made you a victim or a bitter survivor because of their need for control over you.
12. Their version of success comes at the cost of stepping on others.
13. They make your marriage a public event, in order for you to prove your love online for them.
14. They lie, but their lies are often justified.
15. You constantly have to start over and over and over with them, as if a connection could be grown and love restored through a honeymoon phase, or constant parental supervision of one another’s down falls.
16. They tell you that they don’t care about anyone other than who they love. However, their actions don’t show they love you, rather their love has become bitter insecurity disguised in statements such as, “Look what I did for us. This is how much I care.”
17. They tell you who you can interact with and who you can’t.
18. They believe the outside world is to blame for their unhappiness.
19. They brought you to a point of improvement, but no longer have your respect.
20. They don't make you feel anything, but regret. You know in your heart you settled.”
1. Ask you to remain silent and look the other way while they hurt another.
2. Jeopardize your future by taking risks that could potentially ruin your finances or reputation.
3. Teach your children that hurting others is okay because God loves them more. God didn’t ask you to keep your family together at the expense of doing evil to others.
4. Uses religious guilt to control you, while they are doing unreligious things.
5. Doesn't believe their actions have long lasting repercussions that could affect other people negatively.
6. Reminds you of your faults, but justifies their own.
7. Uses the kids to manipulate you into believing you are nothing. As if to suggest, you couldn’t leave the relationship and establish a better Christian marriage with someone that doesn’t do these things. Thus, making you believe God hates all the divorced people and will abandon you by not bringing someone better to your life, after you decide to leave. As if!
8. They humiliate you online and in their inner circle. They let their friends, family and world know your transgressions.
9. They tell you no marriage is perfect and you are not trying, yet they are the one that has stirred up more drama through their insecurities.
10. They say they are sorry, but they don’t show proof through restoring what they have done.
11. They don’t make you a better person because you are miserable. They have only made you a victim or a bitter survivor because of their need for control over you.
12. Their version of success comes at the cost of stepping on others.
13. They make your marriage a public event, in order for you to prove your love online for them.
14. They lie, but their lies are often justified.
15. You constantly have to start over and over and over with them, as if a connection could be grown and love restored through a honeymoon phase, or constant parental supervision of one another’s down falls.
16. They tell you that they don’t care about anyone other than who they love. However, their actions don’t show they love you, rather their love has become bitter insecurity disguised in statements such as, “Look what I did for us. This is how much I care.”
17. They tell you who you can interact with and who you can’t.
18. They believe the outside world is to blame for their unhappiness.
19. They brought you to a point of improvement, but no longer have your respect.
20. They don't make you feel anything, but regret. You know in your heart you settled.”

“One conversation! One simple, honest, true conversation, and all your questions would be answered, all your problems solved! Really, man, is it that difficult? Then you'd be free to fall into each other's arms and live your Happily Ever After. Why make it so complicated?"
― Dragonwitch
― Dragonwitch

“Some people each left their spouse or lover because he or she was no longer the primary source of their happiness; some, because their spouse or lover was, at that time, the primary source of their unhappiness.”

“This is a—a proposal of marriage?” he asked me, and there was the very smallest trace of a smile at the corner of his mouth, something I had never seen before.
“I suppose so,” I said, blushing again. “And, as you see, I’m doing it properly, on my knees.”
“This would, however, be a partnership of equals you’re offering, I imagine?”
“Undoubtedly.” (448-49)”
― Son of the Shadows
“I suppose so,” I said, blushing again. “And, as you see, I’m doing it properly, on my knees.”
“This would, however, be a partnership of equals you’re offering, I imagine?”
“Undoubtedly.” (448-49)”
― Son of the Shadows

“When I say I want time to think, I want time to think!"
Jonathan sighed wearily. "All right, you've had time to think. What's your answer?"
"That I need more time to think!”
― The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Jonathan sighed wearily. "All right, you've had time to think. What's your answer?"
"That I need more time to think!”
― The Woman Who Rides Like a Man

“I lay it down as a general rule, Harriet, that if a woman doubts as to whether she should accept a man or not, she certainly ought to refuse him. If she can hesitate as to "'Yes,'" she ought to say "'No'" directly. It is not a state to be safely entered into with doubtful feelings, with half a heart.”
― Emma
― Emma

“Many marriages would have been laid to rest a long time ago, if they were not on a life-support machine called other people’s opinions and/or expectations.”

“How many men have asked you to marry them?'
'Not a lot. Most had too strong an instinct for self-preservation.”
― Moon Tiger
'Not a lot. Most had too strong an instinct for self-preservation.”
― Moon Tiger

“Do you remember when I first told you that we were different--that we were meant to be together?" Emma nodded. "Nothing has changed since then, except for how much more I love you now. I didn't think it was possible for me to love you more than I did then. It was so strong, so intense. But I was wrong. I love you more everyday that I spend with you. Everyday when I look at you--you are more beautiful than the day before.”
― Enticed
― Enticed

“I always thought 'love at first sight' was silly and incredibly irresponsible. Then, you came along and you flipped it on me. I understand it now. I do! ~Sheriff Derrick Decker”
― Lock Creek: In Their Own Time
― Lock Creek: In Their Own Time

“My dearest Miss Farthing, will you do me the unutterable honor of wearing this cheap bit of metal that will most likely turn your finger green, pretending to love and honor me as your husband for the purposes of subterfuge and stratagem?”
― Ticker
― Ticker
“We should be able to refuse enchanting proposals and opportunities, if they contradict God’s principles”

“One evening, we were sitting in his apartment, and he says, ‘Little friend, by now you know what I’m like. I am basically not a very convenient person.’ And then he went on to describe himself: not a talker, can be pretty harsh, can hurt your feelings, and so on. Not a good person to spend your life with. And he goes on. ‘Over the course of three and a half years you’ve probably made up your mind.’ I realized we were probably breaking up. So I said, ‘Well, yes, I’ve made up my mind.’ And he said, with doubt in his voice, ‘Really?’ That’s when I knew we were definitely breaking up. ‘In that case,’ he said, “I love you and I propose we get married on such and such a day.’ And that was completely unexpected.”
― The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin
― The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin

“She looked into the pleading brown eyes and she saw none of the beauty of a shy boy's first love, of the adoration of an ideal come true or the wild happiness and tenderness that were sweeping through him like a flame. Scarlett was used to men asking her to marry them, men much more attractive than Charles Hamilton, and men who had more finesse than to propose at a barbecue when she had more important matters on her mind. She only saw a boy of twenty, red as a beet and looking very silly. She wished that she could tell him how silly he looked. But automatically, the words Ellen had taught her to say in such emergencies rose to her lips and casting down her eyes, from force of habit, she murmured: "Mr. Hamilton, I am not unaware of the honor you have bestowed on me in wanting me to become your wife, but this is all so sudden that I do not know what to say."
That was a neat way of smoothing a man's vanity and yet keeping him n the string, and Charles rose to it as though such bait were new and he the first to swallow it.”
― Gone with the Wind
That was a neat way of smoothing a man's vanity and yet keeping him n the string, and Charles rose to it as though such bait were new and he the first to swallow it.”
― Gone with the Wind

“Sarebbe stato impossibile avere pensieri tristi in un ambiente così luminoso”
― We Are Not Ourselves
― We Are Not Ourselves
“It’s a sign of weakness to feel dejected at the rejection of proposal by clients, after all a sales proposal is often an unsolicited advice that failed to inspire the client’s thought process. Try a better reasoning next time.”

“It is mortifying to refuse a man and then discover that his main feeling is bewilderment”
― Emily Climbs
― Emily Climbs

“She cleared her throat, let go of the rail, and stood up straighter.
“Because I have come here today to ask you to marry me.”
His lips twitched.
“It is not funny,” she cried. It was, of course, but she did not wish to be laughed at. Particularly when he had not answered.
“You must admit, it is a little funny. To an outside party, we must be exceedingly comical.”
“Yes, well, it is the worry of an outside party that is the reason we are here in the first place,” she muttered, looking down at her feet.
A finger was placed gently under her chin, lifting her head up.
“Pray, continue.” His dark eyes were serious, his lips playful. It was an irresistible combination. “It is the first time I have been proposed to and I must admit I find the experience intriguing.”
Her eyes flashed. “I have already asked. It is now your turn to answer.”
His amused expression deepened.
“Oh, no. You have not asked. You merely announced your intention to ask. There is a large difference between stating the purpose of your visit and posing the question. Wouldn’t you say?”
― Mistakes Not to Make When Avoiding a Rake
“Because I have come here today to ask you to marry me.”
His lips twitched.
“It is not funny,” she cried. It was, of course, but she did not wish to be laughed at. Particularly when he had not answered.
“You must admit, it is a little funny. To an outside party, we must be exceedingly comical.”
“Yes, well, it is the worry of an outside party that is the reason we are here in the first place,” she muttered, looking down at her feet.
A finger was placed gently under her chin, lifting her head up.
“Pray, continue.” His dark eyes were serious, his lips playful. It was an irresistible combination. “It is the first time I have been proposed to and I must admit I find the experience intriguing.”
Her eyes flashed. “I have already asked. It is now your turn to answer.”
His amused expression deepened.
“Oh, no. You have not asked. You merely announced your intention to ask. There is a large difference between stating the purpose of your visit and posing the question. Wouldn’t you say?”
― Mistakes Not to Make When Avoiding a Rake

“I'm going home to bed,' he declared. 'We must wait till we get the photographs of the paper. Life is dust and ashes. I can't prove my theories and Bunter has deserted me again. He disappeared from Wilvercombe on the same day as William Bright, leaving me a message to say that one of my favourite socks had been lost in the wash and that he had lodged a complaint with the management. Miss Vane, Harriet, if I may so call you, will you marry me and look after my socks, and incidentally be the only woman novelist who ever accepted a proposal of marriage in the presence of a superintendent and inspector of police?'
'Not even for the sake of the headlines."
'I thought not. Even publicity isn't what it was.”
― Have His Carcase
'Not even for the sake of the headlines."
'I thought not. Even publicity isn't what it was.”
― Have His Carcase
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