Meekness Strength Quotes

Quotes tagged as "meekness-strength" Showing 1-5 of 5
Jenny Trout
“Let the meek have the kingdom of heaven. The strong shall rule on earth.”
Jennifer Armintrout, Ashes to Ashes

“Be calm; yet assertive.
Be meek; yet courageous.
Be gentle; yet bold.
Be kind; yet strong.”
Charles F Glassman

Paul Uponi
“Meekness is strength contained and controlled. It is carrying a sword and keeping it sheathed. It is having a feral ferocity capable of overwhelming anyone—yet having the self-control to refrain from using an iota more than necessary.”
Paul Uponi, Muscular Christianity: A Case for Spiritual and Physical Fitness

Paul Uponi
“We use meekness to harnesses the passion of anger unto the good of reason. Just as Jesus did.”
Paul Uponi, Muscular Christianity: A Case for Spiritual and Physical Fitness