Main Quotes

Quotes tagged as "main" Showing 1-21 of 21
Philip Roth
“Il s'avança un fauteuil, s'installa entre sa femme et sa mère et, tandis que Dawn parlait, il lui prit la main. Il y a cent façons de prendre la main de quelqu'un. Selon que c'est la main d'un enfant, la main d'un ami, la main d'un parent agé, la main de celui qui part, la main du mourant, la main du mort. Il tenait la main de Dawn comme on tient la main d'une femme adorée, toute sa ferveur passant dans son étreinte, comme si, par cette pression de sa paume, il arrivait à échanger leurs âmes, comme si ces doigts enlacés symbolisaient toute leur intimité. Il tenait la main de Dawn comme s'il ne savait rien de leur situation présente.”
Philip Roth, American Pastoral

Craig Groeschel
“In fact, if our kids are successful in every normal way, they can still miss God's main mark.”
Craig Groeschel, Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working

“Body is morning dew that shines to the rise of the hands. (Corps est rosée du matin - Qui brille au lever des mains.)”
Charles de Leusse

“The main purpose of our time is to establish God’s Kingdom on this earth.”
Sunday Adelaja

“The main problem of a person with victim mentality is that he is incapable of thinking over his life and consequently cannot reach his goals”
Sunday Adelaja

“The handle of the heart is the hand of another. (La poignée du cœur - Est la main de l'autre.)”
Charles de Leusse

“The hands that are spaced are docks, where desires can dock. (Les mains écartées sont des quais, - Où les désirs peuvent accoster.)”
Charles de Leusse

“To better to hold hands, lovers stand eyes. (Pour mieux se tenir la main, - Amoureux se tiennent les yeux.)”
Charles de Leusse

Deyth Banger
“Affect the main character or characters and you win the game.”
Deyth Banger

“The church’s main task is to fuel having a fulfilled destiny”
Sunday Adelaja

“The main condition for our success is undoubtedly for us to abide in God”
Sunday Adelaja

“The main strength of the subconscious mind is that it stores all of a person’s beliefs”
Sunday Adelaja

“Sub-consciousness is extremely selfish, it will do anything to keep you safe and main in a comfort zone”
Sunday Adelaja

“The main reason of fear of failure lies in people’s being unaware of the impact of misfortune on achieving success”
Sunday Adelaja

Deyth Banger
“You piece of shit... don't argue with me... with main argument of the whole thing "faith".”
Deyth Banger

Nitya Prakash
“जिसे ख़ुद को सुनाने से भी डरता रहा हूँ मैं, वो कहानी हो तुम ।”
Nitya Prakash

Steven Magee
“The electrical ring main that is widely used in the United Kingdom (UK) to wire electrical outlets is by definition a wiring error, as it permits unbalanced currents to flow in the electrical cables.”
Steven Magee

“a hand, a look and a nice pan. (coup de main, coup d'oeil et belle casserole.)”
Charles de Leusse, Les Contes de la nuit

“The solution to the overwhelmed is not despair, but simply to release some focus [of tasks] according to priority.”

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“At every moment, the poverty and richness of God and destiny are not the main reasons, hegemony and surroundings are the main reasons most of the times.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih