Jake Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jake" Showing 1-30 of 89
Stephen        King
“I don't like people. They fuck me up.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Ernest Hemingway
“Never fall in love?"
"Always," said the count. "I am always in love.”
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

Stephen        King
“the man in black travels with your soul in his pocket.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Samantha Towle
“I'm independent and strong, but sometimes...just sometimes, it's nice to be taken case of. It's nice to be made to feel like a lady”
Samantha Towle, The Mighty Storm

Stephen        King
“They had discovered one could grow as hungry for light as for food.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Stephen        King
“They were close to the end of the beginning . . .”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Liz Reinhardt
“Are you going to kiss me?" I blabbered stupidly.
"I'm working up the nerve," he said softly.”
Liz Reinhardt, Double Clutch

Stephen        King
“Once again there was the desert, and that only.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Samantha Towle
“You're it for me. I want to be with you forever. I want you to be mine.”
Samantha Towle, The Mighty Storm
tags: jake, tru

Liz Reinhardt
“Can I..." He stopped and his jaw flexed. "Can I kiss you?"
I didn't answer, and he didn't wait for me to. His hands caught me gently behind the neck and he pressed his mouth to mine, softly but firmly. Then he moved one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.”
Liz Reinhardt, Double Clutch

Stephen        King
“Take the dead from the dead, the old proverb said; only a corpse may speak true prophecy.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Liz Reinhardt
“I did not ask you out. But I would seriously think about not shooting you down if you asked me. Nicely." I had to keep my pride.
He took both of my hands in his. "Brenna Blixen will you be my girlfriend, please." He held up one of my hands and kissed my knuckles smoothly. "Pretty please. With sugar on top.”
Liz Reinhardt, Double Clutch

Stephen        King
“There was murder, there was rape, there were unspeakable practices, and all of them were for the good, the bloody good, the bloody myth, for the grail, for the Tower.”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Stephen        King
“You say true, I say thankya.”
Stephen King

Glen Duncan
“She understood the genre constraints, the decencies were supposed to be observing. The morally cosy vision allows the embrace of monstrosity only as a reaction to suffering or as an act of rage against the Almighty. Vampire interviewee Louis is in despair at his brother’s death when he accepts Lestat’s offer. Frankenstein’s creature is driven to violence by the violence done to him. Even Lucifer’s rebellion emerges from the agony of injured price. The message is clear: By all means become an abomination—but only while unhinged by grief or wrath.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf

Katherine Applegate
“Oh, it's just a trash can. Chill out." (Marco) BAM! BAM! BAM! "Okay, so it's four trash cans," (Marco) " BAM! BAM! BAM! "Do you hate trash cans? Is that your problem? Do you just HATE TRASH CANS?!!" (Jake)”
Katherine Applegate

Katherine Applegate
“Full emergency power to the engines. Ram the Blade ship.”
Katherine Alice Applegate, The Beginning

Liz Reinhardt
“You don't have to lie to me to be nice, Jake. You can just say, 'Wow, your nails look crappy.'" I did my best boy voice.
"Well, I will tell you that's a crappy imitation of my voice." He smiled so wide I could see his eyetooth from across the table. "But you've got to know you're totally hot, chipped nails and all." He burned beet red all the way to the roots of his hair. "Man, you get me to say some embarrassing stuff, Brenna." He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.
"Hey, don't blame me when you feel moved to make strange declarations.”
Liz Reinhardt, Double Clutch

Meg Cabot
“What the hell were you thinking?" Sleepy demanded. "Did Pamela Anderson die and leave an opening on the Baywatch rescue squad or something?”
Meg Cabot
tags: jake, suze

Glen Duncan
“Nicotine and alcohol embraced in my system like long-parted siblings, grateful to me for reuniting them.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Stephen        King
“The trap had a ghastly perfection”
Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Katherine Applegate
“I've fought for more than three years. I was just thirteen when I started. I'm sixteen now, though that fact, like so many facts, has been deliberately obscured in the secret accounts we've kept.
I'm a sixteen-year-old kid named Jake Berenson, and I am the leader of the Animorphs.”
Katherine Applegate, The Answer

Glen Duncan
“I rather wished I'd stabbed him somewhere less awkward.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Glen Duncan
“Don't kill me—you fucking cunt.
Hot tip. If you're trying to get someone to not kill you, avoid calling him a fucking cunt.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Glen Duncan
“Plus there was the standard French insult of ignoring your French and answering in English.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Glen Duncan
“For the love of Mary, I get it, she's got a nifty twat. Tell me what I need to know and you can go up there and try'n get back into it.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

“He was lying in bed with the woman he loved . . . a woman he couldn't make love to. He closed his eyes. More than any­thing in this world, he wanted this woman to be happy. He'd give her anything, do anything to make her happy. Even if it made his own life hell.”
Lorraine Heath, Sweet Lullaby

Glen Duncan
“Speaking was temporarily beyond him, what with the testicular trauma and ass-stabbing.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Glen Duncan
“You're fond, I imagine of your right eye? I mean, you've gone to the trouble of putting make up on it.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

Glen Duncan
“He didn't protest much. Evidently he had a penchant for surrender.”
Glen Duncan, The Last Werewolf
tags: jake

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