Dick Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dick" Showing 1-30 of 76
Gillian Flynn
“I'd developed an inability to demonstrate much negative emotion at all. It was another thing that made me seem like a dick - my stomach could be all oiled eels, and you would get nothing from my face and less from my words. It was a constant problem: too much control or no control at all.”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

George Carlin
“I think these pipe-smokers oughta just move to the next level and go ahead and suck a dick. There's nothing wrong with suckin' dicks. Men do it, women do it; can't be all bad if everybody's doin' it. I say, Drop the pipe, and go to the dick! That's my advice. I'm here to help.”
George Carlin, Brain Droppings

Molly Harper
“I was just turned last week. I'm a librarian."
He stilled, as if I'd just told him I was the inventor of the tube top. "I watched a movie about a librarian once. Well, she was a librarian by day, a call girl by--"
I stopped him with a quick lift of an eyebrow. "If you finish that sentence, we cannot be friends.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“If looks could kill...well, Dick was already dead, so nothing would happen. But Gabriel was not laughing.
"See Dick," Dick said, pointing at his chest. He then swept his hand dangerously close to mind. "Jane. Dick and Jane. Come on, you humorless jackass. That's funny.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“She tried to hurt Fitz!" He turned to Gabriel and Dick. "That'll get her mad. "
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "She's been framed for murder twice over, shot in the back, her arms were set on fire, and her parents are being held hostage. You think tampered dog water is what's going to make her angry?"

"You tried to hurt my dog!" I wheezed as I lurched toward a grinning Missy.

"Oh, big deal, " Missy huffed. "It's the ugliest dog I've ever seen. "

"You tried to hurt my dog, " I said again.

"I would have been doing you a favor. " Missy sneered.

"Nobody. Screws. With. My. Dog. " I growled, punctuating each word with a punch to Missy's face. I gave an upper cut to the chin that sent her flying back into a pile on the ground.

Zeb grinned at Dick and Gabriel. "Told you. ”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“And soon we were just rolling around on the ground, cursing and screeching and ripping out handfuls of hair.
Without super hearing, I wouldn't have heard Zeb whisper, "This is the coolest thing I have ever seen."
"Maybe they'll get muddy," Dick said. "Please, Lord, let them get muddy.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“Dick called, but he just left dirty voice-mail messages. Let's just say if I'm ever in the market for a massage involving canola oil and marabou feathers, I'm covered.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“Why not? If you're not going to let me see you naked, we might as well be girlfriends."
"You're a twisted little man."
"Come on, Stretch, share with the class."
"No!" I laughed.
"Some other word that essentially means perv.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“Get the point?" I asked, offering the boys a triumphant smile.
Gabriel, Zeb, and Dick stared at me, aghast.
"What? Sarcastic postkill comeback. Isn't that what you're supposed to do in situations like this?
Too harsh?”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“Jane Jameson."
He grinned. "Like the porn star."
I gaped at him. "What? No, Jane Jameson."
"Oh, not as fun," he said, making disappointed clucking noises.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“Would you kick her ass already?" Dick said, shoving me back toward Missy. "Come on, Stretch, man up. You do better than this! Get mad."
I nodded, rolling a dislocated shoulder back into place with a grunt and staggering back toward my opponent.
Behind me, Zeb yelled, "She tried to hurt Fitz!" He turned to Gabriel and Dick. "That'll get her mad."
Gabriel rolled his eyes. "She's been framed for murder twice over, shot in the back, her arms were set on fire, and her parents are being held hostage. You think tampered dog water is what's going to make her angry?"
"You tried to hurt my dog!" I wheezed as I lurched toward a grinning Missy.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Molly Harper
“What was that?" Rich combined the pain of a crooked arm with the indignity of a flicked ear. I could only hope the situation didn't escalate to the dreaded purple nurple.”
Molly Harper, Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Robert Kirkman
“Your mouth says "No," but your eyes say, "Fuck me until your dick breaks off inside me and fuses into some kind of barbie doll crotch.”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 26: Call to Arms

Rebecca Yarros
“Don't be a dick,' I whisper.

'You haven't even seen me start to be a dick.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“Diesel better have a big dick, that's all she was saying.”
Erin McCarthy, Slow Ride
tags: big, dick, man

Laurence Galian
“Do not cling to the shore, but set sail for exotic lands and places no longer found on maps. Walk on hallowed grounds. Blaze new trails. The term synchronicity was coined in the 1950s by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, to describe uncanny coincidences that seem to be meaningful. The Greek roots are syn-, "together," and khronos, "time." Synchronicity is the effector of Gnosis. Explore the Bogomils and the Cathars not just through books but, if at all possible, by visiting their lands, cemeteries and descendants. Finally, explore the most contemporary manifestations of Gnosticism: the writings of C.G. Jung, Jorge Luis Borges, Aleister Crowley, René Guénon, Hermann Hesse, Philip K. Dick, and Albert Camus. Gradually, you will begin to understand the various thought currents and systems existing in Gnosticism, and you will have begun to understand what does and does not appeal to you in Gnostic thought.”
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion!

Robert Kirkman
“You sick fuck. Tear my pants off, prick. See what I got. I'll knock your fucking teeth out with my swinging dick! Last chance... you force yourself into that woman... and I'll force this knife into your dick hole!”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 26: Call to Arms

Philip K. Dick
“Era come se avessi tremato per tutta la vita, a causa di una cronica corrente sotterranea di paura. Tremare, scappare, finire nei guai, perdere le persone che amavo. Come un personaggio dei cartoni animati invece di una persona, mi resi conto. Un cartone animato degli anni Trenta, ammuffito. Dietro a tutto quello che avevo fatto c'era sempre stata la paura di spingermi.”
Philip K. Dick, VALIS

M.F. Moonzajer
“A dick does not make you a man; so stop showing it around.”
M.F. Moonzajer

“Dieser Rock hat einen Dehnbund, das heißt, die Nudeln haben Platz!”
Ralf Kühler

Melanie Harlow
“My dick might have been a little sad and lonely, but my heart was doing just fine.”
Melanie Harlow, Insatiable
tags: dick, heart, sad

Mark B. Borg Jr.
“The best way to avoid dicks: Don't be one.”
Mark B. Borg Jr., Don't Be A Dick: Change Yourself, Change Your World

Rebecca Yarros
“Just because he's a dick, doesn't mean you have to be.'

'But he's giving me so much material to work with.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Abbi Waxman
“Goodness," said my mother. "This is a tight fit. If you girls end up keeping these men longer than usual, we'll need to get a bigger table."
I let it go, but Rachel has more energy than me. "Are all relationships just opportunities for home furnishings, Mom?"
Mom shrugged. "Mostly, Rachel. Yours don't usually last long enough for furniture, though, do they?" She smiled at Richard, as if that made up for what she'd just said. "Maybe you're a keeper, though, Dick."
"Or maybe I'm just a dick," he shot back, "but hopefully I'm a keeper.”
Abbi Waxman, The Garden of Small Beginnings

Steven Magee
“Little Dick’ or ‘Big Dick’ depends on how tall Richard is.”
Steven Magee

Caroline Peckham
“What were you doing? This lot said you were over there," he growled, pointing to the section of the library he'd just searched.

Rosa batted her lashes. "I went to see how Plunger was getting on. He's slowing down our work by trying to use his dick as a paintbrush."

Plunger shrugged like that wasn't unusual behaviour. "It is the way of my crea-tiv-it-ai."

“It’s creativit- tee ,”
Caroline Peckham, Alpha Wolf

Rory Miles
“Well, what's she hooked on?"

"I'm not hooked on drugs, Erma."

"Dick," Anakin says, surprising both of us. Erma cackles like that's the funniest thing she's heard all year, and I glare at my jinni. He raises his eyebrows and says, "What? It's true.”
Rory Miles, Tainted Power - The Complete Series

Noelle  Adams
“Thou still unravish’d shaft of breathtaking length and girth.”
Noelle Adams, Part-Time Husband

Jane Washington
“You’re a dick,” Isobel huffed.

“I’m the dick who carries you to bed every night.”

“You’re all right, as far as dicks go.”

“High praise.”

“You’re welcome.”
Jane Washington, Relever

L.J. Shen
“Fuck, Dad, I promise if I liked dick, you’d be the first to hear all about it. In unnecessary detail, just to make it awkward for both of us.”
L.J. Shen, Angry God

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