Brand Image Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brand-image" Showing 1-3 of 3
Pooja Agnihotri
“When you promise but don’t deliver, you start competing against yourself, against the image that you have built of your brand for your customers.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Germany Kent
“5 Ways To Build Your Brand on Social Media:

1 Post content that add value
2 Spread positivity
3 Create steady stream of info
4 Make an impact
5 Be yourself”
Germany Kent
tags: add-value, authors, be-social, bloggers, blogging, brand-image, building, change, change-agent, communication, content, content-curators, content-is-key, creative, digital, digital-age, digital-footprint, digital-marketing, digital-strategy, digital-transformation, digital-trends, dreams, focus, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, global-impact, higher-ed, higher-education, impact, increase-engagement, influencers, innovation, inspiration, internet, internet-marketing, lead-generation, logistics, marketing, marketing-strategy, marketing-tips, media, motivational-speakers, network-marketers, networking, online, online-branding, online-promotion, online-visibility, passion, personal-branding, positivity, power-of-twitter, progress, resource, resourceful, self-help-authors, seo, smart, social, social-behavior, social-change, social-content, social-correct, social-impact, social-media, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-experts, social-media-for-authors, social-media-influencers, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-networking, social-selling, storytellers, strategy, success, success-tips, successful, tech-for-good, think-before-you-post, thought-leaders, thought-provoking, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, twitter-tips, vision, what-you-tweet, will, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“You must constantly persist to imprint your brand image on the mind of your audience”
Bernard Kelvin Clive