Sarah Alderson

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Sarah Alderson

Goodreads Author

London, The United Kingdom



Member Since
March 2011


Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and princess-obsessed daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home. After several months in India, Singapore, Australia and the US, they settled in Bali where they lived for five years.

She finished her first novel, Hunting Lila (winner of the Kingston Book Award), just before they left the UK, wrote the sequel on the beach in India and had signed a two book deal with Simon & Schuster by the time they had reached Bali.

A third book, Fated, about a teenage demon slayer, was published in January 2012.

The Sound, a thriller romance set in Nantucket, was published in August 2013 and this was

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Sarah Alderson Thanks! I'm hoping there will be a third book - but at the moment it's on pause. If the movie gets made I will write a third book for sure!…moreThanks! I'm hoping there will be a third book - but at the moment it's on pause. If the movie gets made I will write a third book for sure!(less)
Sarah Alderson Thanks! Try Out of Control next. The Sound is currently at script stage with Channel 4 which is very exciting. We will know by the end of the year if …moreThanks! Try Out of Control next. The Sound is currently at script stage with Channel 4 which is very exciting. We will know by the end of the year if it's going to be a TV show. I'm the co-creator and writer on that so fingers crossed.
Hunting Lila is casting at the moment and we are about to issue a press release detailing the cast and director. :) Hopefully it will begin shooting before Christmas.(less)
Average rating: 3.98 · 82,644 ratings · 8,074 reviews · 27 distinct worksSimilar authors
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Out of Control

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Fated (Fated, #1)

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Signings and Q&A in London and Birmingham coming up!

Very excited to be doing two signings, talks and Q&As, the first on July 11th at Waterstones in Birmingham (see their website to book a ticket) and the second in London on August 6th to celebrate the launch of my non-fiction book CAN WE LIVE HERE?

Here are the details on the London signing.

London Stanfords invites you to an evening with Sarah Alderson talking about her book 'Can We Live Here?' at o Read more of this blog post »
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Published on June 25, 2015 06:07 Tags: q-a, signing
Hunting Lila Losing Lila
(2 books)
3.96 avg rating — 25,132 ratings

Fated Severed Shadowed
(3 books)
3.76 avg rating — 3,182 ratings

Sarah’s Recent Updates

Quotes by Sarah Alderson  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“He who fears to suffer,
Suffers from fear..”
Sarah Alderson, Hunting Lila

“I felt his other hand sear hot against my cheek. He bent his head, and in a voice that Jack couldn’t hear, said, “When you came down the stairs, and fell into me, that was the moment.” Then his lips pressed against mine.”
Sarah Alderson, Hunting Lila

“When I said I had no choice about helping you, I meant it. There was no other option because you are the only option. I don't trust anything at the moment. But the one thing I am sure of, the one thing I do trust..." he paused for a fraction of a second, "is the way I feel about you.”
Sarah Alderson, Hunting Lila


What regular YA book would you like to read for October's group read?

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Topics Mentioning This Author

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“You and me are real people, operating in a real world. We are not figments of each other’s imagination. I am the architect of my own self, my own character and destiny. It is no use whingeing about what I might have been, I am the things I have done and nothing more. We are all free, completely free. We can each do any damn thing we want. Which is more than most of us dare to imagine.”
Jean-Paul Sartre

“In societies where men are truly confident of their own worth, women are not merely tolerated but valued."

(From a speech read on video on August 31, 1995 before the NGO Forum on Women, Beijing, China)”
Aung San Suu Kyi

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

“There they are. Lieutenant Jack Loveday and Lieutenant Alex Wakeman. I’ve only seen their photos so far and the pictures that are in Demos’s head, but the truth is Demos did not do them justice. In fact, Demos’s head needs a tune up or a reboot or an entirely new operating system altogether.”
Sarah Alderson, Catching Suki

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Comments (showing 29-78)    post a comment »

message 78: by Donna

Donna Sweeney Hi Sarah, just seen your recommend for "Come back to me" and your offer for a copy. I bought that beauty and as always LOVED it !!. I have just put book 2 on my TBR list. Sorry it has taken forever to respond, been alot of heartache going on. Anyway, hope you and yours are well. Take care and keep popin' these amazing books out !! LOL Donna in the UK

message 77: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Out of Control is out in a month! Early copies have just gone out for review for that and for my new adult book Come Back To Me. It feels like kicking baby birds out of the nest praying they have the wings to fly. *deep breath.*

message 76: by Sarah (last edited Mar 12, 2014 10:54PM)

Sarah Alderson Out of ControlOrganizing PR / blog tours for OUT OF CONTROL (out in May). If you have a blog and would like to do a feature or interview then DM me.
.If thirty bloggers feature OUT OF CONTROL on their blogs between now and MAY I will write an exclusive Lila/Alex scene (XXX) & give it to them for FREE. :)

message 75: by M

M Hello Sarah,
Thank you very much for accepting my friend request, I recently read Hunting Lila and absolutely LOVED IT! I can't wait to start reading Losing Lila.
Happy reading :0)

message 74: by L

L Dear Sarah,
Thank you so much for acepting the friendship request here on Goodreads. I am an avid reader and huge fan of your work, and continue to enjoy reading new titles.
Kind regards
Lucinda x

message 73: by Humaira

Humaira Hi Sarah. Thanks for accepting my friend invite :) Love your Lila and Fated series. I just got Severed and am planning on reading it soon :D

message 72: by Ankita

Ankita Hi Sarah! I just finished with Losing Lila. It was even better then Hunting Lila. Please do write third book. I want to know more about Jack and Amber. Are they going to end up together.. I want to know, so please do write another one so that I can see into Jack and amber more.
And please do Include a teaser From Jack's POV in That one.
Thank you so much for accepting my friend request.
Looking forward to more of your work.

message 71: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson No! It was just a teaser...sorry. I'm soooo busy. I would love to but I'd need 50 hours in a day to write that book too.

message 70: by Jillian

Jillian Hi Sarah! I just finished Losing Lila and at the end there were a few chapters in Alex's view from Hunting Lila, and I was wondering if you are re-writing it in his view or was it just an amazing teaser? Thank you! :)

message 69: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Marie wrote: "Hi. I just wanted to know if there will be a third book in the Lila serie of if Losing Lila is the bast book? Thanks!"

I'm not sure yet...x

message 68: by Marie

Marie Hi. I just wanted to know if there will be a third book in the Lila serie of if Losing Lila is the bast book? Thanks!

message 67: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Katie wrote: "Hey Sarah, I'd like to know if Catching Suki will be published on kindle as I've seen that you can only get it on ebook, thankyou! :) I'm also reading Fated at the moment which I really love and I'..."

Hi Katie
I think it will be after May but for the moment what you can do is get it sent to you as a pdf to your kindle email address...then you can read it on your kindle. So glad you're liking Fated!

message 66: by Katie (last edited Mar 02, 2012 08:32AM)

Katie Hey Sarah, I'd like to know if Catching Suki will be published on kindle as I've seen that you can only get it on ebook, thankyou! :) I'm also reading Fated at the moment which I really love and I'm only 33 pages in! Looks like it's going to be another great book by you! :D

message 65: by Jasprit

Jasprit Hey Sarah thanks so much for accepting. I finished Fated last night and absolutely loved it. Next onto Hunting Lila :)

message 64: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Thanks Ellen! So happy you like them both. Am really excited for Losing Lila's release in August.
I'm keeping on writing...just starting something new today in fact!

message 63: by Ellen

Ellen Hi Sarah, I love Hunting Lila and can not wait till Losing Lila I also love Fated.
I hope you keep writing so I can Keep reading your books :)

message 62: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson I think it might have hit the shelves already...I've written two sequels so far...:) no release dates yet though

message 61: by Raihana

Raihana Hi sarah,

I'm counting down the days to Fated :D I can't wait!!! Is fated really going to have a sequel to it? :)

message 60: by Brooke (last edited Oct 18, 2011 04:37PM)

Brooke Sarah wrote: "...but I've a short story from Suki's point of view coming out in December as an e-book! Alex will be in it ;)"

Aaaaaand... sold! ;o)

message 59: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson It was wonderful Brooke - I loved it. And yes next August feels like a ridiculously long time away...but I've a short story from Suki's point of view coming out in December as an e-book! Alex will be in it ;)

message 58: by Brooke (last edited Oct 16, 2011 05:23PM)

Brooke Thank you so very much for liking my review, Sarah! It was rather short, incoherent and fangirl-ish(Alex will do that to a girl ;o) hehe), I'm normally much better spoken. I cannot wait for Losing Lila, and I loved the extract of Fated! I cannot wait! August next year seems so far away *cue dramatic sigh*.

Brooke x

message 57: by Kenzie

Kenzie Thanks.
That's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long to wait though!!

message 56: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Hi Mackenzie
Losing Lila's out August 2012 in UK and Australia.

message 55: by Kenzie

Kenzie I absolutely can't wait for Losing Lila to come out. Is there an approximate date for it's release? I'm about to read Hunting Lila again! :)

message 54: by Katie (last edited Oct 08, 2011 01:38PM)

Katie It's no problem, I've been wanting it for ages and I'm so glad that I got my hands on it!
I read the character interview with Lila and Alex that you sent me, and I was actually laughing at some parts. Them two have me laughing and they are so cute together! That character interview has made me want Losing Lila even more!
I'll also be looking out for the view point of Suki, really looking forward to it! :)
Thankyou for the link and telling me about the short story from Suki's POV! :D

message 53: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson THANK YOU! So glad you liked it. I know it is SO far away but I'm almost finished writing a short story from Suki's POV which will be out as an ebook in December (all profits going to charity).
And here - this might give you something to enjoy in the meantime...http://eleusinianmysteriesofreading.b...

message 52: by Katie

Katie Hi Sarah, thankyou so much for accepting my friend request! I finished Hunting Lila earlier and I absolutely loved it. August 2012 is just too far away!

message 51: by Raihana

Raihana Hey! Just wanted to let you know how much I loved Hunting lila! it was just so A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!! I can't wait for the next book! :) will 'losing lila' be the last book in this series?:(
Thanks for writing an awesome book! Its rare to find books that keep you wanting more and more :))

message 50: by Mary

Mary Hi,
Thanks for the friend invite! I loved Hunting Lila, and look forward to reading more books from you in the future!
x x

message 49: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Sharon wrote: "Hi Sarah!

I am so relieved I finally got hold of 'Hunting Lila', I started it last night and literally devoured it in one sitting - a wonderful read, thank-you :)

PS. Can't wait for Losing Lila &..."

oh thank you!

message 48: by Sharon

Sharon Hi Sarah!

I am so relieved I finally got hold of 'Hunting Lila', I started it last night and literally devoured it in one sitting - a wonderful read, thank-you :)

PS. Can't wait for Losing Lila & Fated..

message 47: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson ahahahaha Trinity! Alex made book boyfriend of the week on Irresistible Reads blog. Was very happy!

message 46: by Roxanne

Roxanne Thanks for the friendship add Sarah, fantastic book!!!

Very excited about reading any more books written by you :)

You have a wonderful gift.

message 45: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Nandina wrote: "Hi Sarah,
Thanks for noticing my interest in Hunting Lila and adding me. Your book sound fantastic.. I'm looking forward to read it soon..
Greetings and happy writings!

PS: My mother live in ..."

Thank you! She lives in Bali? How cool. Yeah, we just got back to Ubud yesterday - so nice to be home!

Nandina K. Sastraprawira Hi Sarah,
Thanks for noticing my interest in Hunting Lila and adding me. Your book sound fantastic.. I'm looking forward to read it soon..
Greetings and happy writings!

PS: My mother live in Bali, too (in Jembrana - Negara Province actually). I've been to ubud twice, and i love the scenery there :)

message 43: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Tracey wrote: "Congratulations on selling the film rights. Looking forward to the movie."

thanks! it still has a long way to go before it makes it to the screen...but first step!

message 42: by Tracey

Tracey Congratulations on selling the film rights. Looking forward to the movie.

message 41: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Francesca wrote: "Hi Sarah, thanks for the ad! I've just read Hunting Lila, it's awesome, I love Lila and Alex, I can't wait for the sequel and for Fated! You're so lucky to live in sunny Bali! Cheers from Paris, Fr..."

Well Paris isn't bad either! I love Paris - many great memories. So glad you liked Lila!

Francesca Hi Sarah, thanks for the ad! I've just read Hunting Lila, it's awesome, I love Lila and Alex, I can't wait for the sequel and for Fated! You're so lucky to live in sunny Bali! Cheers from Paris, France!

message 39: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Rachel wrote: "Hi Sarah,

Thanks so much for your friend request! I actually just received Hunting Lila in the mail today from Simon & Schuster =) I admit that I hadn't heard that much about it up until that p..."

Oh cool! Am so glad they sent you it. Hope you enjoy!

Rachel (The Rest Is Still Unwritten) Hi Sarah,

Thanks so much for your friend request! I actually just received Hunting Lila in the mail today from Simon & Schuster =) I admit that I hadn't heard that much about it up until that point, but it sounds fabulous and I've already added Fated which I'm eager to read when it comes out too. I can't wait to read Hunting Lila.

Thanks again and all the best!

message 37: by Sharon

Sharon Thank-you so much for letting me know Sarah, I really appreciate it & can't wait for the release.

Have a great weekend x

message 36: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Sharon wrote: "Hi Sarah,

I have been really excited for the release of Hunting Lila :) I have my fingers (and toes) crossed it will be released in Australia as well..

x Sharon"

Hi Sharon
It's being released in Australia in September I hear!

Chelle (crazytrinket) Wow! Thanks for the friend request! I am so excited to read ''Hunting Lila''. Oh well I just need to wait just a few days more and i'll have my own copy! Yay!

message 34: by Sharon

Sharon Hi Sarah,

I have been really excited for the release of Hunting Lila :) I have my fingers (and toes) crossed it will be released in Australia as well..

x Sharon

message 33: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson E wrote: "Thanks so much for the friend request! However, I'm not reading Hunting Lila :[ I meant to add it to my to-read shelf when my internet browser conked out on me. I'm really looking forward to readin..."

hilarious! I've done that before.

message 32: by Eshita

Eshita Thanks so much for the friend request! However, I'm not reading Hunting Lila :[ I meant to add it to my to-read shelf when my internet browser conked out on me. I'm really looking forward to reading it though!

message 31: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Diane ϟ [ Lestrange ] wrote: "thanks for the add Sarah. :) I saw that your book is on giveaway and just reading the description made me want to read it. and the cover is great by the away.
really looking forward to read your bo..."

You're welcome Diane! Glad you like the cover and description!

Diane ϟ [ Lestrange ] thanks for the add Sarah. :) I saw that your book is on giveaway and just reading the description made me want to read it. and the cover is great by the away.
really looking forward to read your book/s. :)

message 29: by Sarah

Sarah Alderson Crystal wrote: "Thank you so much for the friend request! I am really looking forward to reading Hunting Lila!"

Well I really hope you enjoy it!

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