Kevin Hearne

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Kevin Hearne

Goodreads Author

The United States



Member Since
January 2010

Kevin is the NYT bestselling author of the Iron Druid Chronicles, as well as The Seven Kennings, an epic fantasy trilogy, and the Tales of Pell, a humorous fantasy series co-authored with Delilah S. Dawson. INK & SIGIL, a new urban fantasy series set in the Iron Druid universe, will be out in 2020.

Touring and Cheese

There is a CHEESE CASTLE IN WISCONSIN and I am going there! But let’s back up a bit—

I’m on tour this week for the release of CANDLE & CROW, the triumphant finish to both the Iron Druid and Ink & Sigil series. All the Druids show up for their final farewells and we also resolve matters for Al, Buck, Nadia, and Roxanne, plus we find out exactly what shite Gladys Who Has Seen Some Shite came to see.

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Published on September 29, 2024 15:41
Average rating: 4.16 · 566,336 ratings · 36,875 reviews · 92 distinct worksSimilar authors
Hounded (The Iron Druid Chr...

4.10 avg rating — 90,510 ratings — published 2011 — 4 editions
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Hexed (The Iron Druid Chron...

4.22 avg rating — 64,289 ratings — published 2011 — 48 editions
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Hammered (The Iron Druid Ch...

4.21 avg rating — 55,237 ratings — published 2011 — 49 editions
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Tricked (The Iron Druid Chr...

4.25 avg rating — 49,922 ratings — published 2012 — 4 editions
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Trapped (The Iron Druid Chr...

4.27 avg rating — 45,464 ratings — published 2012 — 29 editions
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Hunted (The Iron Druid Chro...

4.29 avg rating — 39,022 ratings — published 2013 — 2 editions
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Shattered (The Iron Druid C...

4.28 avg rating — 31,821 ratings — published 2014 — 27 editions
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Staked (The Iron Druid Chro...

4.25 avg rating — 23,736 ratings — published 2016 — 20 editions
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Two Ravens and One Crow (Th...

4.20 avg rating — 18,354 ratings — published 2012 — 2 editions
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Scourged (The Iron Druid Ch...

4.01 avg rating — 15,433 ratings — published 2018 — 19 editions
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More books by Kevin Hearne…
Hounded Hexed Hammered Tricked Trapped Hunted Shattered
(9 books)
4.20 avg rating — 500,556 ratings

Ink & Sigil Paper & Blood Candle & Crow
(3 books)
4.19 avg rating — 17,579 ratings

The Purloined Poodle The Squirrel on the Train Death & Honey Canines & Cocktails
(4 books)
4.30 avg rating — 10,811 ratings

A Plague of Giants A Blight of Blackwings A Curse of Krakens
(3 books)
4.20 avg rating — 9,873 ratings

Kevin’s Recent Updates

Kevin Hearne wrote a new blog post

Touring and Cheese

There is a CHEESE CASTLE IN WISCONSIN and I am going there! But let’s back up a bit—I’m on tour this week for the release of CANDLE & CROW, the triump Read more of this blog post »
More of Kevin's books…
Quotes by Kevin Hearne  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“Monty Python is like catnip for nerds. Once you get them started quoting it, they are constitutionally incapable of feeling depressed.”
Kevin Hearne, Hounded

“Now go and stake some vamps. Especially the sparkly emo ones.”
Kevin Hearne, Hammered

“Yer a good lad, Atticus, mowin’ me lawn and killin’ what Brits come around.”
Kevin Hearne, Hounded


Which July New Release would you like to read in August?

Books were randomly chosen from Goodreads' "Most Popular Books Published In July" list.

** Write-ins are allowed. If you do so, please include title, author and series name.

Wildfire (Hidden Legacy, #3) by Ilona Andrews
Wildfire by Ilona Andrews
(Hidden Legacy, #3)
  7 votes, 58.3%

Grave Ransom (Alex Craft, #5) by Kalayna Price
Grave Ransom by Kalayna Price
(Alex Craft, #5)
  1 vote, 8.3%

Vanguard (Razorland, #4) by Ann Aguirre
Vanguard by Ann Aguirre
(Razorland, #4)
  1 vote, 8.3%

The Accidental Sire (Half-Moon Hollow, #6) by Molly Harper
The Accidental Sire by Molly Harper
(Half-Moon Hollow, #6)
  1 vote, 8.3%

Besieged (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #0.3, 4.7, 8.6) by Kevin Hearne
Besieged by Kevin Hearne
(The Iron Druid Chronicles, #0.3, 4.7, 8.6)
  1 vote, 8.3%

Spellbinder (Moonshadow, #2) by Thea Harrison
Spellbinder by Thea Harrison
(Moonshadow, #2)
  1 vote, 8.3%

Ash and Quill (The Great Library #3) by Rachel Caine
Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine
(The Great Library #3)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Ashes (The Dark in You, #3) by Suzanne Wright
Ashes by Suzanne Wright
(The Dark in You, #3)
  0 votes, 0.0%

Wicked Kiss (Realm Enforcers, #4) by Rebecca Zanetti
Wicked Kiss by Rebecca Zanetti
(Realm Enforcers, #4)
  0 votes, 0.0%

The Carnelian Crow (Stoker & Holmes, #4) by Colleen Gleason
The Carnelian Crow by Colleen Gleason
(Stoker & Holmes, #4)
  0 votes, 0.0%


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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”
Mark Twain

“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”
Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time

“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

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message 17: by Sarah

Sarah Stevens Atticus O’Sullivan is the last of the Iron Druids. As an Iron Druid he is more or less a wizard, charged with the protection of the Earth. In Hounded, Atticus and his hilarious dog Oberon (who chats with him through a telepathic link only they share) ally themselves with and oppose both gods and witches in a very action packed saga where Atticus has a knack for getting into trouble even as he is escaping it.
My favorite part of these books is the imaginative characters and the witty remarks Oberon makes.
My least favorite is that it can be so action packed . That should be a good thing but my mind starts to wander after so many battles. If I catch my mind doing that and redirect it back however, I find that I was missing out on some pretty awesome stuff.
The narrator and voice of Atticus in the audio book, Luke Daniels, is a perfect fit.
If you like fantasy battles in a Lord of The Rings style but with a humorous twist, you will adore these books. I hope someday they make a movie out of one of these books, I think it would be a hit!
Since the newest Star Wars just came out, I feel I should mention that author Kevin Hearne has also written a Star Wars book called Heir to the Jedi. I haven't read that one, but hey if thats your thing maybe you should check it out. I have however, read all the Iron Druid chronicles as far as they have been published first on kindle, have the newest on pre-order, and am re- reading them now on audible. So yeah, I'm a fan.

Michelle Hey Kevin,
So sorry to see the last Holy Taco Church newsletter. I had a great time reading them and discovering new authors. Looking forward to your next venture with good ol' Oberon, and the audio release of the next Iron Druid -- the pre-order is all I want for Christmas!!

message 15: by Carmen

Carmen Hello from Spain XD, thaks for the friendship, for writing the Iron Druid Chronicles and started me in Urban Fantasy!!

message 14: by Neveen

Neveen Hello Kevin,
I just wanted to tell your books are the best and perfect books within the Urban Fantasy world; I think I shall never find an Urban Fantasy book with this perfection.
Your ruined them all but for a great cause and now I need your very own recommendations for something as half good as your books...

Thanks for writing The Iron Druid Chronicles...


Scott (Ozziespur) Hello from Australia Kevin !

I have red all your books bar the latest one in very quick time. Love them !
I read somewhere (and i could be mistaken) that you're not a fulltime author, that you work as a teacher or the like. Please stop & write more !!

Cheers mate.

message 12: by Jen

Jen Merry Christmas!

message 11: by Alexia

Alexia Purdy Thanks for adding me!!! I'm a huge fan! :D

Stephanie Thank you for the friending me. I'm almost done with Hounded and really enjoying it. I'm looking forward on finishing it and starting the next.

Heather The Trapped cover looks amazing.

message 8: by Jess

Jess Thanks for friending me! I have been listening to the Iron Druid Chronicles on audiobook- and the mix between your sense of humor and Luke Daniels' narration is keeping me in stitches! It's been a long time since an author has made me laugh so much- so thank you! Keep up the good work!

message 7: by Mary

Mary Thanks for accepting my friend request! =)
Have a great day & Happy Reading!
Cheers, Mary

Maren Eliason I've been reading an awful lot of urban fantasy this last year, and I wanted you to know your series is my absolute favorite. The sense of humor, literary & pop culture references, Oberon, the different pantheons all wrapped up in a tidy and exciting plot with engaging characters... oh, I can't wait for the next ones! Thank you!

message 5: by Sarah

Sarah Thanks for accepting. I'm finishing off "Hammered" as we speak. The relationship between Atticus and Oberon is possibly my favourite aspect of your books.

I hope there will be more to come.

Oh, and I'll cry like a baby if anything ever happens to Oberon.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Hi Kevin. Thanks for accepting my friendvite. I am looking forward to reading your books. I love urban fantasy!

Heather Thanks for accepting my friend request.

message 2: by Kevin

Kevin Hearne Shy wrote: "Hi there!

Thank you for accepting my friendship request. I have only now learned about your books which will be released next year. They look really interesting and I seriously cannot wait to read..."

Thanks, Shy! I hope you enjoy them! Always good to meet a fellow bibliophile!

Hajar Y, Hi there!

Thank you for accepting my friendship request. I have only now learned about your books which will be released next year. They look really interesting and I seriously cannot wait to read it =)

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