Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

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Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

Goodreads Author

in Chicago, The United States
November 17





Member Since
September 2010

Come along with me on an epic adventure. We will face dragons (we might even ride them), we will pilot airships. We will fight villains. We will join a pirate crew. We will wield magical swords. We will fight the forces of evil.

And we will be home in time for dinner.

But we will not go home unchanged.

Fantastical adventures ahead! But be warned:
Safe Return Doubtful!


During the days, I wrangle four small hobbits and help them along on their adventures.

Basically, I'm Gandalf.

But come evenings, when the hobbits are sleeping... I become my alter-ego: PLOT WIZARD (still a wizard, just a different kind)... and adventures await in the pages I scribble upon.

I'm a dreamer, a relentless opener of doors in the hope of someday finding pa

Popular Answered Questions

Jenelle Leanne Schmidt That's a tough one. There are many great fictional couples, and I do enjoy a good, well-written, sweet romantic thread through the stories I read, tho…moreThat's a tough one. There are many great fictional couples, and I do enjoy a good, well-written, sweet romantic thread through the stories I read, though I tend to shy away from stories that are overly romantic. I don't know that I can pick just one, though.

From fantasy:
Arwen and Aragorn. I just love the sweet, steadfastness of their romance. I love that it doesn't have to be a big deal in the story in order to be a strong, true, exemplary relationship.

Also, Eowyn and Faramir, which often gets overlooked, but is such a beautiful example of love overcoming massive odds and being redemptive.

Ben and Willow from The Magic Kingdom of Landover series by Terry Brooks. They are adorable.

From YA:
Cimorene and Mendenbar from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede... I love how perfect they are for each other. Though I am also annoyed more often than not by how short of a time they get and how much time gets stolen from them by the wizards. Evil, evil wizards!

From the classics:
Really, not much beats Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. I just love how wrong she is about him, and how everything bad she thought of him he is actually the opposite of in the most extreme way possible... if that makes any sense. They are one of my favorite literary couples ever.(less)
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt I have several methods for dealing with writer's block. Sometimes I'll go for a walk, being outside tends to get the creative juices flowing again. Ot…moreI have several methods for dealing with writer's block. Sometimes I'll go for a walk, being outside tends to get the creative juices flowing again. Other times I'll try to power through it, just getting words down on the page. Sometimes what helps is to go do something sort of mindless, like dishes, and inspiration will strike.

If it gets really bad, I put on Christmas music, it's weird and random, but it has not failed me yet!(less)
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Shows and TV Series We Love Watching as a Family

In today’s podcast, Grant and I share some of our favorite television shows that we are currently watching with our families!

What are your favorite shows to watch with ...

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Jenelle’s Recent Updates

Jenelle Leanne Schmidt wrote a new blog post

Shows and TV Series We Love Watching as a Family

In today’s podcast, Grant and I share some of our favorite television shows that we are currently watching with our families!What are your favorite s Read more of this blog post »
Jenelle and 8 other people liked Allison Tebo's status update
Allison Tebo
Allison Tebo added a status update: I am giving away 100 copies of my epic fantasy retelling of the Legend of Beowulf! If you love stories full of noble heroes, scarred girls, and imaginative takes on classic literature, this is for you!

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Break the Beast by Allison Tebo
Break the Beast
by Allison Tebo (Goodreads Author)
100 copies available, ends on March 31, 2025 Enter to win »
Jenelle liked that Colt Cansler entered a giveaway
The Orb and the Airship by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
The Orb and the Airship (Turrim Archive, #1)
by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt (Goodreads Author)
100 copies available, ends on March 31, 2025 Enter to win »
" Rainbowheart wrote: "Robin Hood: An Illustrated Adventure Classic?

"What name?" asked the Sheriff. "Er— Nibor, my Lord." "A strange name," commented th
...more "
Persuasion by Jane Austen
" I like Jane Austen's books fine, but I tend to prefer the movies.

And I definitely prefer Maria Grace's versions where she added dragons. :)
...more "
Persuasion by Jane Austen
" Bwahahaha, yeah, they're awful.

I really love this book, though. My favorite Jane Austen book, which is weird. But anyway, I like it even better retold
...more "
The Realm Beneath by Allison Tebo
" Ooooh! "
Jenelle shared a quote
Wrought of Serpent and Snow by E.J. Kitchens
“Suffering doesn’t define the truth,”
E.J. Kitchens
Jenelle shared a quote
Wrought of Serpent and Snow by E.J. Kitchens
“She’d apologized. That’s all she could do against true guilt. Dwelling on guilt feelings to try to make up for her failure did no good.”
E.J. Kitchens
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Quotes by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt  (?)
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“I know most people have given up on a happy ending. But I can’t. I have to hope.”
Jenelle Schmidt, Five Enchanted Roses

“The steeper the climb, the more incentive to reach the top.

Even in the midst of the darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough.

A name portrays the nature of its wearer. The meaning of a name, however, portrays the trueness of its wearer in depths that very few ever come to comprehend.

May God bless you and keep you and give you peace in all that you do, and may we rest assured of this: that though we travel far apart and in many different directions and for long periods of time, we will meet again, if not in this lifetime, then in eternity, and there we will never have to say ‘good-bye’ again.

Courage is not found in lacking fear, courage is found in not allowing your fear to rule you.

Courage is really just facing fear.

Do not put too much stock in the stars my boy, they are fickle and distant and do not affect the lives of men by very great a margin.”
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

“My tutors all said that the greatest of the wizards died many years ago and that their like would never be again seen in our lands.”
“Historians can be a pessimistic lot. I have never met one that did not believe that the world’s best years had already passed.”
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt, Minstrel's Call

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“The steeper the climb, the more incentive to reach the top.

Even in the midst of the darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough.

A name portrays the nature of its wearer. The meaning of a name, however, portrays the trueness of its wearer in depths that very few ever come to comprehend.

May God bless you and keep you and give you peace in all that you do, and may we rest assured of this: that though we travel far apart and in many different directions and for long periods of time, we will meet again, if not in this lifetime, then in eternity, and there we will never have to say ‘good-bye’ again.

Courage is not found in lacking fear, courage is found in not allowing your fear to rule you.

Courage is really just facing fear.

Do not put too much stock in the stars my boy, they are fickle and distant and do not affect the lives of men by very great a margin.”
Jenelle Leanne Schmidt

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.”
William W. Purkey

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Robert Frost

“Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .”
C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

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message 2: by Grace (last edited Mar 22, 2019 04:32AM)

Grace Morris Hi Jenelle! Thank you for becoming my friend here on Goodreads! Have a wonderful day! 😊 📖 📚

Cassandra Giovanni Thanks for accepting my add!

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