Megan Wilcox's Blog
September 9, 2024
New Platform
Hello blogspot friends!
I have decided to go a different route for my blog platform, and have moved to Tumblr.
This blog will still be up, but no longer updated.
If you still want to follow my posts, my new blog address is:
Hope to actually keep a fairly regular posting schedule, but we shall see what happens, haha.
See you later!
July 31, 2024
Only Trust Him
Come every soul, by sin oppressed, there's mercy with the Lord.
And He will surely give you rest by trusting in His Word.
Only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him now,
He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now.
Only trust Him. Trust Him only.
Why is it so hard to trust?
Is it because I can't see what's ahead?
That's where faith comes in.
The two go hand-in-hand.
I have my faith in Him alone, so the obvious next step in that, is to trust Him with my life.
June 20, 2024
Do you ever get up in the morning, and discover that you have so much that you want and need to do, that you can't figure out what to do, and end up doing nothing at all but waste time scrolling on your phone or staring out into nothing?
Cause same.
I'm realizing that discipline is something I have a terrible need to work on.
Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the many possibilities and opportunities that present themselves each day, I need to figure out a way to list the things I want and need to do, and find a way to actually do them.
Lists are something I love, but I can't seem to figure out what to list on a list, when I want to.
Other times if I do know exactly what I want to do, either I'm so tired I can't find the energy to actually do it, or something comes up and distracts me and I end up not having the time.
Welcome to how my brain works.
It's messy, it's loud. But by God's grace I'm surviving this crazy world.
I've never really been good at communicating my thoughts, but right now the words seem to be able to flow as I type. I guess I'll take advantage of it while I'm here.
This post might not even get published here, but if nothing else, I'll have something to look back on someday and hopefully I'll have a reminder that:
1. You don't have to do everything.
That's a great way to get burned out and not be able to do anything. It's not worth it to stress over all the things that you aren't able to do in a day.
To quote a paraphrase, "Don't worry 'bout nothin. Let it go, see what tomorrow brings. Don't worry 'bout nothin, pray about everything." - Luke Bryan, referencing Philippians 4:6-7
2. Waiting on God's timing is the best way.
Is it long sometimes? Yes. Do I wish I could just get a whole timeline list of my next life steps? Yes. Do I worry and fret and forget that God is truly in control, and that His will is the best, and mine isn't? Also yes. (check out Psalm 37:7)
Waiting on Him is a lesson I learn, then forget, and have to relearn, but I can honestly say it's been a blessing in my life, looking back, though as I'm going through rough patches they don't seem so great.
Like it says in Romans 8:18, "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us"
3. Just trust Him.
This one's pretty self explanatory.
Ok...So there's a ramble-y post for today.
If you made it this far...have a cookie.
You deserve one.
Until next time,
June 17, 2024
Once more try
They say time flies.
When I was little, I never paid attention to that phrase, nor did it really matter much to me.
But I'm beginning to understand what they meant.
(I'm sure unsure of who this *they* is though...)
Many things have happened in my life since my last post, and looking back at all God has done, all the blessings, trials, and countless other things that have happened in my life is honestly astounding.
Writing, the main reason for my starting this blog in the first place, has kind of been put on the back burner, as they say, for the past three years or so.
I have done a little writing here and there, but not much, and I definitely haven't written any new books lately.
My current project of releasing a 2nd edition of Trouble in Scotland is nearing completion, which is exciting! Keep an eye out for more information as that time nears.
Changes in life can simultaneously be the best and worst things one can go through.
But all in all, I'd say God has been so, so incredibly good.
Life is busy, but thanks be to my Heavenly Father, life is good.
I think that's all for this post, but I hope to return soon for more posts!
Soli Deo Gloria!
April 13, 2020
The Sunshine Award Tag

*dusts away cobwebs*
Who let this place get so dusty anyway?
I'm baaack! Again.
You thought I forgot about this blog, didn't you?
Well...Maybe I did.
Oh. You forgot about it too?
Humph. I guess I deserve that.
I've been tagged by miss Rakayle, so here are the questions, and my answers:
1. Would you rather be a Jedi or a Hobbit?
A Hobbit, 100%.
Besides the fact that Hobbits are super cool, I have no idea what a Jedi even is...So... xD
2. What movie did you last watch?

3. One Youtube channel you recommend?
YoungMin You.
He arranges and also composes piano pieces, and they are absolutely fantastically beautiful! Plus, he also sells sheet music so you can learn to play his pieces as well! :D
4. Favorite book genre?
My favorites books are written in the 18th and 19th, and early 20th centuries, and I guess they could be classified as "drama"?
I'm not really sure what genre they are considered.
But anything written by Mrs. O. F. Walton, A. L. O. E., Amy LeFeuvre, or E. D. E. N. Southworth I have thoroughly enjoyed!
5. What language do you want to learn?
Only one? xD
Welsh, for one. But I also would love to learn ASL, and French.
6. What is one thing you would like to be (aka, like a spy or so) if you were not being realistic?
Not realistic? Hmm...
A comedian.
I love to make people laugh, but I don't think I'm actually funny enough. Or brave enough to try and talk in front of a lot of people. xD
7. What is an obsession of yours (besides reading/writing)?
I wouldn't consider it an obsession, but I'd say I am rather fond of playing instruments!
8. What author would you love to meet in real life?
Miss C. R. Hedgcock. She seems like she would be a really fun person to meet!
9. What is your favorite card game?
The Great Dalmuti! It's so much fun. My family and I can play it for hours.
10. Have you ever played Minecraft?
Nope. I've heard the name, but I have no idea what it even is.
11. What historical setting would you like to visit?
The 1890's.
I love the fashion from that time period!
And besides that, about 75% of my favorite hymns were written in that decade!
Ok, so here's the thing... Nearly none of the bloggers I follow really post anymore, and if they do, they've probably already done this If you want to answer these questions, I'd love to see your answers! Feel free to comment them! :)
Thanks, Rakayle, for tagging me, and getting me to post again on this poor forgotten blog.
I hope to return again with something interesting to post!
"Right. We'll believe that when we see it."
Until next time,
God bless!
Pictures were found on Google and Pexel. Not mine.
October 30, 2019
NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag!

RulesThank the awesome blogger who tagged you!Link back to the creator of this tag, Sophie @Sophie’s CornerFeel free to use the NaNoWriMo 20 Questions Tag graphics!Answer the questions.Tag some friends who are also doing NaNo this year.And have fun!!!
Thanks for tagging me, Esther!.

Tell me about your NaNoWriMo project this year! Give me a blurb!
It is the year 1897. An unsolved mystery dating from the early years of American independence is thought to be long forgotten.Forgotten that is, until a determined young Oxford college student and his roommates stumble upon something that could change their lives forever.

Historical Fiction, and Mystery.

Describe your MC in three words.
Determined, loyal, clever.

Without spoilers, describe your villain in three words.
Smiling, brilliant, dastardly.

What is your goal? (the traditional 50K? 20K? 5K? or……. 100K?)
I'm hoping for the traditional 50,000, but who knows. Any word count is better than what I have at the moment. (Which is nothing. xD)

Is this your first draft? Second? Third?
First draft! I have high hopes for this one.

Are you starting a new project (or draft), or continuing an existing one?
This is an entirely new idea I've just come up with. I'm excited to start it!

What is your favorite time to write in the day?
Early morning before the day officially starts.

Where are you going to write?
Probably in my bedroom, on my laptop.

Computer or paper?
Laptop, as it's much easier to write quickly. Though paper is my favorite for jotting down ideas and quotes.

NaNoWriMo is a huge commitment!! How are you going to make time to write?
Get up earlier, skip watching tv or reading to write, and by taking a writing utensil with me everywhere; because you never know when inspiration is going to hit!

Are you going to participate in local or online NaNoWriMo events? (e.g. kick-off parties in your city, write-ins, virtual writing sprints…)
Depends. I'm not going to any real-life write-ins, though I might engage in virtual writing sprints via (my user name is PennyWhistlerMegs, if you'd like to join and have writing sprint wars with me!)

Do you write from beginning to end or skip around?
Beginning to end! I can't piece the puzzle together if I write different scenes that aren't in chronological order.

Planner or pantser? (or plantser?)
I'm a planster. I get the idea, and plan out the main ideas in my head, but otherwise, I never outline. I usually have the idea, and just fill in the blanks as I go. I occasionally write out ideas I want to add though.

What will be your go-to NaNoWriMo snack?
Dried apples, dates, and barley cookies. (Hint hint to my favorite cookie baker!) ;)

Choice of caffeine? (or no caffeine?)
Coffee, and hot cocoa. But mostly coffee.

Any rewards for milestone achievements? For finishing NaNoWriMo?
Um, nope. Not that I know of anyway.

Share a tip for other NaNo-ers!
Just keep writing! Word wars/spints are fantastic for upping that word count. It's fun to challenge yourself along with others for good-natured competition.

How are you feeling about NaNoWriMo? (Excited? Nervous? Terrified?)
Definitely excited!!

Share an aesthetic for your NaNoWriMo novel!

Alright! That was a fun tag!Now...I'm not sure how popular this tag is, so I'm not sure who has and who hasn't been tagged already...So if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, and haven't been tagged, please snag this tag, and let me know! I'd love to read your answers!
Happy day before the day before NaNoWriMo!
God bless!
Pictures for the aesthetic were found on Google. Not mine.
October 22, 2019
A Thanksgiving Walk

"'Ah! So nice to see you again! It's me this time, Aaron Rochester.
Let me invite you to read the second and final part of my family's Thanksgiving story.
Now close your eyes...
Ivy clears her throat from behind me and peeks around. "Aaron, how can they read with their eyes closed?"
I rub my chin thoughtfully. "I was going to describe what our Thanksgiving hike looked like. It's easier to get a mental picture when your eyes are closed. You've told me that yourself countless times."
Ivy pooches out her lips, and shrugs. "Oh yeah. Well...carry on."
"Alright," I begin, turning back to you; my lovely audience. "As I was saying...
A Winter Wren chirps gaily from overhead as you find yourself on a forest pathway covered in vibrant yellow, red, and orange leaves.
The sound of laughter and chatter falls on your ear as you spot the figures of a group of people coming your direction.
"Ivy, if you take a picture of every single pretty leaf, your camera is going to implode."
Ivy looked over at Caleb with a crinkled nose. ''If it does, I can always have Aaron fix it."
I pulled my scarf closer around my neck, and raised my eyebrows at my twin. "One of these days I'm not going to be able to figure out one of your electronics. What then?"
She snapped a picture of me, and grinned; a dimple creasing her right cheek. "Nah, that'll never happen."
Caleb grimaced, and glanced at Dad; who was batting at a cobweb that had attacked his face."Well, don't you start hollering too loud when that camera finally biffs it."
After our Thanksgiving feast, which we have around three or four in the afternoon, it is our family tradition to take a hike in the nearby forest before returning home to settle down and watch the Canadian Football game on our DVR.
As is the normal protocol, Dad took the lead. Though this particular Thanksgiving, he collected a lot more spiderwebs on his face than usual. Sputtering once again, he rubbed his hands over his face and turned to us.
"Alright, new rule; Aaron, you take the lead."
I shuddered at the thought of running into my least favorite creature, and attempted to do the opposite of pulling rank. "You'd send your youngest child out in front to battle the elements? Alone?"
Mom bit back a smile as Dad narrowed his eyes to ponder the question.
Caleb raised his hands up in the air when he noted Dad's eyes flicking towards him.
"Hey, I'm the oldest. I have obviously been through far more than my baby brother. The Bible says that Tribulation worketh Patience; and Patience, Experience. Me thinks my young brother should be given the chance to learn some great lessons."
Dad nodded slowly. "Hmm, excellent."
I cringed, not being able to argue, now that the Bible had been brought into it.
Ivy grinned, and held out a stick in my direction. "Here, a cobweb wand."
I sighed, and took the stick. But as I stepped ahead to lead my pack, I remembered the last part of the verse Caleb had quoted.
Spinning around, and held up a gloved index finger.
"Oh, one more thing--Your quote also mentions that this Experience I am gaining produces Hope. So in the trying, patience, and experience I'm going through, I'm going to hope that in all of this, my brother will kindly take the lead, and battle the raging autumn spiders."
Ivy lowered her camera from a bright leaf, and squinted at me.
"Oh for goodness sake."
She brushed past me, and yanked the stick from my hands.
"I'll lead. Ya sissy."
Dad put his arm around Mom's shoulder, and laughed. "There now, Ivy saw a need, and took the initiative."
Ivy flashed a smile at me, and began marching ahead.
"Follow me! I'm not afraid of spiders."
As I fell in behind our parents, Caleb clumped his hand on my shoulder and grinned. "Teamwork."
I pushed my beanie back, and shoved my hands into my coat pockets.
"Why lead the way and get covered in webs, when we both know Ivy's going to end up doing the hard work for us?"
Well...Perhaps that statement would have been better off unstated--
Upon realizing that Caleb's and my plan had been to get Ivy to take the webs in the first place, Dad promptly ruled that the both of us were to take the lead...
Without sticks as our defense from the spider webs.
~ Fin.
Alright, so I hope you guys enjoyed reading my short story!
~ When walking in Autumn, do you often run into spiderwebs? ~
~ What are your after Thanksgiving traditions? ~
I have been kindly tagged for a NaNoWriMo tag, so I will be returning soon with that!
Until then,
God bless!
October 14, 2019
Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!

*A cold breeze blows, a leaf swirls past*
*Two shadowy figures come walking through the early morning fogginess*
*They stop, and start waving. A light clicks on, and they are recognized as the Rochester twins.*
"Hi! Ivy here. Since Megan has apparently gone poof, my brother and I have stepped in to write up a blog post."
*I frown and cross my arms in front of my chest.*
*ahem* Guys, I'm right here. I've just been busy! I haven't had time to-
*Aaron's eyes widen* "Ivy, listen! Sometimes I can still hear her voice, off somewhere in the distance."
Okaaay, I'll just leave you two to your craziness. But if you get into any shenanigans...remember who writes your stories, eh?
Ivy; "Hmm, she has a point. Come on, bro. Let's get to the reason for our hijacking this laptop."
*The light clicks off, and you are transported to a kitchen where the savory smells of roasting turkey, pumpkin pie, and other culinary delights greet your nose*
Ivy looks up from her position in front of the oven. "Hey mom, could you toss me that hot pad? I think my sweet potatoes are finished."
The Rochester family was hard at work preparing their yearly Thanksgiving supper.
Mr. Rochester was bent over the turkey, carefully basting the bird; as was his assigned kitchen duty.
The task of overseeing, and perfecting the pumpkin pies was Mrs. Rochester's job, which she took very seriously.
The twins' brother Caleb, who was four years their elder, always took it upon himself to make sure every dish and utensil was spotless, and the kitchen as free from clutter as he could keep it.
Utilizing the hot pad her brother had chucked to her, Ivy pulled out her dish of piping hot sweet potatoes, and set them on the stove top.
"Dad, is the turkey ready yet?"
Mr. Rochester replaced the lid on the turkey roaster and wiped his hands on his borrowed apron.
"Nearly. I'd give it ten minutes."
The backdoor swung open at that moment, and in came Aaron; a steaming pot in his hands.
"Make way, hot potatoes coming through!"
He shuffled to the sink, and there he placed the steaming metal pot.
Caleb backed away, and frowned at his younger brother.
"Aaron, that pot is covered in soot and charcoal, what did you do to it?"
Aaron chewed his lip, and tilted his head to better look at the blackened bottom of the pot.
"Hmm, I guess I turned the flames up too high on the burner..."
Caleb removed his glasses indignantly; rubbing the fog that had condensed on the glass.
"Burner is a good word for it. My spotless sink is ruined."
Mrs. Rochester tisked from where she stood at the kitchen island, pressing the pumpkin pie crust.
"Oh Caleb, it's nothing a little scrubbing won't fix."
Caleb grunted in response as he replaced his glasses.
Ivy slid a bowl over to her twin, and grinned. "Here, mash the potatoes in this." She shifted her look to Caleb. "Would you like me to scrub the sink for you, Caye?"
He shook his head, and rolled up his already bunched sleeves. "I'll do it."
Aaron dumped the potatoes into the offered bowl, and returned the burnt pot to the sink.
"Sorry it's so messy."
Caleb raised an eyebrow. "Don't worry about it. If the mashed potatoes weren't my favorite part of the meal, I might complain a bit more." A grin cracked through his frown, and he winked good-naturedly.
Aaron grinned as he pulled out the potato masher. "Saved by the love of food. I love Thanksgiving."
(to be continued)
Thanks for reading, we'll be back soon to share part 2. :)
Hope you enjoyed, and happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers!
God bless!
Megan Ivy
September 19, 2019
Summer Reading

Happy end of summer, everyone!
I honestly can't believe that it's nearly autumn already...But as it's my favorite season, I can't complain. ;)
But I digress from the initial intent of this post...
In case you're interested, here is a list of the books I have read this summer!
Listed according to Author. :)
George E. Sargent:
The Story of Charles Ogilvie

I read this book in short order, as it isn't very long, and I enjoyed it greatly.
E.D.E.N. Southworth:
1. Ishmael or, In the Depths

Book one, Ishmael, tells the story of young Ishmael Worth, and his struggles as an unloved, penniless orphan, to the height of his well-earned success in the field of law.
2. Self-Raised or, Out of the Depths

Pride and His Prisoners

Told in a rather allegorical sense, it was a fascinating read.
Definitely a recommended read.
Ken Ham:

A handbook for apologetics! This was an interesting, and informative read.
Gospel Reset

This book is a must-read, I daresay. We need to know how to relate the Gospel to the world that is ever-changing, and this book reminds us of the Foundation the Christian faith was built upon -- One we must use to tell others about our Creator and Savior.
Alright! I think that's it for the books I've read this summer, except of course, for the books in the Bible I've gone through, which consists of Job through Hosea thus far. (I'm following a "Read-the-Bible-in-a-year" program, which I have done for more-or-less the last ten years.)
~ What books have you read this summer? ~
~ Best book this year? ~
~ Are you excited for autumn, or are you desperately clinging to the final days of summer? ~
Thanks for reading!
God bless!
August 28, 2019
3 Days 3 Quotes Tag | Day 3

I have returned for the final Quote post!
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
Thanks again, Rakayle!
2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive day (1 quote for each day, can be a super short post).
3. Nominate 3 new bloggers each day.
The Quote:

Isn't that just inspirational for a good day? <3This is my favorite of the three quotes.
So here are my tag nominees:LivvieTiffanyFaith
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the quotes!
Until next time,
God bless!