W. Chris Winter

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W. Chris Winter

Goodreads Author




Member Since
April 2016

Sleep specialist, neurologist, author of The Sleep Solution & The Rested Child. Sleep + athletic performance. Bowie enthusiast. More @SportSleepDoc.

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Popular Answered Questions

W. Chris Winter I did enjoy the process of writing the book. I travel a lot for work, so I fell into a rhythm of writing a things I wanted my patients to know or thin…moreI did enjoy the process of writing the book. I travel a lot for work, so I fell into a rhythm of writing a things I wanted my patients to know or think about once they left my office. The document grew and grew over the years. Fortunately an agent (not knowing I had written so much) thought I should write a book based upon some other media writing I had done.

If by narrate, you mean that you are listening to the audio book (which is me reading the text), I have to say I don't like listening to my voice, particularly "ch-" and "sh-" sounds. I enjoyed the process, but think if I could have gotten James Earl Jones to read it, I should have gone in that direction. The book is personal to me...I put a lot of myself into it, so I felt like I should read it.

I'm glad you like the book, and I appreciate you taking the time to say hello and give me some feedback. I hope the second half of the book lives up to the first 5 chapters.

Congrats to you for giving up the alcohol. That's not an easy thing to do for some, but it can help many with their sleep.

Again, thanks for not sucking as a book reviewer. If you ever find yourself on Amazon, I would sincerely appreciate a review. They mean a lot to me!

Have a great holiday AF!


W. Chris Winter I've been circling back around to some classics that I've missed. Catcher In the Rye and Catch 22 are at the top. Not sure how I made it 44 years with…moreI've been circling back around to some classics that I've missed. Catcher In the Rye and Catch 22 are at the top. Not sure how I made it 44 years without reading either. (less)
Average rating: 4.03 · 3,670 ratings · 592 reviews · 4 distinct worksSimilar authors
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The Hidden Sleep Crisis in Kids and Teens

Forgive me Goodreads...I've been gone for a while. I'm back.

What have I been doing? Seeing patients, raising some kids, wearing masks...probably similar things that you've been doing.

The seeing patients thing has changed in this new pandemic (hopefully post-pandemic world). Instead of seeing patients in person, our clinic is now 100% virtual. That's not the only change we've seen in the clinic. Read more of this blog post »
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Published on August 14, 2021 20:19 Tags: children, healthy, parenting, sleep, teens
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W. Chris Winter
I did enjoy the process of writing the book. I travel a lot for work, so I fell into a rhythm of writing a things I wanted my patients to know or think about once they left my office. The document grew and grew over the years. Fortunately an agent (n See W.’s answer.
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Purposeful Museum Programming Using Visitor Response Pedagogies by Ames Morton-Winter
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W. Winter rated a book it was amazing
Purposeful Museum Programming Using Visitor Response Pedagogies by Ames Morton-Winter
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Purposeful Museum Programming Using Visitor Response Pedagogies by Ames Morton-Winter
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“Sleep is not the absence of wakefulness. In other words, sleep is not a light switch in your brain that is either on or off. Your body is doing amazing things at night while you sleep.”
W. Chris Winter, The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It

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