Shang Yang
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“In the past, those who were able to regulate All-under-Heaven first had to regulate their own people; those who were able to overcome the enemy had first to overcome their own people. The root of overcoming the people is controlling the people as the metalworker controls metal and the potter clay. When the roots are not firm, the people will be like flying birds and running animals: Who will then be able to regulate them? The root of the people is law. Hence, those who excel at orderly rule block the people with law; then a [good] name and lands can be attained.”
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
“Human beings have likes and dislikes; hence, the people can be ruled. The ruler must investigate likes and dislikes. Likes and dislikes are the root of rewards and penalties. The disposition of the people is to like ranks and emoluments and to dislike punishments and penalties. The ruler sets up the two in order to guide the people’s will and to establish whatever he desires.”
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
“When the people are weak, the state is strong; hence the state that possesses the Way devotes itself to weakening the people.”
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
― The Book of Lord Shang - A Classic of the Chinese School of Law
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