Thomas Frank's Blog

October 23, 2015

10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades - Now in Print!

Hey all! I just wanted to quickly let you know that, due to popular request, I've published a print edition of 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less).

Here’s me looking like a complete dork with my copy:

Me with my print edition of the book

If it fits your fancy, you can buy the print book on Amazon for a very reasonable price. I’m also planning on adding an audiobook edition very soon.

To be clear, though, the content is exactly the same. You’re not missing out on anything if you just want the free edition, which you will always be able to get right here.
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Published on October 23, 2015 09:26

May 4, 2015

Where to Get a Copy of "10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades"

Hello, Goodreads fans!

If you found my book here and haven't heard of it before, you might be wondering why it's not on any online bookstores.

Simply put, the book is completely free, but it's only available on my site. You can get a copy right here:

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Published on May 04, 2015 14:46