P.A. Spayd

Goodreads Author

Atlanta Georiga, The United States

Holocaust, World War II, lots of reading

Member Since
February 2015


Biographer of the 4 book series of German General Frtiz Bayerlein - Rommel's Chief-of-Staff, and later CO of Panzer Lehr Division, LIII Armee Korps and Korps Gruppe Bayerlein.
I hope you all enjoy and learn from this extensive saga of Bayerlein - I know I had a grand adventure on the research trail - and the highlights were the most incredible people I met along the way. I truly enjoyed their company, thought the world of them and grieved when they passed. Many told me the stories of the war, sad, but it is the story of a time in which we needed to remove evil men from power. Unfortunately, we now are facing the evil.
God Help Us.

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P.A. Spayd Well, since I write a biographical series, it's not really material. Ideas flog themselves in my brain all the time, so it's more of a fibromyalgia bl…moreWell, since I write a biographical series, it's not really material. Ideas flog themselves in my brain all the time, so it's more of a fibromyalgia block for me when energy is non-existant. (less)
P.A. Spayd Freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Never censor. I remember growing up in rural poverty Georgia and riding my big pony to the county library…moreFreedom of speech and freedom of expression. Never censor. I remember growing up in rural poverty Georgia and riding my big pony to the county library. My mother made me some canvas saddle bags so I could stash my treasures and bring them home to covet and read. I was never censored or ever asked, "what are you reading." I had the freedom to read whatever I wanted. I noticed the librarians let me take out books way above my grade level. They never chased me from the reference sections as I sat in the aisles and read about the Holocaust and the Third Reich. Freedom to read what you want and freedom of speech are this countries greatest assets. (less)
Average rating: 4.5 · 16 ratings · 4 reviews · 5 distinct works
Bayerlein: From Afrikakorps...

4.83 avg rating — 6 ratings — published 2003 — 4 editions
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Bayerlein: After Action Rep...

4.25 avg rating — 4 ratings — published 2006 — 2 editions
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The Private Afrikakorps Pho...

4.33 avg rating — 3 ratings — published 2004 — 2 editions
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Bayerlein: The Denazificati...

4.33 avg rating — 3 ratings — published 2011
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Bayerlein by Spayd, P. A. [...

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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