Manage members
As an admin of your organization, you can manage the organization’s members. This includes:
- Changing a member’s role.
- Removing members from the organization.
- Inviting teammates by generating invite links.
You can also view any user’s environments by selecting ‘View Environments’ from the drop-down menu.
Manager org members
User roles
Members of an organization can have of the following roles:
- Admin - an admin is a privilidged member who can manage other members, create remote Runners, view all resources and administer the organization.
- Member - a regular user who can only a use a Local Runner, or a Runner that’s been shared with them by an Admin.
To change a user’s role, select ‘Change Role’ from the drop-down menu. This will open a modal where you can update their role.
Change role
Change member role
Create an invite link
Select the ‘Invite Members’ button at the top of the list to open the ‘Invite Members’ page, where you can copy the invite link to share with your team. If you need to deactivate a link, click ‘Reset Invite Link’ to invalidate any previously created links.
Invite members
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