Mailing Address:
MTA Coordinator
Genentech, Inc.
1 DNA Way, M/S 245C
South San Francisco, CA 94080
How Can I Check the Status of My Request?
For any questions regarding your MTA request, please contact your MTA Coordinator directly or email
How much does Genentech charge for material requests?
Genentech is committed to supporting academic research by providing institutions with its proprietary materials without a fee. Shipping costs are charged directly to your FedEx account number. Prepaid shipping labels are also accepted.
What if I do not have a FedEx account number?
You must provide a valid FedEx account number with your request. Genentech cannot ship any material until we have received a valid FedEx account number. For reagent requests, we only accept FedEx and for mice requests, we only accept Validated Delivery Solutions.
What if I cannot find my original proposal number for a resupply request?
For completed requests, your proposal number is located on the upper right hand corner of the MTA or listed in the research studies attached to the MTA. Proposal numbers appear in a 6-digit format (e.g. OR-123456 or OM-123456). "OR" numbers are assigned to reagent proposals and "OM" numbers are assigned to mouse proposals.
Why is an MTA required?
The Material Transfer Agreement is a contract that governs the transfer of the reagents or mice from Genentech to your institution. It specifies the rights and obligations of each party, including, without limitation, ownership, use and transfer restrictions, and intellectual property issues.
What is a "current and valid" MTA?
A "current and valid" MTA is an MTA that:
has been duly signed by Genentech, you and an authorized representative from your institution,
has not expired or been terminated by either party and
permits the use of the Genentech materials for research studies attached to the MTA.
What is the process and timeline after I submit a new request or resupply request?
After you submit a new request or resupply, your request will be reviewed for approval. If a new request is approved, we will send you an MTA for signature by you and your institution. Once your signatures are received, the MTA will be fully executed and we will authorize the materials to be shipped to you. For resupply requests, we will authorize the shipment of material(s) once the request has been approved.
We try to handle all requests in a timely fashion. However we receive a large volume of requests each week. To check the status of your request, please email
Why am I being asked to submit veterinarian information in the request form?
A veterinarian's information is only required when requesting mice from Genentech.
How do I submit a manuscript or other planned publication after receiving Genentech materials?
Please submit your draft manuscript or other planned publication by email to Please note your original proposal number and the Genentech materials supplied to you.