Snow Fire
By Generationslayer
“Raiders Ahead”. That's what the piece of paper warned. Nailed to a tree that had long lost its leaves and rotting away on an old unused wagon path barely visible in the snow. Exo, the large black and red dragontaur glanced at the paper and gave a dismissive snort. The paper was inaccurate, not because it was lying, but because it was now outdated.
Exo used the old tree to hold herself up, grunting and groaning over the ill pleasure she was experiencing. Towering over the surroundings while sitting on her hind legs, tail thumping in annoyance, Such a creature would easily fall over in such a position in a short amount of time had it not been for the enormous stomach that rested under her, pressed deep in the snow. Her upper body leaned into the mass for support while her front legs rested on top, pushing into the girth to try and soothe it. Her upper body swayed a bit as her free limbs caressed and pressed into her orb like stomachs.
In the background, a fortress was set ablaze, burning so bright that it was pushing back against the darkness as the sun sent. Its embers mix in with the snowfall even from a great distance that Exo was. The once home to the deadly raiders mentioned in warning. They did not perish in the fire, at least not all of them, but rather the cause of Exo’s large and exposed stomachs.
Exo leaned over a bit with heavy breath as more kicks came from her lower stomach, followed by her upper. “Ugh…” She pressed into her gut hard to try and quell the “infighting”, tightening her sharp teeth to help suppress the pain. Despite the gluttonous ability and nature of the dragontaurs, Exo was not used to devouring so many live prey in one go. Such talent often lied with her merc sister Loriet.
Normally Loriet would be leading such a force with Exo there as support and to be mentored. The raiders were human though and as per Loreits code, she would not take action against them. Because of this, Loreit forbade Exo from taking on this task since she could not support her. Not only that, Exo was not known to be a fighter. She was a soft hearted creature, not often one looking for a fight and tended to take far less aggressive jobs.
So how did a soft hearted, ill prepared, under skilled being like her end up here with two giant stomachs filled with live raiders? Simple. Exo despised raiders. The large X mark on her chest, still missing the scales after all these years, was all one needed to see to understand the hate. This raiding nest was unaffected for a long time. The local towns were too poor to hire other mercenaries and too far for lords and kings to care. Despite the lack of money, the amount of effort and danger, and her battle sisters wishes, she took the job. .
It took days to bring down the fort by herself. Scouting weaknesses in the structure, their movement, even picking off who she could pre assault. It wasn’t just her tactic she had to change but her mind set as well. She had to become a predator. No mercy, no regret. When the attack came, she moved as fast and as swift as one could.
Upon arrival and the announcement that she was to take the job, the locals were more then willing to shelter the 10ft beast from the raiders. Often moving from place to place, hiding her in cellars and barns. The towns had been practically stripped of all their worth to the point they were just there to “ease” the raiders' desires now. Even if it was a long shot, the locals had to do what they could to aid the massive beast.
The start of the raid had gone simple enough. The raiders had grown careless with time leaving them very ill prepared for a siege. With a simple fire arrow landing on some exposed dry hay, a fire erupted almost instantly. The distraction allowed her to move in swiftly as the guards to the entrance were distracted. Most handled the fire but any who weren’t were swiftly devoured by her. She would be lying if she didn’t take in great pleasure swallowing the guards, sending them to her lower stomach that distended from her mass. She even added a bit of hip movement to cause her belly extra sway.
It wasn’t long before the fire became uncontrollable. The dry and dead vegetation of winter made it easy for the fire to consume all in its path. Even the one who caused it wasn’t expecting it to explode so rapidly. Still the fire provided confusion she needed. The cowards were the first to go, trying to escape the blaze. Their desperation for escape made them easy prey for her, adding more girth to her underside.
As she ventured through the fort, she came across a few more of the bandits. They seemed more interested in saving the stolen valuables than their own life. They didn’t hesitate to attack her, ignoring the blaze. Had she had to fight all the raiders she might not have had a chance. Time with Loreit though, one or two warriors who had been picking on hapless peasants for years weren’t much of a threat.
She reared up and smashed one into the ground, feeling the ribs of fallen break under her weight. Pinning him under with her stomach, she turned to the next one who was charging to stab her. The sword came inches to the weak skin of her X marked chest. She held him back with her front foot though, disrupting the charge. With a swipe of her hand she knocked the blade out of her path and dived forward with mouth open.
With the man halfway engulfed, kicking and screaming, she raised her head up and devoured him with the sheer power of gravity and throat muscles. Within moments the man added to the mass on her gut, further crushing the other under her.
She slurped her lips, more at the joy of success rather than the flavor. There was still the pinned man though. When she relieved him of the pressure, it was clear he was in extreme pain with a bit of blood escaping from his mouth from the crushed ribs he suffered. Had this been anyone else, Exo would have shown some mercy. He would easily die in the fire even without her involvement. But she also knew what kind of person she was dealing with. A kind that would laugh at the slaughter of a family, cutting down a child and leaving them to drown in the river they fell in. Mercy was only for the deserving.
Exo promptly devoured him as well. It was fortunate he was in shock as his body was forced down her throat. It wasn’t like she cared at this point too. With a final swallow and whipping off the blood, she prepared herself for another hunt. The adrenaline helped fuel her rampage. Had it not been for the fact the sleeve on her jacket caught on fire, she would have kept going.
The fire that spread on her jacket snapped her out of her tunnel vision. She panicked, beating the flame with an open hand to combat it, nearly falling over from the extra weight under her. Once it was clear the jacket couldn’t be saved, it was removed and tossed to the side to burn along with the fortress.
The large dragontaur took a moment to reassess her surroundings. Her jack smoldering, her hand suffering minor burn damage, and the fort was a near inferno. It was probably best to go.
“Besides…” she thought looking back at her now tremendous belly, kicking and writhing with her live prey. “Any more and I would be trapped here to burn up with all of you…” And with that Exo made her leave.
There was still a bit of a high going through her. It was cathartic, even though she knew she was going to regret it later. Her gut dragged through the courtyard of the fort as she moved, stomach juices sloshing about with each step. The raiders were done. Even if some escaped from the fire and her digestive track, they were so few and lost their only hide out to really make any come back. The job was done.
However, just within sight of the exit, there was one raider left. Perhaps he was waiting for someone or perhaps seeking the one who did this. Their eyes met Exo’s, filled with hate towards the lone raider before moving their eyes down to her massive stomach, with distinct moving belly bulges. He was frozen in terror, understanding all what happened.
Had she devoured him like the others, she would not be able to escape as her own stomach would keep her from being able to move. However, there was her upper stomach. The stomach that was used to store food for later. It was harmless, but it meant that his fate would just have to be saved for later. Exo licked her lips as a smile came on her face. The man turned to run as Exo galloped and lunged at him, mouth opened.
And thus we returned back to the sign against the tree. The revenge filled euphoria was wearing off and the encumbered beast had to rest before returning to the closest village. Her body was extremely sore but non more then her stomachs which were tightly stretched over her prey. Each kick caused her to wince and every deep gurgle leaving her groaning from the mother of all stomach aches. How did Loreit do this with such ease was all Exo could wonder.
The raiders would meet their fate eventually, some sooner than others. Exo would probably bedridden for a week, Nursing her wounds, sore muscles, and lots of ginger ale to calm her stomachs and dealing with the non digestible material afterwards. Even after all that she would still have to deal with Loreit to berate her when she got home and probably spent more money then she earned from this.
Question was if it was all worth it. That if she had to do it again would she? The answer would be without any hesitation. The large taur let out a huge belch that echoed through the empty forest. She took a deep breath and returned to all four feet, scraping the side of the tree and removing the old outdated “Raiders Ahead” poster. She waddled off into the night, to find something with a roof somewhere to rest with her lively and temporary meal as the ancient fort burned to the ground.
Been a long time since I wrote a story like this. Very rusty and not the most creative name for sure but I do hope it is enjoyable.
I went a bit overboard with this pic. It was to replace an older pic I received years ago and I want to give it the justice it deserved. Thank you again to
aquadragon35 for drawing this for me. This came with a lot of experimentation but I think it came out very well.
Art by
Story, Coloring, and Characters done by
generationslayer (Me)
By Generationslayer
“Raiders Ahead”. That's what the piece of paper warned. Nailed to a tree that had long lost its leaves and rotting away on an old unused wagon path barely visible in the snow. Exo, the large black and red dragontaur glanced at the paper and gave a dismissive snort. The paper was inaccurate, not because it was lying, but because it was now outdated.
Exo used the old tree to hold herself up, grunting and groaning over the ill pleasure she was experiencing. Towering over the surroundings while sitting on her hind legs, tail thumping in annoyance, Such a creature would easily fall over in such a position in a short amount of time had it not been for the enormous stomach that rested under her, pressed deep in the snow. Her upper body leaned into the mass for support while her front legs rested on top, pushing into the girth to try and soothe it. Her upper body swayed a bit as her free limbs caressed and pressed into her orb like stomachs.
In the background, a fortress was set ablaze, burning so bright that it was pushing back against the darkness as the sun sent. Its embers mix in with the snowfall even from a great distance that Exo was. The once home to the deadly raiders mentioned in warning. They did not perish in the fire, at least not all of them, but rather the cause of Exo’s large and exposed stomachs.
Exo leaned over a bit with heavy breath as more kicks came from her lower stomach, followed by her upper. “Ugh…” She pressed into her gut hard to try and quell the “infighting”, tightening her sharp teeth to help suppress the pain. Despite the gluttonous ability and nature of the dragontaurs, Exo was not used to devouring so many live prey in one go. Such talent often lied with her merc sister Loriet.
Normally Loriet would be leading such a force with Exo there as support and to be mentored. The raiders were human though and as per Loreits code, she would not take action against them. Because of this, Loreit forbade Exo from taking on this task since she could not support her. Not only that, Exo was not known to be a fighter. She was a soft hearted creature, not often one looking for a fight and tended to take far less aggressive jobs.
So how did a soft hearted, ill prepared, under skilled being like her end up here with two giant stomachs filled with live raiders? Simple. Exo despised raiders. The large X mark on her chest, still missing the scales after all these years, was all one needed to see to understand the hate. This raiding nest was unaffected for a long time. The local towns were too poor to hire other mercenaries and too far for lords and kings to care. Despite the lack of money, the amount of effort and danger, and her battle sisters wishes, she took the job. .
It took days to bring down the fort by herself. Scouting weaknesses in the structure, their movement, even picking off who she could pre assault. It wasn’t just her tactic she had to change but her mind set as well. She had to become a predator. No mercy, no regret. When the attack came, she moved as fast and as swift as one could.
Upon arrival and the announcement that she was to take the job, the locals were more then willing to shelter the 10ft beast from the raiders. Often moving from place to place, hiding her in cellars and barns. The towns had been practically stripped of all their worth to the point they were just there to “ease” the raiders' desires now. Even if it was a long shot, the locals had to do what they could to aid the massive beast.
The start of the raid had gone simple enough. The raiders had grown careless with time leaving them very ill prepared for a siege. With a simple fire arrow landing on some exposed dry hay, a fire erupted almost instantly. The distraction allowed her to move in swiftly as the guards to the entrance were distracted. Most handled the fire but any who weren’t were swiftly devoured by her. She would be lying if she didn’t take in great pleasure swallowing the guards, sending them to her lower stomach that distended from her mass. She even added a bit of hip movement to cause her belly extra sway.
It wasn’t long before the fire became uncontrollable. The dry and dead vegetation of winter made it easy for the fire to consume all in its path. Even the one who caused it wasn’t expecting it to explode so rapidly. Still the fire provided confusion she needed. The cowards were the first to go, trying to escape the blaze. Their desperation for escape made them easy prey for her, adding more girth to her underside.
As she ventured through the fort, she came across a few more of the bandits. They seemed more interested in saving the stolen valuables than their own life. They didn’t hesitate to attack her, ignoring the blaze. Had she had to fight all the raiders she might not have had a chance. Time with Loreit though, one or two warriors who had been picking on hapless peasants for years weren’t much of a threat.
She reared up and smashed one into the ground, feeling the ribs of fallen break under her weight. Pinning him under with her stomach, she turned to the next one who was charging to stab her. The sword came inches to the weak skin of her X marked chest. She held him back with her front foot though, disrupting the charge. With a swipe of her hand she knocked the blade out of her path and dived forward with mouth open.
With the man halfway engulfed, kicking and screaming, she raised her head up and devoured him with the sheer power of gravity and throat muscles. Within moments the man added to the mass on her gut, further crushing the other under her.
She slurped her lips, more at the joy of success rather than the flavor. There was still the pinned man though. When she relieved him of the pressure, it was clear he was in extreme pain with a bit of blood escaping from his mouth from the crushed ribs he suffered. Had this been anyone else, Exo would have shown some mercy. He would easily die in the fire even without her involvement. But she also knew what kind of person she was dealing with. A kind that would laugh at the slaughter of a family, cutting down a child and leaving them to drown in the river they fell in. Mercy was only for the deserving.
Exo promptly devoured him as well. It was fortunate he was in shock as his body was forced down her throat. It wasn’t like she cared at this point too. With a final swallow and whipping off the blood, she prepared herself for another hunt. The adrenaline helped fuel her rampage. Had it not been for the fact the sleeve on her jacket caught on fire, she would have kept going.
The fire that spread on her jacket snapped her out of her tunnel vision. She panicked, beating the flame with an open hand to combat it, nearly falling over from the extra weight under her. Once it was clear the jacket couldn’t be saved, it was removed and tossed to the side to burn along with the fortress.
The large dragontaur took a moment to reassess her surroundings. Her jack smoldering, her hand suffering minor burn damage, and the fort was a near inferno. It was probably best to go.
“Besides…” she thought looking back at her now tremendous belly, kicking and writhing with her live prey. “Any more and I would be trapped here to burn up with all of you…” And with that Exo made her leave.
There was still a bit of a high going through her. It was cathartic, even though she knew she was going to regret it later. Her gut dragged through the courtyard of the fort as she moved, stomach juices sloshing about with each step. The raiders were done. Even if some escaped from the fire and her digestive track, they were so few and lost their only hide out to really make any come back. The job was done.
However, just within sight of the exit, there was one raider left. Perhaps he was waiting for someone or perhaps seeking the one who did this. Their eyes met Exo’s, filled with hate towards the lone raider before moving their eyes down to her massive stomach, with distinct moving belly bulges. He was frozen in terror, understanding all what happened.
Had she devoured him like the others, she would not be able to escape as her own stomach would keep her from being able to move. However, there was her upper stomach. The stomach that was used to store food for later. It was harmless, but it meant that his fate would just have to be saved for later. Exo licked her lips as a smile came on her face. The man turned to run as Exo galloped and lunged at him, mouth opened.
And thus we returned back to the sign against the tree. The revenge filled euphoria was wearing off and the encumbered beast had to rest before returning to the closest village. Her body was extremely sore but non more then her stomachs which were tightly stretched over her prey. Each kick caused her to wince and every deep gurgle leaving her groaning from the mother of all stomach aches. How did Loreit do this with such ease was all Exo could wonder.
The raiders would meet their fate eventually, some sooner than others. Exo would probably bedridden for a week, Nursing her wounds, sore muscles, and lots of ginger ale to calm her stomachs and dealing with the non digestible material afterwards. Even after all that she would still have to deal with Loreit to berate her when she got home and probably spent more money then she earned from this.
Question was if it was all worth it. That if she had to do it again would she? The answer would be without any hesitation. The large taur let out a huge belch that echoed through the empty forest. She took a deep breath and returned to all four feet, scraping the side of the tree and removing the old outdated “Raiders Ahead” poster. She waddled off into the night, to find something with a roof somewhere to rest with her lively and temporary meal as the ancient fort burned to the ground.
Been a long time since I wrote a story like this. Very rusty and not the most creative name for sure but I do hope it is enjoyable.
I went a bit overboard with this pic. It was to replace an older pic I received years ago and I want to give it the justice it deserved. Thank you again to

Art by

Story, Coloring, and Characters done by

Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1038 x 1600px
File Size 2.3 MB