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Writer | Registered: May 13, 2009 09:24
Hello and welcome to my page!
For any one who watches or Fav's my work, I don't normally comment a thank you for your support but I do appreciate and thank you if you do! It all means a lot to me, I just don't like bogging people home pages down with "thank you for x".
I am Generationslayer and I thank you for viewing my content. I am a wanna be writer who hopes to create his own book one day and a artist in training so I can create my comics. I always welcome feed back and try to respond to any comments on my work. I tend to be friendly but I do ask you be respectful and mindful.
As for my content, I tend to deal in the subject of vore (the ability of a creature able to eat another creature whole). However I am pretty Safe For Work with it. Context is everything for me too. If you see a character in my works being "aggressive", it is more then likely non canon (I will usually state it in the works itself). Even so, if
My most well known project is the Tumble and Fall series with my co-creator
nd_node about a group of frienemies who try to stop a powerful weapon being unleashed on the world.
As for the rest, I have many many worlds and creations I wish to create but never have enough time. Never the less I still push my self to get faster and better.
If you are an artist who wants to give advice for my work ether place a comment on my work or simply note me! It is very much appreciated.
If you enjoy my work and want to help keep me going, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi or through the Shines system. I appreciate every dollar given!
Thank you again for visiting my page and viewing my works!
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sent Shinies to Generationslayer"Here, an incentive to continue to be a wonderful person!~"
Comments Earned: 12791
Comments Made: 12910
Journals: 265
Comments Made: 12910
Journals: 265
Featured Journal
Payment in full remaster?
5 years ago
So just a quick update guys, I'm sorry for all the slow updates and lack of art and what not. I've been busy as hell and been trying to get some art done for you guys to see.
Tumble and Fall issue 4 is still in the works and we are hoping to have something before the end of spring. I'll be sure to give you guys an update when we are closer to release.
Probably one of the most popular things in my gallery was the project between me and
dr_deadman Payment in Full, a dark tale of a 7 tailed fox keeping a dark secret as she does her duty. if you want to read the original.
This idea wasn't originally suppose to be a story that became a series but it slowly morphed in to one and became quite sucessful. However the comic was almost 100% paid for by me to be free to read and any small attempts to have it paid to continue failed (this was before patreon became a big thing) and because of this the comic was discontinued.
Years later and deadman and I have been asked multiple times to continue the comic. At this point I don't wish to "continue" the comic persay but rather remaster it as me and Dr Deadman have become better at our craft. Even so, there is the issue that comes with paying for this comic. So...I'll ask you guys what i should do.
Should I
A) make it a sellable comic like tumble and fall?
B) make it a crowd funded comic and if it reaches its goal the comic will be made and free to read?
or C) make it a monthly donation system where payers get to see a page early before release (If i go this route i would use Subscribe star because i don't trust patreon)
Let me know in the comments below what you think i should do if i do attempt to do this. Thank you again for reading
Tumble and Fall issue 4 is still in the works and we are hoping to have something before the end of spring. I'll be sure to give you guys an update when we are closer to release.
Probably one of the most popular things in my gallery was the project between me and if you want to read the original.
This idea wasn't originally suppose to be a story that became a series but it slowly morphed in to one and became quite sucessful. However the comic was almost 100% paid for by me to be free to read and any small attempts to have it paid to continue failed (this was before patreon became a big thing) and because of this the comic was discontinued.
Years later and deadman and I have been asked multiple times to continue the comic. At this point I don't wish to "continue" the comic persay but rather remaster it as me and Dr Deadman have become better at our craft. Even so, there is the issue that comes with paying for this comic. So...I'll ask you guys what i should do.
Should I
A) make it a sellable comic like tumble and fall?
B) make it a crowd funded comic and if it reaches its goal the comic will be made and free to read?
or C) make it a monthly donation system where payers get to see a page early before release (If i go this route i would use Subscribe star because i don't trust patreon)
Let me know in the comments below what you think i should do if i do attempt to do this. Thank you again for reading
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Alternative rock
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Hard to choose
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Pizza and pancakes
Favorite Quote
There is works of fine wine and water. I try to make water. Everyone drinks water.