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Little Quack | Registered: Sep 3, 2008 11:08
Fur Affinity is where I learned the full potential of what became the foundation of Coping With Limitations Through Pony. These being 'acceptance', 'understanding', 'empowerment', and 'community'.
There are few places where one can be their true selves without feeling the pressures of real life. Especially if you, like me, have a 'limitation' in which causes you to be treated in a negative way by the general public.
My 'limitation' is 100% blindness. How am I able to be on FA? It is thanks to technology known as a 'Screen Reader'. The one I've learned is called JAWS and stands for Job Access With Speech. The current speed in which software and web-sites are being updated are making the use of a screen reader harder-and-harder due to lack of consideration for 'Accessibility Testing'. However FA has not let me down by keeping updates to a minimal. It's been the most accessible site for me to use since 2008!
My goals here are to make friends, write stories, and enjoy the wonders of art through those kind enough to provide me 'Image Descriptions'. The imagination can go a long way and I strive to leave comments that reflect what I am inspired by in every work.
It should not be anything new to anyone, but I should mention I fall within the 'Baby Fur' community. I find diapered cartoon animals extremely adorable and delight in having my character, Yosh, interact with characters of all interests and backgrounds. (I gradually lost my sight since birth. So this is how I can utilize image descriptions to formulate images, stories, etc. in my head)
My real name is Matthew S. Palumbo. Why share this? I've grown tired of being shamed for both my 'limitation' and my liking of padded undergarments. It's hard to shame when you're open about it. This is also the name I've used in the self-publication of various books I've worked on with friends. (No profit / career... yet. However I do hope to make a humble living from my writing at some point.'/I])
Yosh, to me, is that part that helps me not give in to all the negativity someone, like myself, goes through when out-and-about with the general public. People can ignore me, not notice I have the trademark sunglasses on while walking a harnessed Seeing Eye Dog, give me unpleasant looks ([I]As described by my son and why he does not like to go on shopping walks with me), etc. Yosh counter-balances all this by giving me a degree of 'synthetic happiness' wherein life is simple through being a happily diapered dino-duck instead of an anomaly of human society.
I've held 3 full-time jobs between 2006 and present. However all have been lost due to my diminishing / lack of eyesight, compatibility issues with adaptive software and proprietary software, and/or flat out usage of my 'limitation' against me for public ridicule and approved discrimination.
Why do I keep saying 'limitation'? Because, as most know themselves, the right tools can enable most to perform right up there with those who do not have conditions they never asked for. It is the lack of making such tools available in which makes for a 'disability'.
I hope you are able to gleam insights on self-confidence, motivation, friendship, and cuteness from my little space here. Please feel welcome to Note me if you ever want to talk as I strive to help others cope with their limitations through the arts.
There are few places where one can be their true selves without feeling the pressures of real life. Especially if you, like me, have a 'limitation' in which causes you to be treated in a negative way by the general public.
My 'limitation' is 100% blindness. How am I able to be on FA? It is thanks to technology known as a 'Screen Reader'. The one I've learned is called JAWS and stands for Job Access With Speech. The current speed in which software and web-sites are being updated are making the use of a screen reader harder-and-harder due to lack of consideration for 'Accessibility Testing'. However FA has not let me down by keeping updates to a minimal. It's been the most accessible site for me to use since 2008!
My goals here are to make friends, write stories, and enjoy the wonders of art through those kind enough to provide me 'Image Descriptions'. The imagination can go a long way and I strive to leave comments that reflect what I am inspired by in every work.
It should not be anything new to anyone, but I should mention I fall within the 'Baby Fur' community. I find diapered cartoon animals extremely adorable and delight in having my character, Yosh, interact with characters of all interests and backgrounds. (I gradually lost my sight since birth. So this is how I can utilize image descriptions to formulate images, stories, etc. in my head)
My real name is Matthew S. Palumbo. Why share this? I've grown tired of being shamed for both my 'limitation' and my liking of padded undergarments. It's hard to shame when you're open about it. This is also the name I've used in the self-publication of various books I've worked on with friends. (No profit / career... yet. However I do hope to make a humble living from my writing at some point.'/I])
Yosh, to me, is that part that helps me not give in to all the negativity someone, like myself, goes through when out-and-about with the general public. People can ignore me, not notice I have the trademark sunglasses on while walking a harnessed Seeing Eye Dog, give me unpleasant looks ([I]As described by my son and why he does not like to go on shopping walks with me), etc. Yosh counter-balances all this by giving me a degree of 'synthetic happiness' wherein life is simple through being a happily diapered dino-duck instead of an anomaly of human society.
I've held 3 full-time jobs between 2006 and present. However all have been lost due to my diminishing / lack of eyesight, compatibility issues with adaptive software and proprietary software, and/or flat out usage of my 'limitation' against me for public ridicule and approved discrimination.
Why do I keep saying 'limitation'? Because, as most know themselves, the right tools can enable most to perform right up there with those who do not have conditions they never asked for. It is the lack of making such tools available in which makes for a 'disability'.
I hope you are able to gleam insights on self-confidence, motivation, friendship, and cuteness from my little space here. Please feel welcome to Note me if you ever want to talk as I strive to help others cope with their limitations through the arts.
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Seeing Eye Studies With Nugget
2 months ago
The Seeing Eye has been around for over 95 years. It's purpose is to provide those who are blind, or visually impaired, with a service dog who is capable of replacing the need to use a white cane. The training is quite intense, but worth it for the amount of confidence, wisdom, and freedom a Seeing Eye Dog provides.
Please allow me to apologize for having been so quiet this past week. Training at The Seeing Eye starts at 5:30 AM and does not end until after 8:00 PM. During this span of time, you are caring for the dog, training in travel on how to safely navigate various types of routes one may travel to get from a Point A to Point B, shown how to work the dog in stores and other types of places you may travel to, sitting in on lessons on all aspects of caring for, loving, and providing for the Seeing Eye Dog you are partnered with, etc. Downtime is brief, but I will try and get on when it is possible to see what you all have been up to and/or have had to share with me. :)
The interesting thing about The Seeing Eye is that, for me, it offers a chance to meet others who are blind, or visually impaired. This is both good and bad as it is nice to talk to others who have struggled with losing their vision while also making me quite jealous of those who still have usable vision left compared to my total lack of physical eyesight. Often, I forget to not compare myself to those who still have partial vision. There is just a jealous duck-butt who really misses being able to visually appreciate anything and that duck-butt is me. :)
As for my writing, I am thankful for all the great advice that you all have provided to me. For now, I think I will stick to really short stories while simply enjoying the stories and art that you are all putting up to be seen by the community. I have some ideas for longer stories, but nothing that feels ready enough to write. There is also the fact that, even after I finish my studies at The Seeing Eye, I have to work to successfully transition the new Seeing Eye Dog, whose name is Nugget, so he is comfortable at home and with the travel routes I typically take while exploring the city I live in.
Well, the break is over and more schooling to become perfectly partnered with Nugget is about to begin. If anyone is interested in what a Seeing Eye Dog is, I encourage you to either ask me in a comment below and/or watch the following video.
Your Pal:

---Yosh E. O'Ducky ;)
The Seeing Eye has been around for over 95 years. It's purpose is to provide those who are blind, or visually impaired, with a service dog who is capable of replacing the need to use a white cane. The training is quite intense, but worth it for the amount of confidence, wisdom, and freedom a Seeing Eye Dog provides.
Please allow me to apologize for having been so quiet this past week. Training at The Seeing Eye starts at 5:30 AM and does not end until after 8:00 PM. During this span of time, you are caring for the dog, training in travel on how to safely navigate various types of routes one may travel to get from a Point A to Point B, shown how to work the dog in stores and other types of places you may travel to, sitting in on lessons on all aspects of caring for, loving, and providing for the Seeing Eye Dog you are partnered with, etc. Downtime is brief, but I will try and get on when it is possible to see what you all have been up to and/or have had to share with me. :)
The interesting thing about The Seeing Eye is that, for me, it offers a chance to meet others who are blind, or visually impaired. This is both good and bad as it is nice to talk to others who have struggled with losing their vision while also making me quite jealous of those who still have usable vision left compared to my total lack of physical eyesight. Often, I forget to not compare myself to those who still have partial vision. There is just a jealous duck-butt who really misses being able to visually appreciate anything and that duck-butt is me. :)
As for my writing, I am thankful for all the great advice that you all have provided to me. For now, I think I will stick to really short stories while simply enjoying the stories and art that you are all putting up to be seen by the community. I have some ideas for longer stories, but nothing that feels ready enough to write. There is also the fact that, even after I finish my studies at The Seeing Eye, I have to work to successfully transition the new Seeing Eye Dog, whose name is Nugget, so he is comfortable at home and with the travel routes I typically take while exploring the city I live in.
Well, the break is over and more schooling to become perfectly partnered with Nugget is about to begin. If anyone is interested in what a Seeing Eye Dog is, I encourage you to either ask me in a comment below and/or watch the following video.
Your Pal:

---Yosh E. O'Ducky ;)
User Profile
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No Character Species
Dinosaur / Duck Hybrid
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Land Before Time, Zootopia, Saw, Resident Evil
Favorite Games
Yoshi's Island, Undertale, Castlevania: SOTN
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo switch, iPhone
Favorite Animals
Dinosaurs, Ducks, & Dragons
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Healthy / Affordable
Favorite Quote
"You won't need your eyes to find your place in the world."
Contact Information

I myself have both Cerebral Palsy and Autism.
I am 65 and retired.
Former Engineering Technician/Junior Engineer...