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Digital Artist | Registered: Sep 15, 2009 02:33
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★☽ Icαrus/Kyo ☾★
Artist, Developer, Clown ⋆ 34 ⋆ Married 

Twitter ⋆ Tumblr ⋆ BlueSky ⋆ Toyhouse
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Featured Journal
Kitty Fundraising [All Commission Types Open]
2 months ago
Hello everyone! Some of you might know by now that my kitty is at the vet. As far as I know, there was fluid found in her abdomen which, on further testing, seems to be caused by a failing liver, failing gallbladder, and a few other issues I'm not 100% on (Italian vet and my Italian is shaky). They also said that she's been unable to process glucose due to the issues so my poor girl is on a glucose drip right now along with a host of other medications. They aren't even 100% even after all this time on exactly WHY these things are happening and wanted to do a CAT scan as well as surgery to run some more tests. They're not exactly clear on whether she can recover, but I suspect we'll know that as soon as they can confirm the cause. The vet was almost afraid she wouldn't wake up from the anesthesia after the surgery but, blessedly, our girl is a fighter and she woke right up! I'll take that as a silver lining
TL:DR; Right now our vet total to get our kitty diagnosed and HOPEFULLY back to health is a whopping 1500 Euro which has cleared us out of all our savings for our tax accountant and we STILL owe more. We can't get her until Monday and we're not entirely sure if that number will be higher or not so I'm opening unlimited slots for now and opening up all my commission types.
NOTE: Since these will be unlimited slots and due to a special situation please be patient with me! I'm not going to take a year on it but it could take me a bit depending on several factors such as the number of commissions, details, and other commission types I am taking. I will update my Bluesky regularly and my Trello will remain up to date! Unless otherwise stated in a bulletin or on blueksy, I will do everything in the order it was received but I tend to work in batches of 5-10 at a time working through sketch, then lines and finally color.
Commission info:
Here is a link to my commission information:
As a note I am accepting painted commissions similar to this (warning bare breasts):
However any painted commission types will be double their usual flat color price. (Ex Busts are $55 usually so a painted bust will be $110)
LASTLY here is my trello so everyone can follow along as I progress through commissions:
UPDATE: If anyone perhaps just wants to donate to help out I'll link my kofi below. If you use cashapp or venmo and would rather send that way please let me know. I do prefer to work for the money needed to help get her well but sometimes folks don't really have any art they want so -motions awkwardly-
Please comment below or shoot me a DM if interested!
UPDATE: My kitty did not make it to Monday. We just got a call that she went into cardiac arrest. At this point we need to pay on top of the money for the test the cremation fees so we're at 1740 euro and I just really do not know what to do. I'm still keeping these open.....
TL:DR; Right now our vet total to get our kitty diagnosed and HOPEFULLY back to health is a whopping 1500 Euro which has cleared us out of all our savings for our tax accountant and we STILL owe more. We can't get her until Monday and we're not entirely sure if that number will be higher or not so I'm opening unlimited slots for now and opening up all my commission types.
NOTE: Since these will be unlimited slots and due to a special situation please be patient with me! I'm not going to take a year on it but it could take me a bit depending on several factors such as the number of commissions, details, and other commission types I am taking. I will update my Bluesky regularly and my Trello will remain up to date! Unless otherwise stated in a bulletin or on blueksy, I will do everything in the order it was received but I tend to work in batches of 5-10 at a time working through sketch, then lines and finally color.
Commission info:
Here is a link to my commission information:
As a note I am accepting painted commissions similar to this (warning bare breasts):
However any painted commission types will be double their usual flat color price. (Ex Busts are $55 usually so a painted bust will be $110)
LASTLY here is my trello so everyone can follow along as I progress through commissions:
UPDATE: If anyone perhaps just wants to donate to help out I'll link my kofi below. If you use cashapp or venmo and would rather send that way please let me know. I do prefer to work for the money needed to help get her well but sometimes folks don't really have any art they want so -motions awkwardly-
Please comment below or shoot me a DM if interested!
UPDATE: My kitty did not make it to Monday. We just got a call that she went into cardiac arrest. At this point we need to pay on top of the money for the test the cremation fees so we're at 1740 euro and I just really do not know what to do. I'm still keeping these open.....
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Musa acuminata
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Pop Punk
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Baldur's Gate 3, Final Fantasy 8
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Favorite Quote
"We're called werewolves not swearwolves."
