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Canis aureus | Registered: Aug 12, 2014 04:30
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Harassment, Allegations, and The Truth
3 years ago
Hello everyone,
I hope you all are doing well. I normally do not write these sort of things but I feel that this needs to be addressed. In these past couple of days, I have became under attack by a small Twitter mob with the allegations of claiming that I am a zoophile. Their attempts to harass me, to bully me, to cause defamation of my character have caused me to do quite a bit of thinking. So if you would not mind, please allow me to explain a few of my thoughts.
First, I do not support zoophilia in any manner. What I draw is purely fictional with no impact to real life. I believe in the welfare and good ownership of animals, so that they may live healthy and happy. The allegations against me are purely made on the NSFW artworks that I have drawn in the past with no other supporting evidence. While they're free to their own opinions on what feral NSFW artwork is, I feel they're very misguided and their harassment needs to stop.
Second, the widely accepted English definition of anthropomorphism is to give humanistic traits to animals. It is not defined as "giving animalistic traits to humans". While there is lore out there, such as werewolves, for giving animalistic traits to humans... that isn't what anthro is. To me, and while the term may be a little defined incorrectly, feral is a generalized term in the furry community that expands upon the quadruped body type. Many of the characters you see walking around on all fours, called ferals, are actually low-key anthros due to the humanistic traits that they were given. Not every art piece that I or any other artist produces is going to be able to portray these humanistic traits well. To this point, I find it very hypocritical of these online bullies to partake in the furry community when their whole point of view is against proper anatomy of animals, which furries are made out of.
Third, I do not really draw NSFW feral artwork anymore as my life has taken me in a new direction. I am facing a few great opportunities in my life that I am very much looking forward to, and so my time to draw is more solely focused on my SFW painted works. As an artist that draws for a hobby, I reserve the right to draw what I want when I want as long as I feel it is appropriate. So I might draw a NSFW artwork here or there, but that is not my focus of the art I want to produce.
Fourth, the deactivation of my NSFW account VulgarCanine has nothing to do with the harassment, online bullying, and allegations against me. It is an FurAffinity account that I have not used for a very long time. These baseless allegations only reminded me that for a long time now I wanted to close that account. This is not to say I am stopping NSFW artworks as a whole either.
Fifth, I sure hope that all of you who have supported me in the past and who continue to support me now do not come under threat of such harassment that I have received. I am very grateful for all the support that you all have shown to me. I hope to continue to paint beautiful artworks for you all to enjoy as my inspiration allows me. It is not always easy for me to produce artworks, and I have my struggles, but the support that my friends and my supporters give to me is very encouraging.
Thank you for reading.
I hope you all are doing well. I normally do not write these sort of things but I feel that this needs to be addressed. In these past couple of days, I have became under attack by a small Twitter mob with the allegations of claiming that I am a zoophile. Their attempts to harass me, to bully me, to cause defamation of my character have caused me to do quite a bit of thinking. So if you would not mind, please allow me to explain a few of my thoughts.
First, I do not support zoophilia in any manner. What I draw is purely fictional with no impact to real life. I believe in the welfare and good ownership of animals, so that they may live healthy and happy. The allegations against me are purely made on the NSFW artworks that I have drawn in the past with no other supporting evidence. While they're free to their own opinions on what feral NSFW artwork is, I feel they're very misguided and their harassment needs to stop.
Second, the widely accepted English definition of anthropomorphism is to give humanistic traits to animals. It is not defined as "giving animalistic traits to humans". While there is lore out there, such as werewolves, for giving animalistic traits to humans... that isn't what anthro is. To me, and while the term may be a little defined incorrectly, feral is a generalized term in the furry community that expands upon the quadruped body type. Many of the characters you see walking around on all fours, called ferals, are actually low-key anthros due to the humanistic traits that they were given. Not every art piece that I or any other artist produces is going to be able to portray these humanistic traits well. To this point, I find it very hypocritical of these online bullies to partake in the furry community when their whole point of view is against proper anatomy of animals, which furries are made out of.
Third, I do not really draw NSFW feral artwork anymore as my life has taken me in a new direction. I am facing a few great opportunities in my life that I am very much looking forward to, and so my time to draw is more solely focused on my SFW painted works. As an artist that draws for a hobby, I reserve the right to draw what I want when I want as long as I feel it is appropriate. So I might draw a NSFW artwork here or there, but that is not my focus of the art I want to produce.
Fourth, the deactivation of my NSFW account VulgarCanine has nothing to do with the harassment, online bullying, and allegations against me. It is an FurAffinity account that I have not used for a very long time. These baseless allegations only reminded me that for a long time now I wanted to close that account. This is not to say I am stopping NSFW artworks as a whole either.
Fifth, I sure hope that all of you who have supported me in the past and who continue to support me now do not come under threat of such harassment that I have received. I am very grateful for all the support that you all have shown to me. I hope to continue to paint beautiful artworks for you all to enjoy as my inspiration allows me. It is not always easy for me to produce artworks, and I have my struggles, but the support that my friends and my supporters give to me is very encouraging.
Thank you for reading.
