Harassment, Allegations, and The Truth
3 years ago
Hello everyone,
I hope you all are doing well. I normally do not write these sort of things but I feel that this needs to be addressed. In these past couple of days, I have became under attack by a small Twitter mob with the allegations of claiming that I am a zoophile. Their attempts to harass me, to bully me, to cause defamation of my character have caused me to do quite a bit of thinking. So if you would not mind, please allow me to explain a few of my thoughts.
First, I do not support zoophilia in any manner. What I draw is purely fictional with no impact to real life. I believe in the welfare and good ownership of animals, so that they may live healthy and happy. The allegations against me are purely made on the NSFW artworks that I have drawn in the past with no other supporting evidence. While they're free to their own opinions on what feral NSFW artwork is, I feel they're very misguided and their harassment needs to stop.
Second, the widely accepted English definition of anthropomorphism is to give humanistic traits to animals. It is not defined as "giving animalistic traits to humans". While there is lore out there, such as werewolves, for giving animalistic traits to humans... that isn't what anthro is. To me, and while the term may be a little defined incorrectly, feral is a generalized term in the furry community that expands upon the quadruped body type. Many of the characters you see walking around on all fours, called ferals, are actually low-key anthros due to the humanistic traits that they were given. Not every art piece that I or any other artist produces is going to be able to portray these humanistic traits well. To this point, I find it very hypocritical of these online bullies to partake in the furry community when their whole point of view is against proper anatomy of animals, which furries are made out of.
Third, I do not really draw NSFW feral artwork anymore as my life has taken me in a new direction. I am facing a few great opportunities in my life that I am very much looking forward to, and so my time to draw is more solely focused on my SFW painted works. As an artist that draws for a hobby, I reserve the right to draw what I want when I want as long as I feel it is appropriate. So I might draw a NSFW artwork here or there, but that is not my focus of the art I want to produce.
Fourth, the deactivation of my NSFW account VulgarCanine has nothing to do with the harassment, online bullying, and allegations against me. It is an FurAffinity account that I have not used for a very long time. These baseless allegations only reminded me that for a long time now I wanted to close that account. This is not to say I am stopping NSFW artworks as a whole either.
Fifth, I sure hope that all of you who have supported me in the past and who continue to support me now do not come under threat of such harassment that I have received. I am very grateful for all the support that you all have shown to me. I hope to continue to paint beautiful artworks for you all to enjoy as my inspiration allows me. It is not always easy for me to produce artworks, and I have my struggles, but the support that my friends and my supporters give to me is very encouraging.
Thank you for reading.
I hope you all are doing well. I normally do not write these sort of things but I feel that this needs to be addressed. In these past couple of days, I have became under attack by a small Twitter mob with the allegations of claiming that I am a zoophile. Their attempts to harass me, to bully me, to cause defamation of my character have caused me to do quite a bit of thinking. So if you would not mind, please allow me to explain a few of my thoughts.
First, I do not support zoophilia in any manner. What I draw is purely fictional with no impact to real life. I believe in the welfare and good ownership of animals, so that they may live healthy and happy. The allegations against me are purely made on the NSFW artworks that I have drawn in the past with no other supporting evidence. While they're free to their own opinions on what feral NSFW artwork is, I feel they're very misguided and their harassment needs to stop.
Second, the widely accepted English definition of anthropomorphism is to give humanistic traits to animals. It is not defined as "giving animalistic traits to humans". While there is lore out there, such as werewolves, for giving animalistic traits to humans... that isn't what anthro is. To me, and while the term may be a little defined incorrectly, feral is a generalized term in the furry community that expands upon the quadruped body type. Many of the characters you see walking around on all fours, called ferals, are actually low-key anthros due to the humanistic traits that they were given. Not every art piece that I or any other artist produces is going to be able to portray these humanistic traits well. To this point, I find it very hypocritical of these online bullies to partake in the furry community when their whole point of view is against proper anatomy of animals, which furries are made out of.
Third, I do not really draw NSFW feral artwork anymore as my life has taken me in a new direction. I am facing a few great opportunities in my life that I am very much looking forward to, and so my time to draw is more solely focused on my SFW painted works. As an artist that draws for a hobby, I reserve the right to draw what I want when I want as long as I feel it is appropriate. So I might draw a NSFW artwork here or there, but that is not my focus of the art I want to produce.
Fourth, the deactivation of my NSFW account VulgarCanine has nothing to do with the harassment, online bullying, and allegations against me. It is an FurAffinity account that I have not used for a very long time. These baseless allegations only reminded me that for a long time now I wanted to close that account. This is not to say I am stopping NSFW artworks as a whole either.
Fifth, I sure hope that all of you who have supported me in the past and who continue to support me now do not come under threat of such harassment that I have received. I am very grateful for all the support that you all have shown to me. I hope to continue to paint beautiful artworks for you all to enjoy as my inspiration allows me. It is not always easy for me to produce artworks, and I have my struggles, but the support that my friends and my supporters give to me is very encouraging.
Thank you for reading.
You have wonderful work and I hope you keep making more- sfw or nsfw.
Its fantasy and the characters are sentient, its not much different from an anthro with anatomically correct genitals. If they can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, that issue is on them, not you. if anything they're taking away attention for real zoophiles. So long as you are not actively hurting real animals, there's shouldn't be a problem.
Its so weird that people think Anthro NSFW is FINE. Yet. Its STILL an Animal with a Dick or Pussy or Boobs.
Like, there is no justification on their part for an animal having tits and bits.
Its just Art. :)
How would they feel if they were harassed the same way they harass others?
human sexuality is so weird and complicated, I wish people would appreciate all the nuances instead of jumping to drastic conclusions
for example, when you draw anthro NSFW and its only neck up of the character sucking dick- guess what, at that point its just an animal sucking dick- does that make it 'zoo' then?
ever since i read that it really stuck with me
there's a reason we make our sonas and OC's the critters they are, anthro or feral- and its not because we wish to fuck a dog's face.
the amount of mental gymnastics they play to hate on four legs and simultaneously jack off to the same thing but on two legs is wild.
They have a lot of issues going on within themselves if they can't comprehend that and allow peer pressure to swell their brains into thinking;
Its really sad to see people become sheep.
NSFW Art does not necessarily mean you're a Zoophile.
Yes, Zoophiles lurk in this fandom A LOT.
So do Pedophiles.
That doesn't mean just because you like and or draw NSFW Feral or Anthro/Feral (vice versa) or like Innocent Babyfur Art, you're one of these disgusting things in society.
If anything, these toxic people and their behavior is what needs to be crushed under a timberland boot.
You'll go far in life when you do what you do best. I'm glad you addressed this. I've done it as well.
One person randomly called me a Zoophile then blocked me instead of letting me respond to them lmao.
Admin didn't do anything about it though from my perspective when I did say something.
Maybe they warned the person.
Idunno but its usually 18-22 yr old "Minors". I say minors as an insult because they clearly aren't mature nor smart.
Anyway... You do you. We're here for ya :)
100% agree with this. Those that complain about feral forget that nsfw "anthro" art also heavily fetishizes animalistic traits/features. If they're not mature enough to seperate fantasy from reality, then maybe they shouldn't involve themselves in adult furry spaces.
I've seen a couple feral furs in the fandom being attacked over the years, and it always pains me seeing it happen... I sincerely hope you're feeling well & aren't too dissuaded by these bullies who think they have the moral high ground attacking artists for simply drawing art
I own, play and enjoy plenty of violent games. Games where it is possible and encouraged to kill enemies, or innocent bystanders in more creative ways than one could imagine. Does that make me a murderer? No.
Because I, apparently against the norm, am equipped with an ability to differentiate fact from fiction.
While funny and enjoyable as a fiction, real life events would traumatize me and almost anyone else.
So fandom purists, please tell me how this example is any different from the topic, and why other isn't given a rats ass while other gets people banned, defamated after mere rumours.
Your paintings are inspiring, and I hope your new direction brings you artistic joy and happiness.
Ужасно осознавать такие обвинения, я ненавижу зоофилию и все что с ней связано, потому что это просто аморально, но один раз меня косвенно обвинили в ней и я уже дико возгорелся. Не представляю что чувствуете вы в твиттере (
I've only followed you for a short time, but I have looked at your work posted on Fur Affinity and I just don't see it. It's possible some moron doesn't really understand the definition of 'zoophile', but it's more likely someone is having 'fun' at the expense of others. These are usually immature individuals driven power mad by the false authority they feel, reporting innocents to the authorities for imaginary violations.
The lynching of Emmett Till is only one example of idiots thinking they have a little power. Granted, that's a much different scale, but ruining someone's life is a weak excuse for irresponsible action.
I hat to counsel feeding trolls, but have you been contacted by the immoderators of any website on which your material appears? Have you responded to the trolls that their allegations are invalid if they can't prove them? I was attacked by some clod on DeviantART who claimed one of my stories was homophobic, although that individual didn't specify which story or how it was offensive. Of course, they immediately blocked me after sending the toxic message. I simply turned the matter over to DA's immoderators and blocked the individual myself. DA is horrible for this sort of thing, one only seems to receive protection if one is a 'Core' user.
I hope this blows over. I love your work and I don't want to see you driven off, even from Twitter. Wishing you the best, but dumping Twitter might not be a bad idea unless you're making money there.
Personally I don't fancy nsfw that much in general and I hate NSFW feral artworks that show sex or any kind of action related to that. I think it's disgusting but to me vore is almost as disgusting as that... so no judgment really.
Finally I REALLY love your art (it's so gorgeous!) and I wish to support you in the future with at lest one commission. I always go through your gallery with awe and think to myself that when I get the money I will get one commission as well. Stay strong and don't take it too personally.
Best to stay off of it.
Honestly this is just Twitter being Twitter. Monkey see, monkey do. No one can have their own thoughts or actually think in general there, and it shows every day
So what, you, as an artist, as supposed to censor yourself and your imagination because they choose to view what you create and choose to be offended by it? I say not in a million years. You don't even have to explain yourself as you've done here or even disclaim you are a zoophile as that is completely irrelevant to you making art and drawings, "feral" or otherwise. What your personal preferences are, what your imagination produces, and what you practice in life are completely different things.
That doesn't mean that there aren't sensible voices, and I don't reject having the conversation as a whole. Zoophilia is a thing in the furry fandom and always has been. That's a fact, only a fool would deny it, and there's an interesting discussion to be had about it, just as in previous moral panics it was interesting to discuss whether "cub art" was associated with paedophilia, or whether the Burned Furs were right to be so upset about furry sexuality. But these self-appointed moral banshees are the worst people imaginable to have as the gatekeepers of that discussion.
("Burned Furs?" I hear you cry? You don't remember the Burned Furs? Exactly: they were generally a bunch of nutcases, mixing a smidgen of sense with a fistful of unpleasantness and a whole bunch of distorted sexual repression. I'm sure that sounds familiar. And guess what? They're practically forgotten now. I'm willing to bet that today's anti-zoophile hysteria will seem equally weird and pointless in another two decades' time.)
It sounds like you're not taking their attacks personally, and I'm very glad to hear that, because indeed it's not personal. Most of the time they're really saying something more about themselves than about you. But even when you recognise that, it's psychologically difficult for a human to receive that kind of hate. It may not be personal, but it kinda feels personal. So kudos to you for dealing with it so sensibly.
As far as possible, I recommend not even engaging with these people. Just block and move on. The majority of them are not acting in good faith, they're not actually trying to improve the world, they're just making a desperate and dysfunctional attempt to feed their own wretched little egos. Their bullcrap doesn't deserve the dignity of a coherent response.
In short?
Fuck 'em. And the horse they rode in on. Oh, the irony.
Keep your head up and keep doing beautifull art you like. Wishing you happy holidays.^^
But more importantly I'm totally down with that idea of the middle finger.
Sadly a lot of people are cruel in their assumptions and attack based on their own moral reactions to content they are not use to seeing.
You are doing nothing wrong and I'm glad to know you also do not support zoophilia/zetas. I also draw NSFW ferals and dark kink content and a lot of people make cruel assumptions about me as well. Just know people out here do support you openly!
I'll always treasure the art you did for me, and I hope this experience won't dissuade you from drawing NSFW when you would like to! You should draw whatever you want. Your growth has been extremely inspiring this year, I'm happy to see how much your prices have gone up, and your passion for your work really shines through.
Personally, I don't care what sex toy someone used that is between them and the toy and it makes them happy. It's just some of these "Virtue signaling" people need to take a long hard look at themselves before they call out others.
You deserve absolutely NONE of this... This makes me absolutely LIVID. Like these puritanical maniacs could care less about ACTUAL zoophiles who point blank put it on their profile instead they use this as a slander tactic...
Please continue to make beautiful work, it really helps with my species dysphoria. I appreciate seeing your art, and you should never be ashamed of expressing your wild side! :)
Continue to be breathtaking. Much love! <3
There are a lot of zoophiles sadly hiding in the feral part of the fandom. You just never really noticed that because feral art can be in fact anthropomorphic in its own way, with four-legged creatures being portraited with sentience and being more human-like in nature. Once you realize that not everyone sees it that way, it hits different. I don't assume that everyone who draws feral NSFW or consumes it is into irl animals as well, but there are undeniably more than a handful of people who are... NSFW feral art became sort of a red flag.
The best we can do is self-monitor and police accordingly within our communities. Anyone who posts actual zoophilia or promotes it usually gets removed rather fast, at least in our Telegram feral communities. I too do not support zoophilia or zoosadism.
BTW you also do lovely art. I have watched you for awhile. :) Hoping to commission one day!
Also much appreciated, Naantam!
Your journal is very well stated and i like your definition of anthro, anyways i hope you don't let these idiots get you down and keep up the amazing art. Seriously every time you post you get better and better. Your art is so beautiful i was just talking about it the other day after seeing your recent picture! Truly wonderful art and i can't wait to see more 8v8
It's twitter a toxic land of people trying to impress other people to get clout so at the next con maybe they will get laid or be invited to a party. Main reason I left that platform is it makes furry look very toxic.
Hopefully you're finding actual life-forms away from the Internet and closer to you, but there are still plenty of non-zombies with your account in their watch list. :3
So long as people aren't commissioning and drawing nsfw of their own pets, which I've sadly seen people do and hints at illegal and gross irl feelings, it doesn't bother me. These are usually just our alter egos, not references to wanting to harm irl animals.