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Watcher | Registered: Jul 25, 2007 06:59

Me and my boys (click the names for an example picture):
Tsarin Theldara Vanya
Species: Snow Leopard Weight: 200 Height: 6’3” Age: 25 Build: Athletic Eye Color: Deep blue Hair: No extra headfur, but his fur everywhere is extremely thick Fur Color: Pure white, with deep black spots Noteworthy Features: 6’ long tail, black pointed mark on forehead
Personality: Comes from a long line of monks. Is friendly, caring, helpful and fun loving. Hates to see people sad or in pain, does all he can to prevent this happening. Has access to spirit powers that he uses towards this purpose.
Terryn Rynan
Species: Lion Weight: 185 Height: 6’4” Age: 22 Build: Thin with muscle Eye Color: Bright gold Hair: Flaming red mane, looks like flame in sunlight Fur Color: Golden Noteworthy Features: Bright red happy trail above crotch, scrotal piercing
Personality: Son of the high mage Rynan, and training in fire magic himself. Lazy, playful, bored with studies. Loves to hang out with friends, play games, or have sex. Lots of sex, with anyone he can find. Also has a moody older brother Farryn who is now in the Border Patrol.
Tsavik O’Laighin
Species: Bull/minotaur/beast Weight: 800~ He never bothers to weigh himself Height: 8’7” Age: 34 Build: Massive, strong Eye Color: Soft blue Hair: No extra headfur Fur Color: Deep brown Noteworthy Features: Pair of horns. Set of upward-facing fangs. Occupation: Currently a barkeeper
Personality: A war veteran now employed as a barkeep. Quiet, stoic, kind, often looked upon with fear on first meeting due to size and fangs, but he gentleness shows through quickly. Also acts as a very effective bouncer.
Tai (Tyler) Foon
Species: Half Asian Dragon, half Western Dragon Weight: 160 Height: 6’7” Age: 19 Build: Thin, lanky Eye Color: Purple Hair: No hair Scale Color: Aquamarine scales, bronze armor plates Noteworthy Features: Thin aquatic dragon body with thick scattered earth dragon armor scales
Personality: Upper middle class, absent minded but loving parents. Super excitable, energetic, curious, can be abrasive but always means it in fun. Has an older sister and twin younger brothers whom he gets up to mischief with.
Thaddeus Lawrence Walker
Species: Half Spitz, half White German Shepherd Weight: 140 Height: 5’10” Age: 28 Build: Thin, quick Eye Color: Left blue, right brown Hair: No extra headfur, thick neck ruff Fur Color: Pure white Noteworthy Features: Black teardrop necklace that he never takes off if he can help it
Personality: Thaddeus currently is between jobs, though is a founder of the semi-famous band Mutt, has the ability to influence and charm people using a special power, though he doesn't like to use it. Is suave, confident, and charming in public, lonely and brooding alone.
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Merry Christmas to you & yours and a happy New Year 2025.
My Apologies for the late wishes.