Views: 2632
Submissions: 7
Favs: 58

Crafter | Registered: Apr 19, 2011 09:47
My favorite artists are there for a reason! Please consider supporting them!

My Groups:
Texasfurs ~ Dallas area
Elite_Dangerous ~CMDR Texas_Gunn, Federal Corvette Pilot.
Ja, Ich spreche Deutsch. Aber nein, Ich kann nicht jodelen.
При необходимости я могу писать по-русски.
My Bro:
A little about me: I am field manager for a construction company, overseeing many different jobsites at once. I have a Bachelor's degree in Supply Chain Management and an Associates in business. I enjoy streaming games, learning electric guitar, trying to mixing music, and building custom computers in my free time. If you need to get a message to me quickly, use my telegram.
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Comments Earned: 81
Comments Made: 77
Journals: 0
Comments Made: 77
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User Profile
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No Character Species
Golden Fox
Favorite Music
All, except most rap
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Tron, Zootopia, Black Hawk Down
Favorite Games
Player Unknown's Battlegrounds, CoD, Halo, Division, Destiny, Elite Dangerous, Factorio, and Mabinogi
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC Master race
Favorite Animals
Fox, Raccoons, Deer, Felines
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Corned Beef 'n Cabbage ...... and sushi... I love sushi.
Favorite Quote
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