Views: 83553
Submissions: 196
Favs: 4877

Writer | Registered: Nov 7, 2006 06:05
And do not contact me out of the blue asking to yiffy RP. I'll block you. Hands down and simply put, I will block you. Get to know someone better before you approach them about something like that. I might unblock you if you apologize via Note or another messenger, but it's not a policy I'm inclined to flex too much on. This might be the internet, but if someone lacks the social skills to be appropriate at a first meeting then they're not someone I'd care to chat with.
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Commission Status
Requests: Closed
Trades: Closed
Commissions: Closed
Completed Commissions
Collecting Curious Curios for DigitalPotato
Furry Group Memberships

Other Group Memberships: : Exploration has been a bug that bit me when I was very, very young, and it's never loosened its grip. : Gotta keep in shape! Being prior military I'm a bit of a health nut. : Gotta love the martial arts too. : To hell with the tame stuff! : Paintball was, in all honesty, the first sport I tried that I liked. It's no surprise I eventually fell in love with it. : Otakus FTW! : Please, no griefing on that. I respect others' right to believe as they wish. Don't harp on my view that there's no evidence for what many religions propose. : Proud member. Please do browse my original works and leave your thoughts. I don't have many original written pieces, of course. I'm slower than I'd like to be there. But I'm working on a series. : I have no artistic skill. But I'm apparently decent with words.
A note about critique: I want productive, constructive, and effective critique on my work.
What does this mean?
This means if you intend to just say what you don't like, please don't bother. That's not the role of a critic. Include what you like, and why. An artist of any kind cannot get better by only being told what others thing they're not good at. They need to hear what they have as a skill or style that's effective and appealing.
And do your critique using proper and respectable tact. If you can't be respectable when leaving your commentary, or if your tone comes across as crass, your opinion is one I won't regard (keeping in mind that if my opinion about the section being critiqued is different than yours, and I like my reasoning more, I'll go with mine). Plus I'll likely tag a block onto it. I don't cater to trolls.
Buds and Respected Community Members One of the up-and-coming TF writers on this site, and on SoFurry. He focuses more on the male content than anything else, so heteros might find the mark getting missed. But his writing is excellent overall, and he comes up with some very creative concepts. If you're a fan of transformation material and very unique use of alliteration in stories then you should definitely give Ame's stuff a shot. An easily recognized name, he's one of the most well known TF writers. Also goes by the name VK, or Von Kreiger. If you don't know Jeeves' screen name then you're likely new to the site. He's easily ranked as one of the best writers in the community, and his skill earns him that placement easily. I found Serathin's works....I don't even remember when. But I've been reading his material for almost as long as he's been on FA, and it's been a real treat to see his writing improve and diversify as he's progressed from one submission to the next. Most of his works have a TF and male/male focus, but he branches out a bit from that from submission to submission, and lots of his stuff should appeal to a good reader base. Give his stories a shot! Another LONGTIME site member, who does a lot of writing, and a lot of that writing is material I enjoy. She does a lot of interesting takes on vore and transformation, if those are up your alley, and has created a very unique universe where most of her stories take place. Give her material a try, and you very likely will get hooked. Much like with Serathin I stumbled onto Theo's account a long time back, and in the time he's been on FA it's been impressive at how much his writing has improved as he's worked. Theo writes about a huge variety of different subjects, so there's likely something in his gallery to appeal to everyone. His writing as a more structured feel to it than a lot of the other writers in my featured list. There's a very concise and paced feel to his plotlines, which make the stuff he produces very approachable.
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: I'm one of the most approachable people you're likely to meet. I'm very....internet-ized, you could say. I've got my contact info displayed for that reason. I like meeting new people and having interesting conversations start up (keep that RP rule at the top of the profile in mind though). Feel free to debate. Feel free to send weird or interesting links (I do to my buddies on my lists all the time). It's not often I won't click, unless the URL implies something seriously squickish. But please, to the best of your ability, chat clearly. I love punctuation, syntax, and grammar.
Comments Earned: 15263
Comments Made: 11409
Journals: 182
Comments Made: 11409
Journals: 182
Featured Journal
I want my friend back
7 months ago
Anyone in any chats I am in has seen me express this sentiment.
Dragoneer was one of my best friends, both while I was active staff on FA and even after I stepped down. We stayed close, chatted a lot, and I did what I could to make him a little more comfortable over the last year.
And I really want my friend back. It's not fair. It's not right that he died the way he did.
Dragoneer was one of my best friends, both while I was active staff on FA and even after I stepped down. We stayed close, chatted a lot, and I did what I could to make him a little more comfortable over the last year.
And I really want my friend back. It's not fair. It's not right that he died the way he did.

User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
Dead Space, Skyrim and Half-Life
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC. I've never had the room available for a console, and just got used to my comp.
Favorite Animals
Any of the mewtwo/mewthree/mew-whatever line I'm a fan of. Real world I'm a reptile lover. So of course I like scalies.
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Asian cuisine. Chinese and Japanese by far being my favorites.
Favorite Quote
You ask why you should do something. You ask why you should care. You ask why you should take the time. I ask 'Why not?' - Daniel
Favorite Artists
Check my Watch list :P
Contact Information

Same for you, if you read one of mine, don't hesitate to leave comment !
Wish you a good day, and same with a happy new year ^^
Lovely stuff on your profile too <3