Views: 9154
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Favs: 295

Musician? | Registered: Feb 13, 2009 01:56

German Shepherd/Red Fox Hybrid!
I am a SHEPOX (Red Fox/German Shepherd Hybrid), who enjoys MUSIC and various other ACTIVITIES.
I play DRUMS, and am more of a MUSICIAN than anything. So when ART happens, it kind of YEAH.
Don't be afraid to TALK to me :3 send me a NOTE, COMMENT, WHATEVER.
Yup, that's about that.
Also I have a tumblr now:
Awesome avatar by trickitt!!

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Comments Made: 1051
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Comments Made: 1051
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No Character Species
Shepox (Red Fox/German Shephard Hyrbrid)
Favorite Music
Lots and lots
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Yup, too many to pick.
Favorite Games
Bioshock! Fallout! Mass Effect! DUSK!
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
foxes, doggies, dragons, fluff n stuff
Favorite Foods & Drinks
The edible kind
Favorite Quote
'Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.' - Dr. Seuss
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