Views: 16047
Submissions: 92
Favs: 878

Photographer | Registered: Sep 5, 2010 01:21
Gender: Male
Species: Siberian Husky
Orientation: Gay
Height: 5'5"
Fur Color: Red & Yellow with Rainbow thunderbolt on
his left side
Eyes: Brown(left) & Blue(right)
Con attended:
(Tries to attends the DG bowl meet at least once a month)
AC 15, 16,
MFF 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Species: Siberian Husky
Orientation: Gay
Height: 5'5"
Fur Color: Red & Yellow with Rainbow thunderbolt on
his left side
Eyes: Brown(left) & Blue(right)

I can also be found on:
Twitter Very Active
Con attended:
(Tries to attends the DG bowl meet at least once a month)
AC 15, 16,
MFF 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 2133
Comments Made: 2813
Journals: 69
Comments Made: 2813
Journals: 69
Recent Journal
Happy 2021
4 years ago
Haven't made a journal in 5 year's. Hope everyone is doing well. Hit me up on Twitter skyfluffyhusky