Views: 5560
Submissions: 5
Favs: 115

Writer | Registered: Jul 2, 2016 11:20
Bowing dramatically, the mouse declares "Greetings! I am Simon Gawaine, sagacious sorcerer, owner of 'Simon's Sorceries', seller of magical wares and spellcraft!"
Simon is a young adult male mouse and a practicing sorcerer fresh out of magic school. His specialty is transmutation, taking the properties of one object, being, or condition, and changing it for another. Simon looks to make his mark on the world as a helper to all fur kind through his magical ability. After living all his life in the country near a small village, he has recently moved to the city of Cape Crowne, a coastal city with many furs for him to help. Simon sells his wares and services in his little cramped shop, 'Simon's Sorceries', which he runs out of his upstairs apartment.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance!" ^_^
Simon is a young adult male mouse and a practicing sorcerer fresh out of magic school. His specialty is transmutation, taking the properties of one object, being, or condition, and changing it for another. Simon looks to make his mark on the world as a helper to all fur kind through his magical ability. After living all his life in the country near a small village, he has recently moved to the city of Cape Crowne, a coastal city with many furs for him to help. Simon sells his wares and services in his little cramped shop, 'Simon's Sorceries', which he runs out of his upstairs apartment.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance!" ^_^
Comments Earned: 49
Comments Made: 52
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Comments Made: 52
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indie rock, alt rock, folk rock
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The Big Lebowski
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Veggie pizza
Favorite Quote
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." -Buddha
