Views: 95241
Submissions: 285
Favs: 11501

Writer | Registered: Jul 27, 2006 08:15
Proud author of the Codename: Stinger series. Metamorphs, comedy, action, superpowers, boobs!
Requests: No.
Trades: Discuss privately.
Commissions: Always updating my state via journals. ( for Terms of Service & Prices)
I have a ko-fi! Feel free to support me there!
Requests: No.
Trades: Discuss privately.
Commissions: Always updating my state via journals. ( for Terms of Service & Prices)
I have a ko-fi! Feel free to support me there!
Comments Earned: 2370
Comments Made: 2219
Journals: 114
Comments Made: 2219
Journals: 114
Featured Journal
Official Terms of Service for Commissions (2025!)
10 years ago
Opening Statement: By asking for a commission of adult nature or content, you (the client) acknowledge you are of legal age (18 or older, depending on the area you live) and thereby agree you are an adult responsible for their actions. Failure to comply to this rule will result in the termination of the contract at any stage.
Pricing: 10 U$D per page. I (the writer) write in Microsoft Word using Size 12 Times New Roman font with single spacing between paragraphs. (Average story size is between 15-25 pages depending on content. Shorter or longer than average stories are a direct result of the concept explored & number of scenes/characters proposed/necessary)
- Addendum to Pricing: Do not specify the exact number of pages you'd like me to write when pitching your idea. I work off concepts and avoid unnecessary, outside limitations such as: "I want a story exactly X pages long please!". The quantity of text in a story will directly be reflected upon the idea, number of characters and scenes that the aforementioned concept requires. It is acceptable to outright ask for a simple scene with minimal introduction.
Availability: Limited hand-picked-idea based slot reservation. I will announce availability with a Journal in my galleries and a Twitter post, giving you multiple venues of contacting me. These announcements will include the number of potential slots (usually 3 per batch). IMPORTANT: After the “Commissions are Open” Journal/Tweet goes up, anyone who wishes to ask for a commission is free to do so. I will wait up to 2 full days to gather as much interest as I can and then pick the ideas I like the most REGARDLESS of which arrived first. This will give everybody a fair chance.
The process you must follow in order to ask for a commission is thus:
1) When a “Commissions are Open” Journal/Tweet is posted, you will be able to send me Notes/Personal messages in order to ask for a slot. IMPORTANT: I do not take ideas from journal posts or shouts any longer. You MUST send a Note or DM to me if you wish to be eligible for a slot.
2) The Note you send must include you directly stating you have read and that you agree to all of the terms in this list from top to bottom. "I agree with your ToS and would like to commission you." is an acceptable opening contact option.
3) Include character references and/or links, scripts that you’d like me to follow or if you want me to freeform, tell me which kinks or scenes are the must-haves you’d like to see in your story. Be as descriptive as you can so that I can understand what gets you excited the most!
4) If I like your idea, we’ll move onto planning and outlining. If the concept or character/s do not agree with me or my style, I reserve the right to reject the pitch even if I’ve asked you for more details.
5) If everything goes well up to this point and I feel like I can work with what you want, you will get the slot. Your position in the queue is determined by when in this batch I grant you the slot. If you were the last to get accepted, you will be at the end of the queue.
6) Before I start to work on your idea, a $50 USD starter fee is required to be paid up front. If your story ends below this price, you will be refunded the difference without me being responsible for any transfer fees. If the contract is terminated before product finalization, you will be refunded in proportion to how much work has been completed, or not at all in case it’s been sufficiently advanced. For stories that exceed $50 at the time of finalization, you will only get charged the difference between the total price and the starter fee. IMPORTANT: This only applies to new potential customers that I have yet to do business with for the first time. Repeat, trustworthy clients (or those that have already bought stories from me) can ignore this point.
- Addendum to Availability: I will not write about the following concepts:
• Toilet play of any kind.
• Extreme and visceral gore (Subject to theme; horror stories makes this acceptable, but still needs to be discussed)
• Intersex characters. (I don't feel confident in my ability to write them. Another writer will likely give you better results!)
• Pegging.
• Underage characters involved in any kind of sexual themed scene.
• Morbidly obese characters. (BBWs/muscle gut are fine!)
• Human male expansion (transformation into a different species and subsequent growth is acceptable)
• Extremely disproportional genital expansion (several times bigger than its owner; although this is subject to theme: comedic/temporary effects make this acceptable, but still needs to be discussed. If unsure, just ask!)
• Multi-genitals.
• Extreme torture/hardcore BDSM.
Anything not mentioned in the preceding list may be asked and negotiated about without any express guarantee that I will accept the pitch. I once again reserve the right to reject ideas that don't agree with my tastes.
-Addendum to Availability Nº2: If I’m currently closed and you do not want to wait for the next batch of commissions (or you simply do not wish to compete with other people for slots), you may approach me with an idea for a particular commission. This service which bypasses regular availability is priced 18 U$D/page.
-Addendum to Availability N°3 (NEW!): Exposure of my intellectual property is how I stay in business. If you for some reason wish you remain Anonymous, that is perfectly alright. Asking me to not publicize your commission however hurts my exposure and reach to potential new customers. Therefore, an upcharge of 25% over the TOTAL PRICE of your commission will be applied in the case of you needing your product’s distribution to remain exclusive from my galleries.
Property: Unless directly stated in a disclaimer or footnote, story content and characters belong to me as intellectual property, and may not be used in any commercial attempt without my consent first. The story document belongs to the commissioner and they may post it wherever they wish as long as credit to me as the author is due. I do not take ownership of original characters belonging to other people or characters used from popular media (this will be stated in every story that uses these).
Completion time: You will be notified when your story is complete. I don’t provide partial stories or updates in the form of documents, and I appreciate your patience. Constant update checking and/or idea-editing will be considered badgering and will NOT be tolerated.
Payment: You will receive the finished product to your supplied e-mail account when it is complete, at which point you will be able to decide for yourself if it's what you want. If a starter fee has been paid, you will be reimbursed the difference between the story’s size and the fee, or charged the difference in case the story’s size exceeds the starter fee in value. I only take payments via PayPal, and will disclose my PayPal e-mail to you when I send you the finished product.
Revisions: If the product does not meet expectations, you may request additions and/or modifications to the story, always respecting the page-count with its pertinent prices. Up to 2 revisions will be permitted.
Claims: After payment has been completed, you have 24 hours to make any other modifications or claims about the payment. After that, the contract will be considered a success and terminated.
Pricing: 10 U$D per page. I (the writer) write in Microsoft Word using Size 12 Times New Roman font with single spacing between paragraphs. (Average story size is between 15-25 pages depending on content. Shorter or longer than average stories are a direct result of the concept explored & number of scenes/characters proposed/necessary)
- Addendum to Pricing: Do not specify the exact number of pages you'd like me to write when pitching your idea. I work off concepts and avoid unnecessary, outside limitations such as: "I want a story exactly X pages long please!". The quantity of text in a story will directly be reflected upon the idea, number of characters and scenes that the aforementioned concept requires. It is acceptable to outright ask for a simple scene with minimal introduction.
Availability: Limited hand-picked-idea based slot reservation. I will announce availability with a Journal in my galleries and a Twitter post, giving you multiple venues of contacting me. These announcements will include the number of potential slots (usually 3 per batch). IMPORTANT: After the “Commissions are Open” Journal/Tweet goes up, anyone who wishes to ask for a commission is free to do so. I will wait up to 2 full days to gather as much interest as I can and then pick the ideas I like the most REGARDLESS of which arrived first. This will give everybody a fair chance.
The process you must follow in order to ask for a commission is thus:
1) When a “Commissions are Open” Journal/Tweet is posted, you will be able to send me Notes/Personal messages in order to ask for a slot. IMPORTANT: I do not take ideas from journal posts or shouts any longer. You MUST send a Note or DM to me if you wish to be eligible for a slot.
2) The Note you send must include you directly stating you have read and that you agree to all of the terms in this list from top to bottom. "I agree with your ToS and would like to commission you." is an acceptable opening contact option.
3) Include character references and/or links, scripts that you’d like me to follow or if you want me to freeform, tell me which kinks or scenes are the must-haves you’d like to see in your story. Be as descriptive as you can so that I can understand what gets you excited the most!
4) If I like your idea, we’ll move onto planning and outlining. If the concept or character/s do not agree with me or my style, I reserve the right to reject the pitch even if I’ve asked you for more details.
5) If everything goes well up to this point and I feel like I can work with what you want, you will get the slot. Your position in the queue is determined by when in this batch I grant you the slot. If you were the last to get accepted, you will be at the end of the queue.
6) Before I start to work on your idea, a $50 USD starter fee is required to be paid up front. If your story ends below this price, you will be refunded the difference without me being responsible for any transfer fees. If the contract is terminated before product finalization, you will be refunded in proportion to how much work has been completed, or not at all in case it’s been sufficiently advanced. For stories that exceed $50 at the time of finalization, you will only get charged the difference between the total price and the starter fee. IMPORTANT: This only applies to new potential customers that I have yet to do business with for the first time. Repeat, trustworthy clients (or those that have already bought stories from me) can ignore this point.
- Addendum to Availability: I will not write about the following concepts:
• Toilet play of any kind.
• Extreme and visceral gore (Subject to theme; horror stories makes this acceptable, but still needs to be discussed)
• Intersex characters. (I don't feel confident in my ability to write them. Another writer will likely give you better results!)
• Pegging.
• Underage characters involved in any kind of sexual themed scene.
• Morbidly obese characters. (BBWs/muscle gut are fine!)
• Human male expansion (transformation into a different species and subsequent growth is acceptable)
• Extremely disproportional genital expansion (several times bigger than its owner; although this is subject to theme: comedic/temporary effects make this acceptable, but still needs to be discussed. If unsure, just ask!)
• Multi-genitals.
• Extreme torture/hardcore BDSM.
Anything not mentioned in the preceding list may be asked and negotiated about without any express guarantee that I will accept the pitch. I once again reserve the right to reject ideas that don't agree with my tastes.
-Addendum to Availability Nº2: If I’m currently closed and you do not want to wait for the next batch of commissions (or you simply do not wish to compete with other people for slots), you may approach me with an idea for a particular commission. This service which bypasses regular availability is priced 18 U$D/page.
-Addendum to Availability N°3 (NEW!): Exposure of my intellectual property is how I stay in business. If you for some reason wish you remain Anonymous, that is perfectly alright. Asking me to not publicize your commission however hurts my exposure and reach to potential new customers. Therefore, an upcharge of 25% over the TOTAL PRICE of your commission will be applied in the case of you needing your product’s distribution to remain exclusive from my galleries.
Property: Unless directly stated in a disclaimer or footnote, story content and characters belong to me as intellectual property, and may not be used in any commercial attempt without my consent first. The story document belongs to the commissioner and they may post it wherever they wish as long as credit to me as the author is due. I do not take ownership of original characters belonging to other people or characters used from popular media (this will be stated in every story that uses these).
Completion time: You will be notified when your story is complete. I don’t provide partial stories or updates in the form of documents, and I appreciate your patience. Constant update checking and/or idea-editing will be considered badgering and will NOT be tolerated.
Payment: You will receive the finished product to your supplied e-mail account when it is complete, at which point you will be able to decide for yourself if it's what you want. If a starter fee has been paid, you will be reimbursed the difference between the story’s size and the fee, or charged the difference in case the story’s size exceeds the starter fee in value. I only take payments via PayPal, and will disclose my PayPal e-mail to you when I send you the finished product.
Revisions: If the product does not meet expectations, you may request additions and/or modifications to the story, always respecting the page-count with its pertinent prices. Up to 2 revisions will be permitted.
Claims: After payment has been completed, you have 24 hours to make any other modifications or claims about the payment. After that, the contract will be considered a success and terminated.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
80s, latin rock, whatever Gorillaz' genre is...
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
Deadpool, Dead Space, Team Fortress 2, Borderlands 2
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
DRAGONSDRAGONS! Erm, I like dragons.
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Spicy! Or anything with chicken breasts. If not that, hamburgers! Rawr.
Favorite Quote
Writers are pretty damn good liars. - Alan Wake
Contact Information

sent Shinies to DragonMasterX"Comfort"