Views: 15716
Submissions: 77
Favs: 6741

Online Roleplayer, Commissioner | Registered: Aug 26, 2013 10:26

Welcome to my FA Profile!
If you're viewing this page then you've probably met me through F-Chat, Telegram, Discord, Kik Messenger or even Xbox Live!
Otherwise, you've seen my art posted somewhere and you like what you've seen - so please do feel free to keep an eye on my gallery from time to time.
Wrrwwrrhh, now for the fun bit.
Who am I and what do I do?
My name is Shade, though my nametag for most places is Shady Wulf.
You'll recognise me whenever you see my fursona, a lovely fluffy wolf with off-white fur and amber eyes (which means it's my furry representation of self; not just a character)!
I'm a highly-skilled, online text-based roleplayer! I seek out recreational funtimes with other roleplayers as a hobby, to create and share authentic scenes for a mixture of pleasure and entertainment. Though I will mostly write with NSFW themes involved, I do enjoy a good mix of adventure, action, comedy and romance based themes to keep things exciting!
On this profile, I will be selectively posting the highest quality art that I've commissioned from the many talented artists I'm buying from over the coming years. This art gallery is to feature my many erotic adventures, amusing journeys, love relationships and hot dates. Please note that I am not an artist myself, although I have the same fussiness and eye for quality!
Below, I will list a few helpful guidelines for those that may get in contact with me.
Please have a read, as I generally look forward to meeting people both familiar and unacquainted!
Interaction Guide
For Artists
- If you consider yourself a high quality artist that does feral-focused YCHs and commissions then I'm interested
in getting art from you, and if you'd like to put yourself out there - maybe send me a note so I can watch you!
- If you are uncomfortable with drawing artwork that features characters with nonbinary, trans or intersex genders,
especially flat-chested males with a female reproductive body, then I may not wish to commission your artwork.
- If I am commissioning works from you (e.g. YCHs, Ref Sheets, Sketches, etc.) then please contact me via Telegram!
It is the most direct social media platform to try and contact me. Alternatively, leave me a note here on Furaffinity.
- I'd love to see my commissions online and would love to see them uploaded to sites like E621 and Furaffinity. When
commissioning artwork, I would ideally like to receive a version that's suitable for website upload parameters.
- Let me know if there are any usage restrictions as I am happy to discuss these details. Preferably, just being able
to share and upload these things are what I value most - but if there's anything else then please let me know.
For Roleplayers
- Find me on F-Chat (from F-List), if you can - it's my preferred site for roleplaying. There, you'll see an in-depth
profile featuring all the important details and juicy details regarding my desires for a good roleplay experience.
- I write exclusively in British English, as it is my native language. Thus, I desire roleplay partners that are also
fluent in English and are capable of writing to the same high standards of creativity and grammatical competency.
- In all circumstances, I wish to referred to by masculine pronouns (he/him/his/etc). Please remember to treat other
people as they would like to be treated. I have limited patience for those that deliberately choose not to.
- Please acknowledge that I am often quite busy, even when online, and that I may not always be available to
indulge in a roleplay. Some times I just want to watch the chat channels, see the artwork being posted and relax.
Please respect my boundaries and avoid insistently pressing for my attention - it is a finite resource and I prefer not
to overstress my capacity for multitasking. The key to my heart is through patience and understanding.

Pleasure, Anticipation and Happiness!
I am now committed to a loving, affectionate master, please acknowledge him with warmth and kindness:

Collared Since: August 9th 2022
Thank you for coming to view my profile, I hope you enjoy all my awesome content!
Shade © Shady Wulf

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Comments Earned: 561
Comments Made: 506
Journals: 22
Comments Made: 506
Journals: 22
Featured Journal
Valentine's Day is On the Way ♪
a year ago
That special time of the early year is on the bloom! Can you smell the sweet-scented rosebuds and wolf-safe chocolate alternatives?
To think, it's less than a month away already!
Be sure to plan now while the opportunity lies ahead, and be prepared to swoon your loved one(s).
Who is most deserving of your love this year? How would you like to share that love with them?
If you struggle to give your loved one(s) the attention they so often deserve, - make that day be the one day where you give them your all - to truly let them know how much you value and appreciate their companionship ♪
The day of love only comes once a year, but let's not forget that love is infinite. Should you miss that special occasion to celebrate on the day of love and happiness, don't fret - just reschedule it for another day. But don't forget it!
Rwwrrhh... romantics gifts, exotic trips, cosy lay-ins, coffee out in the town... perhaps something much much more passionate than that! If there's one thing to take away with you after you read this journal, it's this:
Send your love beyond mere materials and words. Let them feel it! Let the love inside you spring forth like a geyser, gushing wildly and wondrously in awe, in that they might become the hot spring that soaks your steamy warmth, and attentiveness with every ripple and flow.
Your fuzzy, heartwarming reminder from a wolf most fluffy and feelsy~
- Shade ♥
That special time of the early year is on the bloom! Can you smell the sweet-scented rosebuds and wolf-safe chocolate alternatives?
To think, it's less than a month away already!
Be sure to plan now while the opportunity lies ahead, and be prepared to swoon your loved one(s).
Who is most deserving of your love this year? How would you like to share that love with them?
If you struggle to give your loved one(s) the attention they so often deserve, - make that day be the one day where you give them your all - to truly let them know how much you value and appreciate their companionship ♪
The day of love only comes once a year, but let's not forget that love is infinite. Should you miss that special occasion to celebrate on the day of love and happiness, don't fret - just reschedule it for another day. But don't forget it!
Rwwrrhh... romantics gifts, exotic trips, cosy lay-ins, coffee out in the town... perhaps something much much more passionate than that! If there's one thing to take away with you after you read this journal, it's this:
Send your love beyond mere materials and words. Let them feel it! Let the love inside you spring forth like a geyser, gushing wildly and wondrously in awe, in that they might become the hot spring that soaks your steamy warmth, and attentiveness with every ripple and flow.
Your fuzzy, heartwarming reminder from a wolf most fluffy and feelsy~
- Shade ♥
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Canis Lupus - Off-white fur, Amber eyes.
Favorite Music
Solo Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Instrumentals & Soundtracks, Japanese Lofi Chill
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Zootopia, Bolt, Balto (1&2)
Favorite Games
D&D 5e, VRChat, Armello, Baldur's Gate 3, For Honor, Rainbow Six Siege
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Xbox One, PC (Steam)
Favorite Animals
Canines, Dragons, Cervines, Vulpines, Gryphons, Equines and more!
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Stir-fry, Curries and other medium spiced dishes. Also some seafood, especially salmon and sushi!
Favorite Quote
Contact Information

"Stay handsome sweetheart, I know it isn't much, but hope it helps, I'm shocked you haven't recieved any other tips but happy to be the first"