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Traditional Artist | Registered: Feb 26, 2010 07:20
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Polling: Fanfic question
a month agoShould i:
1) Continue doing what I'm doing and what i already have planned. (Keep working where i left off)
2) make it it's own story stepping away from Spyro. (Rewrite certain parts involving Spyro and Spyro's world and characters before continuing. A lot of work involved in this one)
3) stop writing this fanfic or story altogether. (it's dishearting to think about but this is an option i thought of last minute as i started writing this journal)
As much as i want to keep doing this i do value opinions but I've only gotten very few feedback and partially this is mostly coming from me who tries too hard to be a perfectionist. This polling is more of just an opinionated polling so please let me know what you all think.