Views: 8543
Submissions: 137
Favs: 934

Fursuiter | Registered: Dec 2, 2012 11:53
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Hi there! I'm Pinyon, I'm a Fursuiter, and Pilot.
Also I'm a Wusky, that's right I'm a hybrid of a Wolf and Husky. I currently live in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Male | Married | Wusky | Straight
Member of:

Want to draw me?
If you would like to draw my characters as a gift here are their ref sheets.
[center]Commissions I'm waiting on:
Cons I've attended
Furry Fiesta 2013
Furry Fiesta 2014, Wild Nights 2014, AnthroCon 2014, Tokyo In Tulsa 2014, Furban Campout Tulsa 2014, Oklacon 2014
Furry Fiesta 2015, Tokyo In Tulsa 2015, MFF 2015
Furry Fiesta 2016
Furry Fiesta 2018
Cons I plan on attending
Comments Earned: 1183
Comments Made: 1802
Journals: 73
Comments Made: 1802
Journals: 73
Featured Journal
Time for a Darn Update
6 years ago
First off I'm skipping TFF this year as my fiance and I have our wedding Fall 2019. Plus we are taking a vacation in Late Spring to Washington state to visit some of my family and hers.
We both bought our first house together back in Summer 2018, and started college again. She has finally found the career that she wants to do and has gotten a job in it, plus is doing online course work for her License as a Vet Tech. I'm pursuing my Bachelors in Aviation Management at Oklahoma State University as I already have my Associates. Also thanks to the University's flight club I have been trying to fly at least once a month, so far every other month is what has happened. I'm going to try to finally go for my Instrument rating this summer as I will have the opportunity through the flight club.
Luckily con wise it looks like Oklahoma will end up with two hotel fur cons within the next two years, so I will try to go to them for sure. As for my next full suit Cassie, if everything lines up financially after our wedding and I'm satisfied by my weight loss I may get her commissioned. Right now its looking like
nukecreations is who I plan on going with.
We both bought our first house together back in Summer 2018, and started college again. She has finally found the career that she wants to do and has gotten a job in it, plus is doing online course work for her License as a Vet Tech. I'm pursuing my Bachelors in Aviation Management at Oklahoma State University as I already have my Associates. Also thanks to the University's flight club I have been trying to fly at least once a month, so far every other month is what has happened. I'm going to try to finally go for my Instrument rating this summer as I will have the opportunity through the flight club.
Luckily con wise it looks like Oklahoma will end up with two hotel fur cons within the next two years, so I will try to go to them for sure. As for my next full suit Cassie, if everything lines up financially after our wedding and I'm satisfied by my weight loss I may get her commissioned. Right now its looking like

User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Favorite Music
Christian Rock, 80's, Wierd Al
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Star Wars Ep V
Favorite Games
BFV, World Of Warships
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Wolf, Husky, Coyote, Fox
Favorite Quote
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson
