Views: 13530
Submissions: 34
Favs: 617

Photographer | Registered: Apr 14, 2013 09:24

asd1894 axelwolf04 zilepo neonhyena out-of-the-boks bobbyj251 kzmaster
Members Cont:
The Photomorphers Guild "Mission Statement:"
The Guild is an FA page devoted exclusively to photomorphs aka 'picmanips;' all 'morphers are invited to join and add their creations to the Photomorphers Guild's Gallery, because...
- when furs and TF fans following this page see newly uploaded manips they're likely to visit the FA page of that particular 'morpher to enjoy more of that person's work, and quite possibly start following him or her to see more of their stuff as it comes along. Pretty nifty, huh?
More to come (I hope...)
April 15 2013: Welcome to the day-old
photomorphers-guild! [UPDATE 14 May 2013: It's now a month later and I just realized I never introduced myself - hi there, I'm the inimitable
comus, lifelong TF lover, longtime furry artist, writer and photomorpher, and proprietor of the TF-themed theme park, Circe's Funhouse -]
The Guild now has its first member:
mearcu Looking forward for other p'morphers to join the fun - such as today's additions,
shadowfox014 and
And now that it's Tuesday April 16, today's new member, :1:
UPDATE 7 May 2013: Shoulda mentioned this a while back, but
pythos_cheetah has now joined the fun (One of us! One of us!)
UPDATE 8 May 2013: Two more newbies:
asd1894 and
axelwolf04 !
UPDATE 14 May 2013: Welcome aboard,
zilepo and
UPDATE 16 May 2013: Joining the party as of quite recently:
UPDATE 17 May 2013: This morning's joiner
bobbyj251 (and I'll be damned if I can figure out why his avatar isn't showing up here)
UPDATE 27 July 2013: Let's hear it for
kzmaster a young, up-and-comer in the wonderful world of photmorphing & pic-manipping - welcome to the Guild!
UPDATE 2 October 2013: Everyone welcome the first new Guild member of autumn:
and the second to join this season He said "count me in;" well
hmh452002 you're in!
... can anyone tell me why the icons aren't appearing for this last bunch of folks?!
UPDATE 22 February 2014: The first new member of the new year: welcome aboard
UPDATE 26 April 2014: The second new member of 2014:
UPDATE: 22 July 2015: The first new member of 2015:
UPDATE: 1 September 2015: First new member(s) of the fall season -
grasky !

Members Cont:

The Photomorphers Guild "Mission Statement:"
The Guild is an FA page devoted exclusively to photomorphs aka 'picmanips;' all 'morphers are invited to join and add their creations to the Photomorphers Guild's Gallery, because...
- when furs and TF fans following this page see newly uploaded manips they're likely to visit the FA page of that particular 'morpher to enjoy more of that person's work, and quite possibly start following him or her to see more of their stuff as it comes along. Pretty nifty, huh?
More to come (I hope...)
April 15 2013: Welcome to the day-old

The Guild now has its first member:

And now that it's Tuesday April 16, today's new member, :1:
UPDATE 7 May 2013: Shoulda mentioned this a while back, but

UPDATE 8 May 2013: Two more newbies:

UPDATE 14 May 2013: Welcome aboard,

UPDATE 16 May 2013: Joining the party as of quite recently:

UPDATE 17 May 2013: This morning's joiner

UPDATE 27 July 2013: Let's hear it for

UPDATE 2 October 2013: Everyone welcome the first new Guild member of autumn:

and the second to join this season He said "count me in;" well

... can anyone tell me why the icons aren't appearing for this last bunch of folks?!
UPDATE 22 February 2014: The first new member of the new year: welcome aboard

UPDATE 26 April 2014: The second new member of 2014:

UPDATE: 22 July 2015: The first new member of 2015:

UPDATE: 1 September 2015: First new member(s) of the fall season -

Comments Earned: 91
Comments Made: 46
Journals: 4
Comments Made: 46
Journals: 4
Recent Journal
A note to us from the FA administrators
9 years ago
Hey there!
Comus here. This note arrived the beginning of December, just came across it today. (I really should keep an eye open for these things.) I'm reprinting it here for the enlightenment of all Guild members (tell your friends, too!)...
FA Admin: Impending Submission Removals
Sent By: AsiaNeko to Photomorphers-Guild On: Dec 3rd, 2015 03:44
It has come to our attention that you have pieces in your Gallery that violate the following policy:
"Acceptable Upload Policy, Section 2.5 - Content that was not made explicitly by you that is used as part of your submission (such as free-to-use lineart, backgrounds, or royalty-free content) must cite its original source and be used with permission from the copyright holder."
While we understand you're posting content to a group account and you aren't the artist, we still need all content cited. This includes the owners of the original photographs as well as citations for any other content used. If any content is used without permission (Even if it was done by the artist, and the artist didn't have permission) it is not permitted.
This is a Warning Notice.
Please bring your gallery into alignment with these policies by December 10, 2015 or else administration will have to remove the submissions in violation and the Warning will be escalated. If you cite all borrowed content you will keep your submissions and just a Warning Notice.
If you need more time or have further questions please don't hesitate to respond to this note.
Thanks for your cooperation,
FA Administration

FA Admin: Impending Submission Removals
Sent By: AsiaNeko to Photomorphers-Guild On: Dec 3rd, 2015 03:44
It has come to our attention that you have pieces in your Gallery that violate the following policy:
"Acceptable Upload Policy, Section 2.5 - Content that was not made explicitly by you that is used as part of your submission (such as free-to-use lineart, backgrounds, or royalty-free content) must cite its original source and be used with permission from the copyright holder."
While we understand you're posting content to a group account and you aren't the artist, we still need all content cited. This includes the owners of the original photographs as well as citations for any other content used. If any content is used without permission (Even if it was done by the artist, and the artist didn't have permission) it is not permitted.
This is a Warning Notice.
Please bring your gallery into alignment with these policies by December 10, 2015 or else administration will have to remove the submissions in violation and the Warning will be escalated. If you cite all borrowed content you will keep your submissions and just a Warning Notice.
If you need more time or have further questions please don't hesitate to respond to this note.
Thanks for your cooperation,
FA Administration
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