Views: 10794
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Writer | Registered: Jul 24, 2014 05:47
About me
: I'm a writer, as you could tell, and I kinda enjoy writing about my own fursona, Ynk Lamia, or at least imagining his life. I love a lot of things (reading, playing, video games, movies, learning how to do new stuff, parkour... And I hate a lot of stuff too: studying, traitors, hypocrites, wasting time, being disturbed, loud noises...
Both lists can go on and on but all you need to remember is that I'm a writer, enjoy creating new stuff for friends or commissioners. I can do rough drawing as you can also see and if you need something invented, I can do it, bear in mind that if I draw it, it will look shity...
Now, you'll ask "If Ynk is the name of your fursona, why do you use it?"
To answer that question, you need to understand that Ynk is me and I am Ynk.
I took that pseudo from the initials of another one I have used for a long time and I used to sign "YNK" on the few pics I drew back then. Then, I create my first fursona, which didn't had a name for several months; it was only later that, while looking for a name I remembered how I used to sign myself on those pics and decided it could be a pretty cool name... And it was! And given he has ink based powers (which came later), it's a nice word play, isn't it, hehehe ^^
His full name, however, is Ynk Lamia. Yes, I know that Lamias are usually those part snake creatures, but my Lamia is actually a magical piece of clothing that is 'alive' in some way: it can move, 'think' and protect its owner without him commanding it. I though it was pretty awesome and decided to use it. The sound was pretty nice as well.
What I DO NOT write: gore, vore, heavy scat, heavy water port and explicit yaoi.
Anything else is pretty much ok and can be discussed about it; though I'm more comfortable with SFW stuff, I can write NSFW.
Anything else is pretty much ok and can be discussed about it; though I'm more comfortable with SFW stuff, I can write NSFW.
(not like I got any anyway)
I'm a

The icons I use are made by

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Comments Made: 15135
Journals: 40
Comments Made: 15135
Journals: 40
Recent Journal
July spots Commission
3 years ago
Well, just in case someone would be interested, I'm opening 2 spots for commission for July. I have some days off and want to write...
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Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Music
I like so many kind... can't list them all
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
I have a lot of them.
Favorite Games
Sly Cooper & Assassin's Creed
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS4, 3DS
Favorite Animals
Foxes! (cause they're too cute!) and dragons! (cause they're too awesome!)
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Japanese (sushi, ramen, rice...)
Favorite Quote
Let's rock & ride!!