Views: 16119
Submissions: 443
Favs: 7741

GREEN'Z DA BEST | Registered: Sep 26, 2008 03:39
Imma Kovat!
Im a luminous green folfie who loves doodling.
Always trying to learn new things and wanting to try everything, so style varies alot sometimes
I've finally re-opened commissions! hit me up with a note, and ill talk there or we can talk via discord!
IF I draw for you a gift or commision and you feel so inclined you have my permission to repost it (provided the subject is owned by you)
Higher Res can be provided if you note me
full time arting now, and my days off are monday and tuesday!
Hit me up ! I love new people ♡
Happily married

And my 'sonas a folfie . 50/50 foxwolf ♂


Find me on DeviantartI'm an innocent flower who don't see mature submissions. But i do post NSFW!
Comments Earned: 3360
Comments Made: 2098
Journals: 20
Comments Made: 2098
Journals: 20
Recent Journal
I have so much art to upload
a year agoill be slowly uploading everything ive been making the last year, guess i kinda forgot to keep sticking things here.
im doing commissions now! but im mostly handling things via discord for the second, till ive got all my socials updated and information all relavant!
I HAVE BEGUN FINALLY. to be the starving artist i always wanted to be.
peace and love, Folfie <3
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Games
Elite Dangerous , From the depths , ALL THE HALOS, Battlefield 3,4,1,v
Favorite Gaming Platforms
xbox one, pc
Favorite Animals
leopard geckos , crested geckos , day geckos. ANY GECKO
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
Contact Information