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Art Whore | Registered: Jan 25, 2011 08:34
My name's Niko. I'm a fox living and working in Ontario.
If you browse through my gallery, you'll notice art for three major characters (maybe two and a half).
The first is me, Niko. I'm going through teacher's college right now, hoping to become a full fledge teacher very soon! :D I love the water, and swear I must be part otter sometimes. I also love getting lost in fantasy worlds, so I read a lot of fantasy and play fantasy themed games, as well as DnD!
This brings me to my second (half) character, Quineas. Quineas is a thief character I made in my DnD group over a year ago. At first, he was kinda based on Rocket - snarky, sarcastic, irritable, with a pension for tinkering and toys. As we progressed, more and more of me slipped into Quineas, and now he's basically just a fantasy alternate version of Niko.
The third is Beef, the muscly Minotaur. He started out as Quineas' muscle (in and out of bed :p), and again, he got fleshed out in our year long adventure. So there will be plenty of Beef art with Quineas (and no one else! ...without Quineas' approval :p).
And there will always be some pairings of Niko with some nice furs I've met here. So talk to me, get to know me and we could be great friends with great art!
Some of the coolest people I've met!
The best burb:
His engagement burb/bee:
A ball lovin' dog:
The foxiest fox I've ever known (even moreso then myself):
And MY silly little wolf:
Later days!
My name's Niko. I'm a fox living and working in Ontario.
If you browse through my gallery, you'll notice art for three major characters (maybe two and a half).
The first is me, Niko. I'm going through teacher's college right now, hoping to become a full fledge teacher very soon! :D I love the water, and swear I must be part otter sometimes. I also love getting lost in fantasy worlds, so I read a lot of fantasy and play fantasy themed games, as well as DnD!
This brings me to my second (half) character, Quineas. Quineas is a thief character I made in my DnD group over a year ago. At first, he was kinda based on Rocket - snarky, sarcastic, irritable, with a pension for tinkering and toys. As we progressed, more and more of me slipped into Quineas, and now he's basically just a fantasy alternate version of Niko.
The third is Beef, the muscly Minotaur. He started out as Quineas' muscle (in and out of bed :p), and again, he got fleshed out in our year long adventure. So there will be plenty of Beef art with Quineas (and no one else! ...without Quineas' approval :p).
And there will always be some pairings of Niko with some nice furs I've met here. So talk to me, get to know me and we could be great friends with great art!
Some of the coolest people I've met!
The best burb:

His engagement burb/bee:

A ball lovin' dog:

The foxiest fox I've ever known (even moreso then myself):

And MY silly little wolf:

Later days!
Comments Earned: 2523
Comments Made: 4492
Journals: 25
Comments Made: 4492
Journals: 25
Recent Journal
FE 2017! - Epic and Revealing Adventure!
8 years ago
Hey everyone!
Been a while since I've posted a journal for a while, and thought I might update you on what's been going on in my life!
First off... School is almost done!!!! I will hopefully be a full fledged teacher fox soon. However the bulk of my actual school work is done. Now I have odd ends and bits to complete at my placement, then on to a full job! Then I'll be making allll the moneys :p
I just got back from Furnal Equinox. It was a blast :p Last year, I was still a little iffy about being so upfront in the fandom, but this year really sold it for me. The people I had with me just made it all the better! Some seriously fantastic people kept my head above the water whenever I wanted to feel low, so thank you so much to
onex. I'm not sure what Konig and Scott's FA accounts are, but they were also a blast to hang out with. They really brought life to the con for me, so thank you! I also am pretty sure that this con has convinced me to get a suit. I know that kinda the thing that everyone wants, but I never thought I would ever want to suit. However, with the pawesitive atmosphere and the great people just being so encouraging and lovely, it made me really want to be even more of a part of that community! So I'm going to start doing my research and see where that leads. I already have some ideas of how I might try to make my mark on the fandom... DETAILS TO ENSUE!
While overall my con was super fantastic, I did have some low moments. I don't usually like talking about them, especially to such a public forum. But I figure I should this time mostly to get a discussion going. I've been going through some personal issues, mostly around having this teeming feeling of loneliness. It stems partly from troubles in my love life, but also from this strange feeling that I'm not necessarily good enough for my friends. Now logically, I know this is just kinda bs. If anything, this weekend proves it. However I still get this creeping feeling that everyone else has something going for them. They all have developments in their lives that are far more exciting then my own, and I guess I just feel inferior to them. And very much jealous. Everyone is so content with their lives, and I guess I'm just not? I dunno. These are just kinda my ramblings at this point. I very much considering trying out some counselling to see if that might help regulate my emotions. Cause right now, it feels like I'm either ridiculously happy, or really in the dumps.
So these are my ramblings for the past little while! Right now, I'm in a pretty good mood. A little bit of post con depression, but mostly feeling pretty pawesitive about everything :p I guess I was wondering if anyone else experiences things like what I was mentioning above? Just feeling like everyone is going places, and you are stuck in a rut?
Let me know in the comments! Or just tell how things are going with you!
Been a while since I've posted a journal for a while, and thought I might update you on what's been going on in my life!
First off... School is almost done!!!! I will hopefully be a full fledged teacher fox soon. However the bulk of my actual school work is done. Now I have odd ends and bits to complete at my placement, then on to a full job! Then I'll be making allll the moneys :p
I just got back from Furnal Equinox. It was a blast :p Last year, I was still a little iffy about being so upfront in the fandom, but this year really sold it for me. The people I had with me just made it all the better! Some seriously fantastic people kept my head above the water whenever I wanted to feel low, so thank you so much to

While overall my con was super fantastic, I did have some low moments. I don't usually like talking about them, especially to such a public forum. But I figure I should this time mostly to get a discussion going. I've been going through some personal issues, mostly around having this teeming feeling of loneliness. It stems partly from troubles in my love life, but also from this strange feeling that I'm not necessarily good enough for my friends. Now logically, I know this is just kinda bs. If anything, this weekend proves it. However I still get this creeping feeling that everyone else has something going for them. They all have developments in their lives that are far more exciting then my own, and I guess I just feel inferior to them. And very much jealous. Everyone is so content with their lives, and I guess I'm just not? I dunno. These are just kinda my ramblings at this point. I very much considering trying out some counselling to see if that might help regulate my emotions. Cause right now, it feels like I'm either ridiculously happy, or really in the dumps.
So these are my ramblings for the past little while! Right now, I'm in a pretty good mood. A little bit of post con depression, but mostly feeling pretty pawesitive about everything :p I guess I was wondering if anyone else experiences things like what I was mentioning above? Just feeling like everyone is going places, and you are stuck in a rut?
Let me know in the comments! Or just tell how things are going with you!