Views: 27232
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Nix | Registered: Aug 26, 2019 02:57
Heya o/
Welcome to this cozy place ^^
I'm Nix, the time dragon. Dabbler of mystery and elemental magic. Also coffee.
Gender: Herm (He/She/They) Use whichever you prefer.
Together as one

•Since Oct 28 2019•
I'm an art collector and avid commissioner, always on the lookout for artists to give life to ideas! Or, more often than not, artistic freedom.
Its an interesting field and being a part of an artist's projects is always an honor ^^ They give our hobby life and bring what lives in imagination a bit closer to reality.
I got a list here of some artists to give a peek to. I've worked with all of them and can vouch for quality in just about every way.
Da List:
leilryu - anoroth
morsylvia - polunoch
yolve - teaeel
puresh - felangrey
efaru - darknessprotection
grimae - amira.the.drake
melvilleicicle - veoros
My friends know who they are and I don't have the room to give them all the attention they deserve. So I'll not put any over the others, since I treasure them all <3
Icon done by the wonderful
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Arcane Dragon
Favorite Music
Poets of the Fall, Loreena McKennitt, Florence+the Machine, Phildel, Elijah Bossenbroek
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Kung Fu Hustle, Serenity, Spirited Away, Die Hard
Favorite Games
Resident Evil 4, Remnant: From the Ashes, Control
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PC, Switch
Favorite Animals
Dragons, Gryphons
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
Mexican, Coffee
Favorite Quote
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity