Views: 2421
Submissions: 69
Favs: 132

Tomboy, Tombi, Tomcat | Registered: Oct 14, 2019 06:40
profile picture art by
he/him or she/her, NO they/them
Austin-dwelling furfreak and dangerous Libra! Feel free to message me! I'm easiest to reach on Telegram @ Despotikon
This page is mostly clean, with only artistic nudity and nonsexual nudity. To see my NSFW content, please check out
despotikonuplate (18+ ONLY)
I sign most of my art with "LM" as those are my initials! Sorry, can't bring myself to put a username on most of my stuff.
vv Beloveds vv
hadleythedog secretly actually a fox 💗💜💙
TayDOS partner in thot crime
vv Other People on My Page vv
ausha hairless dog
DESPOTIKON the Sabertooth Molossian Hound
Despotikon is what happened when a cool lesbian witch poured champagne on an ancient Greek statue of a dog. He’s very sad, and he’s very happy.
VULTURE the Alien
Vulture is more my persona than Despotikon, but I use him less. He was created with retro sci-fi influences in mind, and with some fantasy design elements of griffins, sphinxes, grotesques, gargoyles, and so on. He can morph in a number of ways, allowing for all sorts of fun explorative artwork and writing.
Me, no Fur
Writer | Sketch and Collage Artist | Drummer | Pianist | Permanently Seeking Friends | College Student
Furry Favs
Andre and Karl | Pinky and Pepper Forever | Sonic the Hedgehog (games and comics) | Crow Cillers | Lamezone
Comments Earned: 112
Comments Made: 70
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 70
Journals: 7
Featured Journal
My Terms of Service for Art Purchases
4 years ago
Updated last: Sept. 2, 2020
1. Art which is purchased from me may not be altered in any way without explicit permission from me, excluding resizing. This includes cropping which may obscure my signature, recoloring, editing, and other digital or physical changes.
2. Art which has been purchased from me can be resold for any amount of money and/or traded in exchange for other goods so long as the new owner the art is provided my terms of service and account username.
3. The posting of my art requires credit which allows any viewers to find me. This includes my signature on the art itself and a link to view one of my social media accounts.
A. My Instagram, despotikon, and my Furaffinity
despotikon are the most acceptable forms of credit.
B. If the site you are posting on does not allow for such a link to be added, actions such as “tagging,” “flagging,” and “labeling” should include my username, despotikon.
4. The price of artwork may vary from listed commission prices due to complexity, demand for faster completion time, or a number of other circumstances. The exact price will be established before beginning the project, even if you are not immediately charged.
A. Changes which are requested after the agreed price is set may affect how much I will charge you, and I will require payment for that charge BEFORE I have drawn it.
B. I reserve the right to decline requests for changes which do not include repairing mistakes. Add-ons and large alterations make my job a lot messier, and complicate the agreement originally made between the customer and I.
5. I do not require payment until the customer has approved a sketch of the piece. All images sent to the customer prior to payment will be watermarked, indicating they are not permitted for any use other than the customer to evaluate before I proceed with the project.
6. I cannot refund a customer after I have worked beyond the "sketch" portion of the project. This means if you have received an image from me without a watermark, I cannot refund you.
7. I do not sell art to people under the age of 18.
-> To contact me regarding commissions, please either send me a note or comment on one of my posts relating to commissions. If I do not reply quickly enough, feel free to send me a DM on my Instagram @ despotikon.
-> I do NOT draw content that reflects racist, classist, homophobic, or xenophobic values. If you are a racist, white supremacist, or the like, please do not attempt to commission me.
-> I do NOT draw content that depicts violence towards feral animals, animal abuse, or bestiality; I also do NOT draw content that depicts incest, pedophilia, rape, and similar crimes. I do not stand with Furaffinity’s lax attitude regarding cub porn and fantasy bestiality. I will draw diaperfurs and littlefurs in non-sexual scenarios.
-> Drug use, gore, unsanitary situations, insects, weapons, transformation, death, and so on are all okay.
-> I am a creator who stands with people of color in the fandom, and who stands with my fellow LGBT furries. Do not use racial, homophobic, or transphobic language that you cannot reclaim (and then, ONLY when referring to yourself or your character)when discussing commissions with me. Words which will get you blocked include but are not limited to: c-boy or c*ntboy, futa, shemale, tr*nny, c**n, k*ke, f*g, n*, and the like.
-> If you want a type of art you don’t see here, please feel free to ask me about it anyway. I am willing to draw almost anything besides the above content, and I love discussing openly with customers.
1. Art which is purchased from me may not be altered in any way without explicit permission from me, excluding resizing. This includes cropping which may obscure my signature, recoloring, editing, and other digital or physical changes.
2. Art which has been purchased from me can be resold for any amount of money and/or traded in exchange for other goods so long as the new owner the art is provided my terms of service and account username.
3. The posting of my art requires credit which allows any viewers to find me. This includes my signature on the art itself and a link to view one of my social media accounts.
A. My Instagram, despotikon, and my Furaffinity

B. If the site you are posting on does not allow for such a link to be added, actions such as “tagging,” “flagging,” and “labeling” should include my username, despotikon.
4. The price of artwork may vary from listed commission prices due to complexity, demand for faster completion time, or a number of other circumstances. The exact price will be established before beginning the project, even if you are not immediately charged.
A. Changes which are requested after the agreed price is set may affect how much I will charge you, and I will require payment for that charge BEFORE I have drawn it.
B. I reserve the right to decline requests for changes which do not include repairing mistakes. Add-ons and large alterations make my job a lot messier, and complicate the agreement originally made between the customer and I.
5. I do not require payment until the customer has approved a sketch of the piece. All images sent to the customer prior to payment will be watermarked, indicating they are not permitted for any use other than the customer to evaluate before I proceed with the project.
6. I cannot refund a customer after I have worked beyond the "sketch" portion of the project. This means if you have received an image from me without a watermark, I cannot refund you.
7. I do not sell art to people under the age of 18.
-> To contact me regarding commissions, please either send me a note or comment on one of my posts relating to commissions. If I do not reply quickly enough, feel free to send me a DM on my Instagram @ despotikon.
-> I do NOT draw content that reflects racist, classist, homophobic, or xenophobic values. If you are a racist, white supremacist, or the like, please do not attempt to commission me.
-> I do NOT draw content that depicts violence towards feral animals, animal abuse, or bestiality; I also do NOT draw content that depicts incest, pedophilia, rape, and similar crimes. I do not stand with Furaffinity’s lax attitude regarding cub porn and fantasy bestiality. I will draw diaperfurs and littlefurs in non-sexual scenarios.
-> Drug use, gore, unsanitary situations, insects, weapons, transformation, death, and so on are all okay.
-> I am a creator who stands with people of color in the fandom, and who stands with my fellow LGBT furries. Do not use racial, homophobic, or transphobic language that you cannot reclaim (and then, ONLY when referring to yourself or your character)when discussing commissions with me. Words which will get you blocked include but are not limited to: c-boy or c*ntboy, futa, shemale, tr*nny, c**n, k*ke, f*g, n*, and the like.
-> If you want a type of art you don’t see here, please feel free to ask me about it anyway. I am willing to draw almost anything besides the above content, and I love discussing openly with customers.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
queer animal with big teeth
Favorite Music
Electronic, Glitch, Pop, Dubstep, gecgecgecgecgec
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
La Jetée
Favorite Games
Sonic Spinball
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Switch, DS
Favorite Animals
Vultures, Crocodiles
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Favorite Quote
now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good