Views: 17006
Submissions: 45
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Anthro Artist | Registered: Aug 5, 2009 12:59
My name is Darkstalker or Dark for short.
My name is Darkstalker or Dark for short.
I am a loving puppy who loves to snuggles. I am very outspoken and friendly and love to have a good time with friends.
I am a moviephile and have a collection which I am very proud of and a game collection I am equally as proud of ^w^
I am a loving puppy but I am also a naughty puppy I am into bondage, diapers, sm, etc. I has lots X3. I don't rp much but I will when prompted to.
I am in a relationship wif my loving baby bunny

I like to meet new furends and love to chat wif new people so hit me up on messenger sometime. I love my friends dearly and will give the diapee off my butt for them.

Pink Floyd Fan
Comments Earned: 681
Comments Made: 564
Journals: 27
Comments Made: 564
Journals: 27
Recent Journal
Off to TX
7 years ago
On my way to Texas for work time to clean up the oil spill and Houses love my job be there for 6 months