Views: 17793
Submissions: 262
Favs: 2872

Anthro Artist | Registered: May 19, 2006 01:55
< < _ W E L C O M E _ T O _ T H E _ H O M E _ O F _ C R A S H H E A R T / A R T _ > >
____ T H E _C R A S H H E A R T_ M A N I F E S T O __________________________________________
Love is not about fear or control. Its about joy. Love who you want, if it brings you joy. Love everyone you can, when you can, to the fullest extent of your hearts. Let no rule, faith or creed tear it down- how can they profess love and still war against it? Don't deny your sexuality, or let it define you. Porn isn't everything. It isn't evil either, sexuality is part of love. Furriness is more than porn and sex, but it is a part of it nonetheless. We can celebrate sex along with all things. Furs can do so much more- let our art and life show how we look through new eyes, how we think and act and live and believe. And that our hearts are bigger! That we love everyone. Because at its core, that is why furry is truly great.
____ W H O _I S_ C R A S H H E A R T ? ___________________________________________________
I'm a 34 yr old otter living alone in Lincoln City, Oregon since 2016. I have worked in graphics and video jobs, managed an art gallery on the side, and sold comics as a living. Currently working as an assistant manager, but I'm still hoping to someday start college for an illustration degree. I've done art for advertising, commercial work, churches, conventions, even in a tabletop rpg- and I hope to do more professional work in the future. My non-furry work can be found at my pretty much defunct DeviantArt Gallery The best place to find me is Twitter these days, at crashheartlives
____ N E X T _C O N V E N T I O N_ A P P E A R A N C E S ______________________________________
Next convention I'll be at: Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle in March, but just attending. Hopefully Megaplex 2017, but chances are slim. I'm pretty much a slave to my jobs whims and busy schedule as an assistant manager
____ C R A S H / A R T _S T A T U S : ______________________________________________________
No commissions at this time. I havent taken any in a few years now. Noting me here on FA is the best way to get a commission started, but I've disappointed some people with long waits and I still owe a couple people from way back.. so I don't know when I'll open again. My #sketchbet pieces get posted on Twitter and in Scraps. Current art owed below:
1) ianthegecko full color character bust - [paid]
2) UGACoyote beach commission - [paid]
3) art queue on hold
icon by crayon-chewer

Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 1805
Comments Made: 2167
Journals: 39
Comments Made: 2167
Journals: 39
Recent Journal
BLFC Bound
10 years ago
Who wants to meet me at BLFC?
I will be there and rooming with my roo Blitz, Rengare and Rawr, and the Bend crew in the next room over.
I will also be running the Otter Meet & Greet, so if anyone wants to give input towards that I'd happily listen. More info on that coming soon. If BLFC has an artists alley, I am sure I will spend some time there taking sketch commissions of all ratings. See you all soon!
I will be there and rooming with my roo Blitz, Rengare and Rawr, and the Bend crew in the next room over.
I will also be running the Otter Meet & Greet, so if anyone wants to give input towards that I'd happily listen. More info on that coming soon. If BLFC has an artists alley, I am sure I will spend some time there taking sketch commissions of all ratings. See you all soon!
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
River Otter
Favorite Music
symphonic film scores, ambient electronic and post rock
Favorite Games
Myst, Portal, Ascension, Citadels, Magic the Gathering
Favorite Animals
otters, red pandas and huskies/malamutes/akitas
Favorite Quote
2016 motto: Honesty, Intimacy, Belonging, and Purpose
Favorite Artists
Charles Vess, Sean Murphy, Dustin Weaver, Scottie Young
Contact Information
