Views: 16563
Submissions: 89
Favs: 2670

Registered: Jul 27, 2018 10:26
I love this side and all the fantastic and talented artists with their amazing galleries and art.
A big thank you to all this artists and Owners:
Valcyrie IIIVIXIII Bl4ckw0lf Soulwolven Boha Artica ZionsAngel Selina_Z Nnec-g Nachtfuchs TaniDaRea Suntattoowolf Teckly Dirty.Paws Zaush xBlueAshesx Luca Luden Drayuu_Dreex Schattendrache Nachtschwinge Kehreazerith Tastywyrm Morkep Hidoragon Liekkilohikaarme Bastika Pig Lwr TUWKA MuskyDusky Raxrie Whisperer Dradmon FuryDraws HerpyDragon FlamingTitania Anora_Drakon FeanorDark AnChee Metalfox KingTimbera FellFallow Ruaidri Valcyrie BiteMyLip DaigaTsukune Greame Lunalei Ishiru Angelfonds Explicital Fanta_leaves Marrionette Naantam Galleta + Dirtycookie Kyurgan Okami27 Raukoth Happysheppy DispersedWolf0949 DessyDeathCat Fiiskire Argeirr Silver Hela95 NorthShepherd Harper_Shep Vector_Rain Lornsky Dorosheva-e CedarWolf Voxly WhiteAlphaW0lf Level000 Halbean MischievousMonica Ariozyn-Soulcatcher Runestorm Nava TheLegend4510 Yipsky CaptainMaugrim Mochalattefox StormWX_wolf Spirix Selina_Z Tiquana Eliv Imperial-Exe Graceful_K9 ShinigamiGirl Sendar Poliarnaya Cedrato DirtyDaemon666 ElenPanter Ultraviolet SylverTears Sauron Deanosaior 3lude Miriizah KlausD SnowPaw2927 ValiaMoonseer Whiro RedWinterSkies Serratia MsPsycho Virul P-sebae Wia Ghooostie Moonstalker Etis Maselkov Wharblgharbl Elvofirida Endermoonfur Trigaroo Jelomaus Dirtyrenamon Slavvers XavierB Aorumi Kuribon MaryCitrus Yaroul Maaia Ivnis Lycangel Angellsview3 Unbreakable-Warrior Verta Eowin Makangeni SaryDragon Sakemanni Beasius Cheetahs HeatherWolf Salonkitty Sweet_Whiskas Tribes Binxxy Inafox msDeadSoul Woolfy_Saimon BL_Darksoul BlackAures JadeDragoness Rtut450 Raxrie Tai_lung Gangstaguru LordKutta NarolineEnil Lilythekitsune Aseniyaaa Mesa17 Ragnar_the_ninth MarcusUnderwood Muryoko SpectrumShift Alegrimm Adrim Veoros FuryDraws Agent_Epsilon SovaKa HimeraGoldTail LillaQueenBee Yozora_Cutie ILisAmil Lydia_Nasty InsomnieVargho Noxeri Fortuna Mohitopaw By_Dream Sugar.Rush Saugrim Fatty_Pryanik_NSFW CocoDrops Skyrinoth Virtyalfobo L2KMysteries LDrago_TheAlphaDragon Chivaran DragoDi Chern0n ASMArtist Count.Orlok FeralBarks PastelScale Cloud-The-Husky Aka_the_Husky Glass-Walker SilverGrin-W Zetsin Re-Re ICeFuMy Nivhis SheBeast FyreWolffie Fenriswolfii Jocarra Areot KhaliaArt BuggaBeau Melody-of-Forest TailsOfTrio Cheetahs Cookiehalo Thorn193 Jellyntical Ghost_Forger NYa-Wolf
BarnDog Feros Thewolfmate Shyraneas R-I-N-D-E-L Deeri HunterSparrow76 Senip BigGoodWolf Bloody_Hound Barndog Fluffyw0lf Vicjohansen Savix C0RW0LF Hauringu PinkPantyPirate JellyDoeOpal Kellvock Cannibalistic-Tendencies Hodiaa ShadowsEdge Bigtony61988 PurrityK Andy Lo-Carbquine Mohitopaw Furrel Penumbra.Loran ScaledFox Vylarios ~Korka~ HellHounds_Purgatory Treble_Wulph ChloeWintermane Cyanfur Velvet_Requiem Wasen Poppy_Feral DonovanLightning AK4mLOZ Nelly63 Shape-shifter AG-Wolf Anfellven GayleTrotter KamiLazu Fraya.Diblidu Rainstorm Vancanto-1995 ThatIrishFox ~Peyote Xylex Stor-Bjorn Darkforestt Yelth Chloe-dog AlisonHolt T3chn0o0 Furrywolfnate CobaltDawg KodaacTheLion DakotaLesmercy Zempy CodeDawn57 Kuroodod MarcusHunter ~Sif Gian800 CatherineMeow Selendris Redstarwolf Nulkurrak SketchyShelby Taki-Wolf Carrot Yamiko225 NeedyShewolf Bleuthewolf HowlinNapalm Dark-Lagoon-Aciel Kuil Tamarand Medium-Maney Q-BlackBun Gerdeer ~Kenta~ Rzhova Anthro-Claw LangJingshen KonaTheStinkyDog Mekk. Jadan Camperschaf BlackBatWolf Mama-Hyena Starktalon Silvonis Chivaran Purrchinyan Caaz Apple-Dragon Zeethian Superlavplov Huskii-s Berside Astro2000 VividGaze Apple-Faced Dracanius Faolanwolfsavor Xavier_Shadow Zenrii Allakai 1OK.Polaris HyolSW BirdOfGrain Davidpodany1. Darkfox49 CrystalNight55 LekeonFeroks Spudz Ravenousgnoll Nogara k0ira Hakudoge BaoHellhound Ethereah_ BrittonTheBuck TheGoldenFluff legojohn Szarik181 Wwer Frostybits ShiKyotis BelovedRaven Sherry_Nightstar Hedonophobia_H Footpad Dark_Dragon2694 Adalbern NebriWolf Travon Echogecko04 ZyriaTheDragon Qshep LumiaTheMerchant Blooming~Lynx (...)
And so many more. I hope you all are fine <3 <3 <3
Please BEWARE from DISCORD accound ´´Chrisi95´´ That is Not me. If you see it please BLOCK and BAN it. It is for your own safty. I hope all of you are safe and i wish you a good time.
Please be careful.
A big thank you to all this artists and Owners:

BarnDog Feros Thewolfmate Shyraneas R-I-N-D-E-L Deeri HunterSparrow76 Senip BigGoodWolf Bloody_Hound Barndog Fluffyw0lf Vicjohansen Savix C0RW0LF Hauringu PinkPantyPirate JellyDoeOpal Kellvock Cannibalistic-Tendencies Hodiaa ShadowsEdge Bigtony61988 PurrityK Andy Lo-Carbquine Mohitopaw Furrel Penumbra.Loran ScaledFox Vylarios ~Korka~ HellHounds_Purgatory Treble_Wulph ChloeWintermane Cyanfur Velvet_Requiem Wasen Poppy_Feral DonovanLightning AK4mLOZ Nelly63 Shape-shifter AG-Wolf Anfellven GayleTrotter KamiLazu Fraya.Diblidu Rainstorm Vancanto-1995 ThatIrishFox ~Peyote Xylex Stor-Bjorn Darkforestt Yelth Chloe-dog AlisonHolt T3chn0o0 Furrywolfnate CobaltDawg KodaacTheLion DakotaLesmercy Zempy CodeDawn57 Kuroodod MarcusHunter ~Sif Gian800 CatherineMeow Selendris Redstarwolf Nulkurrak SketchyShelby Taki-Wolf Carrot Yamiko225 NeedyShewolf Bleuthewolf HowlinNapalm Dark-Lagoon-Aciel Kuil Tamarand Medium-Maney Q-BlackBun Gerdeer ~Kenta~ Rzhova Anthro-Claw LangJingshen KonaTheStinkyDog Mekk. Jadan Camperschaf BlackBatWolf Mama-Hyena Starktalon Silvonis Chivaran Purrchinyan Caaz Apple-Dragon Zeethian Superlavplov Huskii-s Berside Astro2000 VividGaze Apple-Faced Dracanius Faolanwolfsavor Xavier_Shadow Zenrii Allakai 1OK.Polaris HyolSW BirdOfGrain Davidpodany1. Darkfox49 CrystalNight55 LekeonFeroks Spudz Ravenousgnoll Nogara k0ira Hakudoge BaoHellhound Ethereah_ BrittonTheBuck TheGoldenFluff legojohn Szarik181 Wwer Frostybits ShiKyotis BelovedRaven Sherry_Nightstar Hedonophobia_H Footpad Dark_Dragon2694 Adalbern NebriWolf Travon Echogecko04 ZyriaTheDragon Qshep LumiaTheMerchant Blooming~Lynx (...)
And so many more. I hope you all are fine <3 <3 <3
Please BEWARE from DISCORD accound ´´Chrisi95´´ That is Not me. If you see it please BLOCK and BAN it. It is for your own safty. I hope all of you are safe and i wish you a good time.
Please be careful.
Comments Earned: 2863
Comments Made: 9239
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Comments Made: 9239
Journals: 3
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Hey if you like cute art ;) like from Artimenthefox
5 months ago
🐾 Artimenthefox has a feral YCH Auction 🐾
here is the link for the YCH:
You can see an expample here:
I wish all of you a great time and hope you are fine
here is the link for the YCH:
You can see an expample here:
I wish all of you a great time and hope you are fine
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Your boys are so handsome!