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PrOn Artist | Registered: Dec 11, 2005 12:11
Commission Status: NOT PUBLICLY OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS. Please don't ask me about prices, or when I'll be available, or what my prices would be if I was available, etc. Thank you!
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Comments Earned: 33627
Comments Made: 6423
Journals: 12
Comments Made: 6423
Journals: 12
Recent Journal
Patreon - Maybe not for me, but what about...
10 years ago
Thanks for the feedback on my previous journal. I think it's clear that Patreon is not going to be a good fit for my needs. Someone pointed out that even the benefit of extra income won't magically give me more free time, and I'd be better suited finding other ways to grow as an artist.
That's not to say I won't be considering some of your other suggestions, though! Many expressed an interest in tutorials, something I've been pondering doing for a while now. FA journals would be a good place to get votes for what to settle on when I do need help making decisions, and that way everyone gets a chance to chime in even if they don't have cash to cast their vote. Plus, when the tutorials are finished, I can offer them up on sites like dailymotion linked from FA, and share supplementary files like PSDs or other material via
So what sort of art would provide an incentive to me? I've been hard at work on a comic project (30-40 pages) that's adult in nature, and would love to try out a unique business model, but I'm faced with one of a few ways of going about it. Please give your view on which of these sounds better, or a different idea entirely.
1) Complete the comic, then post 1 to 2 pages per week, linking to a digital distribution channel (like Pulley or e-junkie) to get all of the high resolution pages immediately for a reasonable amount, like $15, or $20 at most. Eventually all pages would be up on my gallery for viewing in a readable standard resolution.
2) Same as above, but allow sales totals to determine how quickly pages are released to the public, meaning the comic could be posted in its entirety sooner (or later) then the aforementioned schedule.
3) Split the arc into a few parts (15-20 pages), so that complete packs could be put out more frequently for cheaper price, like $7 or $10, and follow either of the above variants. (3a and 3b, respectively)
What do you think?
That's not to say I won't be considering some of your other suggestions, though! Many expressed an interest in tutorials, something I've been pondering doing for a while now. FA journals would be a good place to get votes for what to settle on when I do need help making decisions, and that way everyone gets a chance to chime in even if they don't have cash to cast their vote. Plus, when the tutorials are finished, I can offer them up on sites like dailymotion linked from FA, and share supplementary files like PSDs or other material via
So what sort of art would provide an incentive to me? I've been hard at work on a comic project (30-40 pages) that's adult in nature, and would love to try out a unique business model, but I'm faced with one of a few ways of going about it. Please give your view on which of these sounds better, or a different idea entirely.
1) Complete the comic, then post 1 to 2 pages per week, linking to a digital distribution channel (like Pulley or e-junkie) to get all of the high resolution pages immediately for a reasonable amount, like $15, or $20 at most. Eventually all pages would be up on my gallery for viewing in a readable standard resolution.
2) Same as above, but allow sales totals to determine how quickly pages are released to the public, meaning the comic could be posted in its entirety sooner (or later) then the aforementioned schedule.
3) Split the arc into a few parts (15-20 pages), so that complete packs could be put out more frequently for cheaper price, like $7 or $10, and follow either of the above variants. (3a and 3b, respectively)
What do you think?
