Views: 9317
Submissions: 491
Favs: 2488

say gex | Registered: May 1, 2022 01:14
Life gets hard. it really does. But just remember. It gets easier. You just have to persist. Persist as hard as you can until it's over. You could be a boy, a girl, or neither. Eitherway there will still be people who care about you. People who value you and see you as someone who has the ability to love. All of that to say. Im proud of you. Im proud that you have overcome your darkest memories. Im so... so proud of you. I'll be proud of you no matter what. You are a strong person and you will always be. If you ever feel down, you can come back here to cry a bit and relieve yourself of all that stress. After all it's okay to cry. Take care, may we meet again in the near future. All i know is that I'll be waiting patiently for you ♡
am Bayden / Keron

Heres some basic info:

Use any pronouns, I don’t care
I’m a Christian.

abrosexual + bi-gender (possibly gender-fluid.)

im a age regressor, and a alterhuman!
I really like the clouds, moon and stars.

you can stay on my page if you’re nice :3

(probably my best friend )
ps I have very crude humor and may sound mean sometimes randomly, that’s just how I talk
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 3346
Comments Made: 4146
Journals: 5
Comments Made: 4146
Journals: 5
Featured Journal
Personal use, but feel free to use???
a year ago sex : male
species : Starrybre
fur colour(s) : light grey and pale yellow
eye colour(s) : beige pink
mental issues/disabilities : Bipolar 1, Peter Pan syndrome (or something similar), Schizophrenia
psychical issues/disabilities : missing right eye, left leg and a few fingers, all been replaced by prosthetics
age : 28
sassy, attention seeker, cuddly, sensitive, manipulative, reckless, fuzzy/fluffy, curious, doesn’t know how to spell a bunch of things, has very small paws.
height: 5’0
build: instagram model — has good amounts of muscle, big ass and small waist. MASSIVE tail
fears: the dark, the doctors office/hospitals.
jobs: sugar grinder and a “Smex worker”
money : maybe has a sugar daddy.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Starrybre! (My own species)
Favorite Music
I tend to listen to break core a lot I’ve realized
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Alice in wonderland, Wolf walkers
Favorite Games
Needy streamer overload, miside, tcoaal,
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Wii - Xbox 360 and DSi
Favorite Animals
Cats, possums, wolves, foxes, coyotes, skunks, red pandas, raccoons, it goes on and on
Favorite Site
Probs utube
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Pepsi, Chimken casserole and OH MY GOD - DUMPLINGS
Favorite Quote
Can’t give up ‘til the war is over, fight hard, Soldier! - (some cringey one I made mwahahah)
(No thank you’s for favorites and/or watches, thanks.)