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Watcher | Registered: Apr 14, 2013 07:37
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@>-->--@>-->--@>-->-- <--<--@<--<--@<--<--@
If you're in love or want to show romance, and a heart just won't cut it... then use a rose. The flower of love and passion. Or if you have another reason for using a red rose... then put us on your profile! To add us to your profile, go to "My FA">"Account Management">"Profile Info" and then under "Profile Information" put : iconaredrose :, or : aredroseicon : (Minus the spaces)
:The Rose:
The Rose, though it has many meanings to people, whether spiritually or religiously... it is most known as the Flower of passion and love. The rose represents many things... love, passion, desire, erotica and even pain. The rose is a symbol to many about the pain of love, and the hardships of desire... and how every love has it's thorns, and every reward has it's consequences. The rose is beautiful deep... it is also dark too. While others see it as a symbol of pain or death... others see the thorns themselves as erotic or sensational in a painful way.
Our icon is free to use by anybody for any purposes they please.
If you know of anybody with content related to roses or similar content feel free to note us, shout, or give us a comment so that we may ask them if it's okay to upload!
@>-->--@>-->--@>-->-- <--<--@<--<--@<--<--@
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Comments Made: 9
Journals: 1
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How to make a red text rose!
12 years ago
For those who are curious and may not know...
Here is how you make a text version of a red rose.
Post this code for a rose facing left: [ color=red ]@[ /color ][ color=green ]>-->--[ /color ]
Post this code for a rose facing right: [ color=green ]<--<--[ /color ][ color=red ]@[ /color ]
Make sure to remove all spaces before submitting, otherwise it will not work.
These are the results:
Left: @>-->--
Right: <--<--@
I've hoped I had helped.
Here is how you make a text version of a red rose.
Post this code for a rose facing left: [ color=red ]@[ /color ][ color=green ]>-->--[ /color ]
Post this code for a rose facing right: [ color=green ]<--<--[ /color ][ color=red ]@[ /color ]
Make sure to remove all spaces before submitting, otherwise it will not work.
These are the results:
Left: @>-->--
Right: <--<--@
I've hoped I had helped.
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