Views: 41965
Submissions: 378
Favs: 11583

Anna (artist) & Tom (watcher) <3 | Registered: Feb 17, 2013 06:11
Gender: male & demifemale
Together since: 11.11.11
Relationship: ⚤ strictly monogamous♥ married
Country: Poland (Central European Time)
©NOTE: Our art-selves are us and therefore MUSTN'T be used in any kind of infidelity. We indentify with these forms, they represent our Loving bond in art - so please, always keep that in mind!
As OP SHAPESHIFTERS our artforms can change appearance - but these are always THE SAME TWO persons, always named Anna&Tom/Draffectionates.
Usage rules here
>>Art featuring us made by other artists<<

Draffectill project characters also have a strict anti-shipping rule and an overall canon only<3 (please: if in doubt, ask^^)
>>"Fanart" of Aryena&Billie<<
We're not okay with misrepresentation. All our characters have set personalities, relationships and lore, Draffectill characters also have set locations and environments. This is the main outlet for Anna's autistic brain's needs.
Anna(VixenDra) says:
I'm sorry for expanding my watermarking, if it weren't for commercial theft and other misuses being on the rise again, I wouldn't do that:(
Copyright grants me, the artist, full and exclusive right to control where my art is posted and by whom - all sorts of "archive" sites and alike are out of bounds(DNP!), no exceptions; Only I can post my personal art anywhere! Generally ALL owners of ALL characters featured must always express consent before any of them reposts such artwork (I'm only ok with FA and TH for those, ask my permission for any other), always with exhaustive credit. Anyone who doesn't own any of the characters featured is, obviously, explicitly forbidden to upload the given artwork literally anywhere, no exceptions. Copyright is copyright. This statement shouldn't even be needed.

(Professionally diagnosed in 2022)
I also don't like receiving popculture references - make me feel incomfortable, I live under a rock and don't even know most of them.

Thank you deeply for watching, faving, each kind and respectful comment on my art and projects, and birthday&anniversary wishes^^ All silently appreciated<3
Tom(TomsShape) says:
I'm the white shapeshifter responsible for watching artists and managing submission notifications.
Together since: 11.11.11
Relationship: ⚤ strictly monogamous♥ married
Country: Poland (Central European Time)
SHARED couple account of Anna(VixenDra) and Tom(TomsShape)
We are depicted as SHAPESHIFTERS

©NOTE: Our art-selves are us and therefore MUSTN'T be used in any kind of infidelity. We indentify with these forms, they represent our Loving bond in art - so please, always keep that in mind!
As OP SHAPESHIFTERS our artforms can change appearance - but these are always THE SAME TWO persons, always named Anna&Tom/Draffectionates.
Usage rules here
>>Art featuring us made by other artists<<

Draffectill project characters also have a strict anti-shipping rule and an overall canon only<3 (please: if in doubt, ask^^)
>>"Fanart" of Aryena&Billie<<
We're not okay with misrepresentation. All our characters have set personalities, relationships and lore, Draffectill characters also have set locations and environments. This is the main outlet for Anna's autistic brain's needs.
The active artist and voice of Draffectionates is Anna(VixenDra), Tom(TomsShape) prefers to be a silent art watcher and art recipient.
English is NOT our first language!
There's NO such thing as "fav spam" - "spam" our posts with favs to your heart's content, please!^^
Anna(VixenDra) says:
I'm sorry for expanding my watermarking, if it weren't for commercial theft and other misuses being on the rise again, I wouldn't do that:(
Copyright grants me, the artist, full and exclusive right to control where my art is posted and by whom - all sorts of "archive" sites and alike are out of bounds(DNP!), no exceptions; Only I can post my personal art anywhere! Generally ALL owners of ALL characters featured must always express consent before any of them reposts such artwork (I'm only ok with FA and TH for those, ask my permission for any other), always with exhaustive credit. Anyone who doesn't own any of the characters featured is, obviously, explicitly forbidden to upload the given artwork literally anywhere, no exceptions. Copyright is copyright. This statement shouldn't even be needed.

I reward loyal Patrons^^

[Tips are always appreciated^^]
Patreon | LinkTree

(Professionally diagnosed in 2022)
I also don't like receiving popculture references - make me feel incomfortable, I live under a rock and don't even know most of them.

Thank you deeply for watching, faving, each kind and respectful comment on my art and projects, and birthday&anniversary wishes^^ All silently appreciated<3
Tom(TomsShape) says:
I'm the white shapeshifter responsible for watching artists and managing submission notifications.
💸👻Art currently owed to us for 6months+💤📌
* Tom&Anna from zwiezda
* 2x Aryena&Billie from pixlprinc
* Tom&Anna from draconicslime
* Aryena&Billie from 00Whiteeyes00

Featured Submission
Top Supporters
Recent Shinies
sent Shinies to Draffectionates"Merry Christmas!"
sent Shinies to Draffectionates"Happy bday!"
sent a Shiny to Draffectionates
Comments Earned: 1980
Comments Made: 3224
Journals: 20
Comments Made: 3224
Journals: 20
Featured Journal
Addressing my major art-related management mistakes
3 years agothe 10% sale expires when 2022 starts.
Just claim the adopt before that date, and I'll apply the discount.
PS. I can't be a commissionable artist anymore for unignoreable reasons,
I'll be returning back to drawing pretty much just my 2 couple projects again as soon as I finish dealing with my current overwhelm (including but not limited to art).
It's a long story I'm not comfortable with at the moment, so I'll just skip it. (Shortly speaking, giving up on offering commissions is simply one of the steps I need to take, there are many various reasons why regular commissions don't work for me, both external AND, most of all, internal)
It's not a promise or anything, plans and me don't get along no matter how hard I try and my hopes can't be high in the light of the years of all my failures and struggles, but if you're here for the couple art of our artselves or Aryena&Billie, that's most likely a good news for you, as there will be no other art projects interfering with these anymore. Sharing images of those 2 pairs is the main reason I still draw at all...
Ah, speaking of all that, I had made a stupid decision to please a certain FA group - in the beginning of 2021 I deleted vast majority of art others made for us, and I'd like to gradually reupload it all back, please forgive me that you'll be seeing the same artworks appear in your inbox again^^; I hope this won't scare you away..? :<
Also, repurposing our scraps, from now on they will contain both reposts and most of the art I drew that doesn't involve any of my 2 projects (I will be making only very few like this from now on, so to have them still greet potential watchers from the main page would be highly misleading).
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
No Character Species
Shapeshifters (Dragons, canids, geckos, felines, askentils, equines, nagas, gryphons, kudu(f), hare(f), bear(m), bat(m), ravitiel(f), raven(m))
Favorite Animals
reptiles, we own a bearded dragon and a royal python, wishing for more
Favorite Quote
"They may have the world - we'll create our own!", "What is essential is invisible to the eye"
Favorite Artists
those who draw for us and credit properly<3
Contact Information

sent Shinies to Draffectionates"Late happy bday!"