My alter-ego's refs
Reference sheets of all of my, TomsShape's alter-ego's shapeshifting forms.
Drawn by VixenDra.
©NOTE: Our art-selves are us and therefore MUSTN'T be used in any kind of infidelity. We indentify with these forms, they represent our Loving bond in art - so please, always keep that in mind!
As OP SHAPESHIFTERS our artforms can change appearance - but these are always THE SAME TWO persons, always named Anna&Tom/Draffectionates.
Usage rules here
>>Art featuring us made by other artists<<
Tom ©TomsShape (Tom of Draffectionates)
Drawn by VixenDra.
©NOTE: Our art-selves are us and therefore MUSTN'T be used in any kind of infidelity. We indentify with these forms, they represent our Loving bond in art - so please, always keep that in mind!
As OP SHAPESHIFTERS our artforms can change appearance - but these are always THE SAME TWO persons, always named Anna&Tom/Draffectionates.
Usage rules here
>>Art featuring us made by other artists<<
Tom ©TomsShape (Tom of Draffectionates)