New account
Posted 13 years agoNew Youtube account
Posted 13 years agoGonna get a new one. Just so you know. I'll be posting all my dance vids there. ;)
I'm staying as "Specks"
Posted 13 years agoIt's too much work to try and juggle all my other characters. I'll still write about them and stuff, but my fursona is the one I've had all this time, Speckles Grey Highoof (BKA Specks) the Clydesdale.
AND, instead of worrying about fursuiting, I'll just expect to buy a partial suit from Beastcub. Until then, I'll stop worrying and be happy. :3
AND, instead of worrying about fursuiting, I'll just expect to buy a partial suit from Beastcub. Until then, I'll stop worrying and be happy. :3
Now YOU tell me what is impossible with God...
Posted 13 years agoRemember guys when I sent you that YT video of Pinkie Pie?
Well, I forgot to mention a very important thing about that song.
I'm usually a happy guy, but I've suffered from depression for about a year now. Tried to commit suicide twice, thought about it plenty of times otherwise. It's a selfish and stupid way to be, and I know that.
Here's the thing though, when I was at school one day, feeling really down for some reason (I figured it was a Satanic attack, since I had no reason to be sad but I felt that way anyway), when I found that song. It made me smile, almost cry. I don't know why. That's usually how you can tell that God or Satan is working. They work in a way that makes no sense, but it's in that moment that you must pay careful attention to what they're trying to get in.
In this case, God used Pinkie Pie's song to get me back up on my feet. Who'd have known what would have happened if I didn't have that encouragement?
Well, I forgot to mention a very important thing about that song.
I'm usually a happy guy, but I've suffered from depression for about a year now. Tried to commit suicide twice, thought about it plenty of times otherwise. It's a selfish and stupid way to be, and I know that.
Here's the thing though, when I was at school one day, feeling really down for some reason (I figured it was a Satanic attack, since I had no reason to be sad but I felt that way anyway), when I found that song. It made me smile, almost cry. I don't know why. That's usually how you can tell that God or Satan is working. They work in a way that makes no sense, but it's in that moment that you must pay careful attention to what they're trying to get in.
In this case, God used Pinkie Pie's song to get me back up on my feet. Who'd have known what would have happened if I didn't have that encouragement?
Posted 13 years ago...a spiced pumpkin latte while watching Luna Eclipsed, the MLP Halloween episode. Then, with a dubstep version of Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold, I practice my novice combination of pop/lock/tecktonik/bboying. Ahhhhh, life is good...
So, tell me, guys, what's your definition of a good day?
So, tell me, guys, what's your definition of a good day?
What you guys say to this?
Posted 13 years ago
Just another test. I didn't like the plain ol' black and wanted to flare it up. Do you guys like the red on black?
Just another test. I didn't like the plain ol' black and wanted to flare it up. Do you guys like the red on black?
I'm kinda' likin' Applebloom as of late
Posted 13 years agoSure, AJ is awesome, I just kinda' like Apple's more down-to-earth personality than her older sister may be at times. She really CAN take care of herself for such a tiny pony.
And, update, she'll get her cutie mark in a couple episodes (followed by a few more, strangely!).
If any of you like MLP, please discuss. ^^
And, update, she'll get her cutie mark in a couple episodes (followed by a few more, strangely!).
If any of you like MLP, please discuss. ^^
Fursona's value
Posted 13 years agoThat's what I've been missing. I've been relying on others to value my fursona. If it's not cool, then it's worthless, and I'll be just a face in the crowd without a cool character. That's what I've been missing. I know guys you value whatever I put out. I just have to make something because I like it, not because I'm trying to look cool.
Well, I'm up to the gills now...
Posted 13 years agoHad to see what all the fuss was about with the famous MLP fanfiction "Cupcakes". Basically, it's Saw in MLP format, with Pinkie Pie going crazy and killing people. Not too fun. XDDD It just amazes me that people enjoy Mecabra stuff. Oh, speaking of which, a macabra celebration (basically Halloween) MLP episode is coming out on theeeeee.....22ed? I think? ARound then. I'm looking forward to it! Because, most importantly, the 'once-evil' princess Luna seeks to use this opprotunity to become nice again. Methinks an Apostle Paul story can run parallel to ol' Luna.
Could have SWORN I thought of this first!!!!
Posted 13 years agoWhen I saw this little dance on a MLP episode, it only lasted four seconds or so. First thing that came to mind was "He's shuffling! Maybe i should loop it and put LMFAO's party anthom on it!" Someone beat me to it...;v=OUqjpGwhaTQ;v=OUqjpGwhaTQ
Who's on DA?
Posted 13 years agoI'm thinkin' of moving there, in that, while I'm still here, I'll spend most of my time there. Who's on DA?
I' in love with Pinkie Pie...
Posted 13 years agoThis song was really touching and cute.
The plot behind it is her song "giggle at the ghostly" when she explains her past in always being afraid of things. In her song, she addresses how she learned to conquer fear, by laughing at it!
This was very well done and sweet. <=) Hope you all enjoy it. ^^
The plot behind it is her song "giggle at the ghostly" when she explains her past in always being afraid of things. In her song, she addresses how she learned to conquer fear, by laughing at it!
This was very well done and sweet. <=) Hope you all enjoy it. ^^
*shrugs* What's a boy to do?
Posted 13 years agoSure, i JUST said how much I hate MLP, but I'm trying to aquire a taste to it. It's something that relates to my fursona, so I should take part in it. Plus, there's a lot of people who like MLP, and it's a great subject to build a friendship or witnessing opportunity upon, so, I need to keep my options open.
I'm on DA now!!
Posted 13 years agoSpecksBrony is the name. I only have a couple things up. Only really like DA for the free stuff. XDD
And I thought My Little Pony was harmless....
Posted 13 years agoWatched ten seconds of it.....
I think something inside me is dying....
I don't feel anything yet, besides really embarrassed,
But I'm sure the dead part of me will pass 8 times more painfully than a kidney stone in two hours,
As punishment of my stupidity....
In all seriousness, though, they sounded like they were on dope. Too high-pitched voices, too girlly of names, and too much freakin' pink....
I think something inside me is dying....
I don't feel anything yet, besides really embarrassed,
But I'm sure the dead part of me will pass 8 times more painfully than a kidney stone in two hours,
As punishment of my stupidity....
In all seriousness, though, they sounded like they were on dope. Too high-pitched voices, too girlly of names, and too much freakin' pink....
You guys should know...
Posted 13 years agoI'm pretty sure I'm anorexic to some degree, and maybe even bi-polar. I hardly eat (my MOM eats more than me), and when I do, it's only what gets me by (one word, Peanut Butter). I don't feel fat or anything, I just don't feel like eating.
I also suffer from mood swings (I think that's what this would be). I'm happy one day, angry the next. Content one day, discontent another. That's what leads to my random changes of appearance and actions (and fursonas, now that I look at it).
Just think you guys should know.
I also suffer from mood swings (I think that's what this would be). I'm happy one day, angry the next. Content one day, discontent another. That's what leads to my random changes of appearance and actions (and fursonas, now that I look at it).
Just think you guys should know.
A couple of things....first off being, I PASSED!!!
Posted 13 years agoYES! I'm A CNA NOW!!!! ^^
Second thing, quickly, is sorry if any of you thought I was changing to be a worgen, werewolf, or anything like that. That was just an experiment, just to see if I liked it. ^^
Anyway, PARTYY!!!!
Second thing, quickly, is sorry if any of you thought I was changing to be a worgen, werewolf, or anything like that. That was just an experiment, just to see if I liked it. ^^
Anyway, PARTYY!!!!
Something to hang my hat on. ^^
Posted 13 years ago1000 pageviews. Here I am again. ^^
Thanks guys
Posted 13 years agoCan't say it any plainer... I love you guys. ^^
I needed that encouragement. I was really feeling rough over the past two days, but I learned to let God into me and give me strength.
As such, I'm able to think about other things, a perfect example being wanting to touch back onto Locking, which I'll start working on once the test is done. :3
Anyway, God bless you guys, and thanks for being there for me. ^^
I needed that encouragement. I was really feeling rough over the past two days, but I learned to let God into me and give me strength.
As such, I'm able to think about other things, a perfect example being wanting to touch back onto Locking, which I'll start working on once the test is done. :3
Anyway, God bless you guys, and thanks for being there for me. ^^
Brain, hurting.... -_-
Posted 13 years agoMaybe I'm just stressed about my upcoming CNA test, IDK. All I know is, it's hot and I'm tired. Bleh.
So who are you?
Posted 13 years agoSoft music? I like it. XD
Posted 13 years agoUntil I saw THIS, I never thought soft music was so good to dance to. That made me realize how dubstep doesn't have to be the only good dance music. *shrugs* anyway, hope you guys like the song/vid. I'm still keep trying to work on stuff. Doing school and testing still, so I'm not gonna' be able to do much dance vid stuff (not sure if that'll get better or worse when I start working).
Anyway, I'm liking soft music much better now. ^^
Anyway, I'm liking soft music much better now. ^^
Neck isolations
Posted 13 years ago...I can't do them. The right side of my neck refuses to move appropriately for a robotic head isolation. Left side, it's golden, but not for the right. So, *shrugs* that's kinda' a problem, since head isolations are so important in robotics. IDK what to do.