Views: 1145
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Favs: 4

Musician | Registered: Oct 24, 2011 07:26
My name is Star Specks. "Specks" is what everyone calls me.
I'm a purple pony with black/white hair/tail, light blue eyes, and a broken star Cutie Mark.
My main thing is writing (see my DA page).
I am a fan of MLP, yes.
I'm here in hopes of gaining more friends and getting a MLP fursuit (hopefully from Furgen Studios).
I'm a purple pony with black/white hair/tail, light blue eyes, and a broken star Cutie Mark.
My main thing is writing (see my DA page).
I am a fan of MLP, yes.
I'm here in hopes of gaining more friends and getting a MLP fursuit (hopefully from Furgen Studios).
This user has no submissions.
Comments Earned: 183
Comments Made: 279
Journals: 9
Comments Made: 279
Journals: 9
Recent Journal
"Putting your hoof down" the episode
13 years ago
I knew Iron Will wasn't going to be all smiles and rainbows. Didn't know he was a bull, though. Though he was a pony. And, based on the clip, he's obviously a money-grubbing capitalist. Stupid capitalists. >.<
Well, hopefully my favorite Fluttershy will get some benefit out of it anyway! ^^
Well, hopefully my favorite Fluttershy will get some benefit out of it anyway! ^^
