I got tagged by ezwolf
15 years ago
1) Post these rules
2) Post 8 true things about yourself
3) At the end you must tag 4 people
4) Go to their page and send them a message saying you tagged them.
Do I have to...
1) I was trying to keep this journal empty, if you wand to know more about me go to http://kwisa.livejournal.com It's updated more then this journal.
2) I think it is much better to think back and talk about the things you like then bitch about the things you don't like.
3) It's better to let people live there live how they wand to then that they are forced to live like some one els wands them to.
4) I would love to be a dolphin and swim in the open Ocean. Bipedal is overrated.
5) How often has the end of the world been predicted in your live time.
6) I love to travel around whit out planning every step i take during a trip, it's much more interesting to com across new things then keep to the beaten path under a pink umbrella.
7) Im quiet and can enjoy that but can feel awkward about it at times.
8) Im alone but never loonly ^_^
T tag ...
2) Post 8 true things about yourself
3) At the end you must tag 4 people
4) Go to their page and send them a message saying you tagged them.
Do I have to...
1) I was trying to keep this journal empty, if you wand to know more about me go to http://kwisa.livejournal.com It's updated more then this journal.
2) I think it is much better to think back and talk about the things you like then bitch about the things you don't like.
3) It's better to let people live there live how they wand to then that they are forced to live like some one els wands them to.
4) I would love to be a dolphin and swim in the open Ocean. Bipedal is overrated.
5) How often has the end of the world been predicted in your live time.
6) I love to travel around whit out planning every step i take during a trip, it's much more interesting to com across new things then keep to the beaten path under a pink umbrella.
7) Im quiet and can enjoy that but can feel awkward about it at times.
8) Im alone but never loonly ^_^
T tag ...