Out of Steam
a week ago
I'm sorry, but I'm coming to the realisation I am just not gonna improve any more or be able to share works of quality with you folks
I'm kinda old now by this fandom's standards, and very entrenched in a demanding career and just, living the day to day of a solo occupant a long way from any kind of support network
I still really enjoy creating I'm just... very tired, run down, beat down maybe? I dunno
So yeah, idk I'm rambling I guess, but I'm sorry for not putting much up here (I struggle to think of anything as of the quality I want to formally share), and just pushing doodles out onto bsky as basically my only interaction with the wider fandom these days
I'm kinda old now by this fandom's standards, and very entrenched in a demanding career and just, living the day to day of a solo occupant a long way from any kind of support network
I still really enjoy creating I'm just... very tired, run down, beat down maybe? I dunno
So yeah, idk I'm rambling I guess, but I'm sorry for not putting much up here (I struggle to think of anything as of the quality I want to formally share), and just pushing doodles out onto bsky as basically my only interaction with the wider fandom these days
Also, always remember the two cakes meme. :)
Always here and always enjoying your work!
Take your time, hone your craft when you can.
It's harder and harder to find people in this community my age. It can feel like you're supposed to have moved on with the rest of them some times.
You don't have to say goodbye forever and taking a break some times couldn't hurt, but all in all I wish you the best of luck.
See you space cowboy.